Lazarus on Solaris

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This howto explains the steps to get lazarus svn and fpc svn up and running starting from a clean Solaris 10 system (adapt to your processor, I'm on x86). It assumes that you have already used svn and build fpc and lazarus from source before.

Install the FPC Compiler Binaries

Get and install fpc 2.4.4 from and the install script for x86.

For Solaris SPARC the most recent version is 2.4.2. It can be downloaded from, the install script from

Install Required Libraries

Install following packages from These are the versions at the time of writing (7/2011). This is a long list because gnu binutils, make, subversion (with a lot of dependencies) and gtk2 are pulled in:

apache-2.2.19 atk-1.18.0 binutils-2.21.1 cairo-1.4.10 coreutils-8.11 expat-2.0.1 fontconfig-2.8.0 freetype-2.4.2 gcc-3.4.6 gdb-6.8 glib-2.25.13 gtk+-2.12.0 jpeg-8a libiconv-1.13.1 libintl-3.4.0 make-3.82 ncurses-5.7 neon-0.29.5 openldap-2.4.24 openssl-1.0.0d pango-1.18.2 render-0.8-sol10-intel-local renderproto-0.9.3 sasl-2.1.21 subversion-1.6.12 tiff-3.9.4 xft-2.1.2-sol10-intel-local xrender-0.8.3-sol10-intel-local zlib-1.2.5

These versions are all available for SPARC.

Adapt your PATH variable to get the gnu version of the binutils:

$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Check your GTK2 installation:

$ gtk-demo


Gnu ld creates binaries that are not completely solaris abi compatible. malloc (libc) for example always returns a null pointer. FPC uses the solaris linker by using the -Xn compiler option (not documented). Solaris ld is in /usr/css/bin and gnu binutils has installed the link /usr/bin/ld :

# rm /usr/bin/ld

# ln -s /usr/css/bin/ld /usr/bin/ld

Note that you need to specify the -Xn compiler option for all your fpc and lazarus programs. Lazarus programs linked without -Xn crash with the message GLib-ERROR ... Failed to allocate 42 bytes... core dump.

Get and Build Sources

$ svn co fpc

$ cd fpc

$ make clean all OPT="-Xn"

$ su

# make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

/etc/fpc.cfg installed with 2.4.4 is fine for your new 2.5.1 installation.

$ svn co lazarus

$ cd lazarus

$ make clean all OPT="-Xn -k-L/usr/local/lib" FPC=/usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppc386

Solaris 11 Express


Depending on the installation media, gnome is already installed or can easily be installed by installing the slim_install package. subversion and gnu-binutils can be installed from the solaris repository with "pkg install" or the graphical Package Manager.


solaris ld is already installed in /usr/bin. The use of -Xn is still mandatory.