Common Controls tab

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The Common Controls tab of the Component Palette contains visible components like progress bars and viewers.


Icon Component Description Online Docs
ttrackbar.png TTrackBar a slider with optional tick marks Link
tprogressbar.png TProgressBar used to show the user the time when a long-term operation proceeds. Link
ttreeview.png TTreeView a hierarchical view of information Link
tlistview.png TListView a useful view of items with icons. Link
tstatusbar.png TStatusBar a bar (at bottom of the form) that shows the program's status information Link
ttoolbar.png TToolBar a container that manages tool buttons with images from a TImageList Link
tcoolbar.png TCoolBar a container that manages tool buttons with images from a TImageList (or actions from a TActionList), arranging them in rows and automatically adjusting their sizes and positions. Link
tupdown.png TUpDown two buttons that can be used to increase/decrease some other value Link
tpagecontrol.png TPageControl a container to hold pages, much like a real-world notebook Link
ttabcontrol.png TTabControl a container to hold named tabs Link
theadercontrol.png THeaderControl a list of headers with associated text and image Link
timagelist.png TImageList a collection of images that may be connected to other components Link
tpopupnotifier.png TPopupNotifier a platform independent 'balloon help' component Link
tdatetimepicker.png TDateTimePicker a control that assists in picking a correct date and/or time
Component Palette
Standard/ja - Additional/ja - Common Controls/ja - Dialogs/ja - Data Controls/ja - Data Access/ja - System - Misc - LazControls - RTTI - SQLdb - Pascal Script - SynEdit - Chart - IPro