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CRT is a unit providing subroutines for programming in text mode. It is similar to ncurses C library. It's intention is to be compatible with the Borland Pascal / Turbo Pascal 7 CRT unit.
Procedures and Functions
Function KeyPressed: Boolean;
Function ReadKey: Char;
Procedure TextMode (Mode: word);
Procedure Window(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Byte);
Procedure Window32(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: DWord);
Procedure ClrScr;
Procedure ClrEol;
Procedure InsLine;
Procedure DelLine;
Procedure TextColor(Color: Byte);
Procedure TextBackground(Color: Byte);
Procedure LowVideo;
Procedure HighVideo;
Procedure NormVideo;
Cursor Control:
Procedure cursoron;
Procedure cursoroff;
Procedure cursorbig;
Procedure GotoXY(X,Y: tcrtcoord);
Procedure GotoXY32(X,Y: DWord);
Function WhereX: tcrtcoord;
Function WhereY: tcrtcoord;
Function WhereX32: DWord;
Function WhereY32: DWord;
Procedure Sound(Hz: Word);
Procedure NoSound;
Delay: (Typically used with sound)
Procedure Delay(MS: Word);
Procedure AssignCrt(var F: Text);
Variables and Constants
Color Constants:
Black = 0;
Blue = 1;
Green = 2;
Cyan = 3;
Red = 4;
Magenta = 5;
Brown = 6;
LightGray = 7;
DarkGray = 8;
LightBlue = 9;
LightGreen = 10;
LightCyan = 11;
LightRed = 12;
LightMagenta = 13;
Yellow = 14;
White = 15;
Blink = 128;