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// an array of strings after the asm-block closing 'end'
// an array of strings after the asm-block closing 'end'
// tells the compiler which registers have changed
// tells the compiler which registers have changed
// (you don't wanna mess with the compiler's idea
// (you don't wanna mess with the compiler's notion
// which registers mean what)
// which registers mean what)
end ['eax'];
end ['eax'];

Revision as of 17:48, 1 February 2018

Deutsch (de) English (en) español (es) suomi (fi)

The reserved word asm starts a block of inline assembly code.

program asmDemo(input, output, stderr);

// The $asmMode directive informs the compiler
// which syntax is used in asm-blocks.
// Alternatives are 'att' (AT&T syntax) and 'direct'.
{$asmMode intel}

	n, m: longint;
	n := 42;
	m := -7;
	writeLn('n = ', n, '; m = ', m);
	// instead of declaring another temporary variable
	// and writing "tmp := n; n := m; m := tmp;":
		mov eax, n  // eax := n
		// xchg can only operate at most on one memory address
		xchg eax, m // swaps values in eax and at m
		mov n, eax  // n := eax (holding the former m value)
	// an array of strings after the asm-block closing 'end'
	// tells the compiler which registers have changed
	// (you don't wanna mess with the compiler's notion
	// which registers mean what)
	end ['eax'];
	writeLn('n = ', n, '; m = ', m);

In order to maintain portability between platforms (i.e. your code still compiles for many targets), while optimizing for specific targets, you want to set up conditional compilation:

program sumExample(input, output, stderr);

{ iteratively calculates the sum over first n integers }
function iterativeSumFirstNIntegers(const n: longword): qword;
{$ifdef CPUX86_64} // ============= optimized implementation
// assembler modifier appended to routine declaration
{$asmMode intel}
	// ecx is used as counter by loop instruction
	mov ecx, n // ecx := n
	mov rax, 0 // rax := 0
	add rax, ecx // rax := rax + ecx
	loop isfni_iterate // dec(ecx)
	// if ecx <> 0 then goto isfni_iterate
	// the @result macro represents the functions return value
	mov @result, rax
// note, a list of modified registers (here ['rax', 'ecx'])
//       is ignored for pure assembler routines
{$else} // ========================== default implementation
	i: word;
	x: qword;
	x := 0; // mov rax, 0
	for i := n downto 1 do // mov ecx, n
		x := x + i; // add rax, ecx
	end; // loop isfni_iterate
	iterativeSumFirstNIntegers := x; // mov @result, rax

// M A I N =================================================
	n: longword;

As you can see, you can implement whole routines in assembly language, by adding the assembler modifier and writing asm instead of begin for the implementation block. Of course in a production program, you would use an algorithm applying the formula sum := (n * (n + 1)) div 2 (“Gaussian sum formula”).

see also


relevant compiler directives

special tasks