Basic Pascal Tutorial/Chapter 1/Constants/ja

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1C - 定数 (著者: Tao Yue, 状態:オリジナルのまま)



  Identifier1 = value;
  Identifier2 = value;
  Identifier3 = value;


  Name = 'Tao Yue';
  FirstLetter = 'a';
  Year = 1997;
  pi = 3.1415926535897932;
  UsingNCSAMosaic = TRUE;

Pascal では文字型はシングルクォート、あるいはアポストロフィで囲む。This contrasts with newer languages which often use or allow double quotes or Heredoc notation. Standard Pascal does not use or allow double quotes to mark characters or strings.

Constants are useful for defining a value which is used throughout your program but may change in the future. Instead of changing every instance of the value, you can change just the constant definition.

Typed constants force a constant to be of a particular data type. For example,

  a : real = 12;

would yield an identifier a which contains a real value 12.0 instead of the integer value 12.

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