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== 개요 ==
[http://www.taoyue.com/ Tao Yue] 가 이 멋진 파스칼 개요와 강좌를 제공해 주었다. 그리고, 고맙게도 원본 강좌를 Lazarus-ccr에 위키의 형태로 게시하는 것을 허락해 주었다.
* 여기 게시글은 원본 강좌로 연결되어있다. : http://www.taoyue.com/tutorials/pascal/
* 원본 강좌에서 수정된 부분도 있음을 알린다.
Tao Yue가 쓴 내용을 여기 위키와는 다른 곳에 게시를 하고자 한다면, 원 저자에게 연락을 해주기 바란다.
강좌는 [[Object_Pascal_Introduction|Tao Yue의 Object Pascal 강좌]]로 가거나 아래 목차를 이용할 수 있다.
Introduction (author: Tao Yue, state: unchanged)
Welcome to Learn Pascal! This tutorial is a simple, yet complete, introduction to the Pascal programming language. It covers all of the syntax of standard Pascal, including pointers.
* [[Object_Pascal_Introduction|소개]]
If you're in a rush to get started, or if you're searching for information on a specific feature of Pascal, you can go directly to the Table of Contents to select any lesson in the tutorial.
* [[Object_Pascal_History|Pascal의 역사]]
* [[Compilers|Pascal 컴파일러]]
* [[Hello,_World|Hello, world]]
* [[Program_Structure|1. 기초]]
** [[Program_Structure|프로그램의 구조]]
** [[Identifiers|식별자 (Identifiers)]]
** [[Constants|상수]]
** [[Variables_and_Data_Types|변수와 데이터 형]]
** [[Assignment_and_Operations|값의 할당과 연산]]
** [[Standard_Functions|표준 함수]]
** [[Punctuation_and_Indentation|구문과 들여쓰기]]
** [[Programming_Assignment|프로그래밍 연습문제]]
** [[Solution|해답]]
* [[Input|2. 입력/출력]]
** [[Input|입력]]
** [[Output|출력]]
** [[Formatting output|출력형태 변경]]
** [[Files|파일]]
** [[EOLN_and_EOF|EOLN과 EOF]]
** [[Programming_Assignment_2|프로그래밍 연습문제]]
** [[Solution_2|해답]]
* [[Sequential_control|3. 프로그램의 흐름]]
** [[Sequential_control|순차 제어]]
** [[Boolean_Expressions|Boolean(참/거짓) 표현]]
** [[IF|프로그램 흐름 나누기]]
*** [[IF]]
*** [[CASE]]
** [[FOR..DO|반복문]]
*** [[FOR..DO]]
*** [[WHILE..DO]]
*** [[FOR..IN]]
** [[Programming_Assignment_3|프로그래밍 연습문제: 피보나찌 순열과 2개의 숫자를 이용한 제곱승]]
** [[Solution_3|해법]]]
* [[Procedures|4. Subprogram]]
** [[Procedures|프로시져 (Procedure)]]
** [[Parameters|값 전달하기 (Parameter)]]
** [[Functions| 함수 (Function)]]
** [[Scope|범위 (Scope)]]
** [[Recursion|재귀 호출]]
** [[Forward_Referencing|Forward 참조]]
** [[Programming_Assignment_4|프로그래밍 연습문제: 하노이의 탑]]
** [[Solution_4|해법]]
* [[Enumerated_types|5. 자료 형]]
** [[Enumerated_types|목록 자료형 (Enumerated type)]]
** [[Subranges|범위의 지정]]
** [[1-dimensional_arrays|1차원 배열]]
** [[Multidimensional_arrays|다차원 배열]]
** [[Records|레코드]]
** [[Pointers|포인터]]
* [[Graphis|그래픽]]
** [[Drawing with canvas|캔버스에 그림 그리기]]
* [[Object Oriented Programming with FreePascal and Lazarus|FreePascal과 Lazarus를 이용한 객체지향 프로그래밍]]
* [[Final_words|6. 강좌를 마치며]]
I have tried to make things are clear as possible. If you don't understand anything, try it in your Pascal compiler and tweak things a bit. Pascal is a syntactically-strict language. This means that if you make a mistake, the compiler will stop and inform you of the error. Except when you're using files, there's practically no way for you to completely screw up your computer.
If you'd like to go into more depth or learn about topics beyond basic data structures, you can purchase books and magazines about Pascal programming which are listed in the wiki page [[Pascal and Lazarus Books and Magazines]]
To program in Pascal (or any high-level language, for that matter), you will need a compiler. You can use any standard Pascal compiler with this tutorial. If you need to download a compiler, or if you're new to programming altogether and don't know what a compiler does, click here for more information.
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[[Category: Object Pascal Introduction]]

Revision as of 18:27, 29 October 2013

Template:Object Pascal Introduction

Introduction (author: Tao Yue, state: unchanged)

Welcome to Learn Pascal! This tutorial is a simple, yet complete, introduction to the Pascal programming language. It covers all of the syntax of standard Pascal, including pointers. If you're in a rush to get started, or if you're searching for information on a specific feature of Pascal, you can go directly to the Table of Contents to select any lesson in the tutorial.

I have tried to make things are clear as possible. If you don't understand anything, try it in your Pascal compiler and tweak things a bit. Pascal is a syntactically-strict language. This means that if you make a mistake, the compiler will stop and inform you of the error. Except when you're using files, there's practically no way for you to completely screw up your computer.

If you'd like to go into more depth or learn about topics beyond basic data structures, you can purchase books and magazines about Pascal programming which are listed in the wiki page Pascal and Lazarus Books and Magazines

To program in Pascal (or any high-level language, for that matter), you will need a compiler. You can use any standard Pascal compiler with this tutorial. If you need to download a compiler, or if you're new to programming altogether and don't know what a compiler does, click here for more information.

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