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Phase 1: Add BidiMode property to TControl

TBidiMode already declaired in Classes

 property BiDiMode: TBiDiMode read FBiDiMode write SetBiDiMode stored IsBiDiModeStored;
 property ParentBiDiMode: Boolean read FParentBiDiMode write SetParentBiDiMode default True;

BidiMode must not stored if ParentBidiMode = True

 function TControl.IsBiDiModeStored: Boolean;
   Result := not ParentBiDiMode;

Add virtual functions

 function IsRightToLeft:Boolean; virtual;
 function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; virtual;
 function UseRightToLeftReading: Boolean; virtual;
 function UseRightToLeftScrollBar: Boolean; virtual;
 BiDiMode property in public and must published in every control need to RightToLeft

In delphi there is UseRightToLeftAlignment and UseRightToLeftReading and UseRightToLeftScrollBar but there is a Alignment property in TLabel, TEdit not have but we can implement an Alignment so i will not use this technique for now.