Carbon interface internals

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This page gives an overview of the LCL carbon interface for MacOSX and will help new developers.

For installation and creating a first carbon application read first Carbon Interface.

What is already working ?

  • Creating a TForm
  • Creating and clicking on a TButton
  • Creating TOpenGLControl with AGL context (see components/opengl/)
  • Mouse events

What needs to be done next

  • Create more controls (TEdit, TCheckBox, TRadioButton, TGroupBox)
  • Keyboard events (KeyDown, KeyUp, Char)
  • Resize events (when form has been resized by user)
  • ShowModal (for dialogs)

How to add a new control

For example TButton.

TButton is defined in lcl/buttons.pp. This is the platform independent part of the LCL, that is shown to the user.

And its widgetset class in lcl/widgetset/wsbuttons.pp. This is the platform independent base for all widgetsets (carbon, gtk, win32, ...).

Its carbon interface class in lcl/interfaces/carbon/carbonwsbuttons.pp:

 TCarbonWSButton = class(TWSButton)
   class function  CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const AParams: TCreateParams): TLCLIntfHandle; override;

Every WS class, that actually implements something must be registered. See the initialization section at the end of the carbonwsXXX.pp unit:

 RegisterWSComponent(TCustomButton, TCarbonWSButton);

TCarbonWSButton overrides CreateHandle to create a carbon button. The code is short and should be easily adaptable for other controls like TCheckBox.


  • Apple Command key is mapped to ssCtrl due to Apple Guidelines
  • Apple control key is mapped to ssMeta
  • Apple option key is mapped to its inscription, i.e. ssAlt