Current conversion projects

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This page contains a list of applications and components, that are currently being converted. If the conversion has been finished (or before if you want more user feedback), the components can be moved to Components and Code examples and the applications to Projects using Lazarus. If a description page has been made, the applications or components can be offered for download at the sourceforge files area.


Add an application you're converting here


Large Display Components

Almost finished:

  • TLCD99
  • TLCDLabel
  • TAnalogueclock

Everything compiles for SGraph 2.4 but the license for it restricts redistribution of modified source code. The author has been contacted in the hopes that this can be changed.

I've also converted a small trend recorder variant of Mark Dodson's original but I'm thinking about rewriting it. If anyone is interested in any of these components, let me know. - VlxAdmin


Internet Direct (Indy) is an open source TCP/IP socket component suite comprised of popular Internet protocols. For more info see indy4lazarus.

Newer attempts are done by Marco van de Voort. For more (status) info see Indy with Lazarus

Current snapshots (for die hards only) are at Indy9 and Indy10


FormStorage is a component to save all selected properties of a form in an xml file.

PowerPDF for Lazarus

Original PowerPDF site PowerPdf is a LCL suite of components to create PDF documents visually. With this components you can design PDF documents easily on Lazarus IDE. Based in PowerPDF version 0.9, status is 95% finished. -jesusrmx

Chtk also started a port of PowerPdf for Lazarus. The result of this effort has been merged with the port done by jesusrmx. A package, which should have all the functionality of the Delphi version, is availabe here.

Xno have port some example of PowerPdf to Lazarus. This code is available here.

tiOPF GUI controls

Bogusław Brandys Forest started a port of tiOPF Persistent Aware (TechInsite tiOPF site) GUI controls for Lazarus. At current stage it simply compile and install into IDE. Any help is appreciated especially deeper knowledge about components creation for Lazarus.

TODO: - remove all message handlers from components ,replace with appropriate anchoring and sizing (controls look ugly now) - fix problems with AV when deleting subcontrols (tiOPF GUI controls are composite) - fix problems with tiLVTreeView/tiLVListView



Lazarus dxGetText is a conversion by Olivier Guilbaud of the dxGetText project. From the dxGetText website: "Initially, this project used a Windows port of the GNU gettext library, but has made it much further and today it is a complete reimplementation of the GNU gettext library with many enhancements".

Pascal Script

Pascal Script is a ported to Lazarus REMObjects Pascal Script interpreter RemObjects Pascal Script home page .Works on Win32 and Linux.100% completed (maybe even without bugs).Some fixes done by Boguslaw Brandys.Need testers especially under Linux.Screenshots : under Windows under Linux

Sources have been sent to author (Carlo Kok) and are now available from RemObjects SVN. I hope it will be also available in Lazarus installer as additional components. --Forest 12:22, 19 Oct 2005 (CEST)


Graphics32 is a graphics library for Delphi and Kylix/CLX. Optimized for 32-bit pixel formats, it provides fast operations with pixels and graphic primitives. In most cases Graphics32 considerably outperforms the standard TBitmap/TCanvas methods.

Sekelsenmat has started the port of this powerful graphics component to Free Pascal and Lazarus. At the moment it's not decided yet if a visual package will be created, probably not. Also only the x86 architecture will be targeted because Graphics32 has a lot of asm code.

Documentation for this library can be found here: [1]

Headers and bindings

ImageMagick bindings

Bindings for both ImageMagick API's are being converted from c to pascal. There is MagickWand, an easy to use API, and the lower level MagickCore. The converted API will be called PascalMagick. ImageMagick is a multiplatform free software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images.

Requested Components


devphp is an IDE for PHP written in Delphi/Kylix. It's got a lot of nice features and would be very handy to have compiling under Lazarus. The author has run out of time to work on it so it would probably be a good candidate for conversion. Tom

ZEOS Data Objects

ZEOS Data Objects is a set of components for accessing directly the various dabase backends that you might need to. MySQL, Postgres and others, on Delphi it compiles directly into the .exe, only requiring that you have the appropriate DLL installed (postgres.dll, mysql.dll). It would be fabulous to get these components working under Lazarus as we can then write real database apps quickly . User:MartynRanyard

Note: this functionality is being implemented in the sqldb-components. Not as good as ZEOS yet, but worth a look. User:Loesje

Note 2: The conversion of these components has recently been completed. Take a look at ZEOS Data Objects and download ZEOSDBO_REWORK package from CVS. Also check this Tutorial Matthijs


Usercontrol Delphi (and Kylix) component package to user and profile management and access control. Supports ADO, DBX, IBX, BDE, IBO, FIBPlus, ZeosDBO, DBISAM, MDO, MyDAC, MySQLDAC and ASTA3. Access control auto-extract TMenu, TActionList and TActionManager items. And MODULE for UIB component.

Report Manager

Report Manager Component for creating reports from database with visual editor,band support,conditional printing,evaluating saving to XLS,PDF,HTML.

Other applications, libraries and components

Add an application, library or component that you need here

The Delphi IDE, but not Kylix, has a File -> Print selection which allows either the current source file or the current Form to be sent to the printer. I know there are lots of ways in both Linux and Windows to have files and screenshots printed, but it would be a convenience to be able to initiate printing direct from the IDE, with all the formatting and highlighting that you see on the screen. User:Kirkpatc

Support for Paradox and Access databasing (ADO, DAO or ODBC) in at least a Win32 environment. A package named KADao implements this and is free in Delphi, maybe someone can translate this. If databasing is already implemented, maybe a way for new users to find it???User:Micdutoit

A way to interface with Python would be nice. In Delphi a package PythonForDelphi does this. Can someone translate this one? User:Micdutoit

I'm working on "Lazapy" (Python for Lazarus), this ported version of PythonForDelphi will be available as soon as possible with demos (I've forgot the demo&screenshots at home!). I would like to Inform you that it is in a very Beta state, but I've compiled Python scripts successfuly except some few exceptions(related to dynamic linking). User:Ghany