Custom Drawn Interface

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LCL-CustomDrawn-Android has the following features:

  • Backends for X11, Android and Windows and a partially working one for Cocoa, more can be added in the future
  • Painting is done completely inside Lazarus without any interference from the native libraries except for text drawing. This assures a complete perfection of the executed drawings in all platforms and a uniform level of supported features
  • Only 1 native window is utilized for each form, in the Android backend at the moment this is 1 native window for the entire application
  • Utilizes the Lazarus Custom Drawn Controls for implementing the LCL standard controls
  • Utilizes as it's painting engine the lcl parts: TLazIntfImage, TRawImage, lazcanvas and lazregions

The LCL-CustomDrawn Backends

LCL-CustomDrawn needs backends to implement the most basic parts of the widgetset. Each backend should implement the following minimal parts:

  • TWidgetSet.Run, ProcessMessages, etc
  • TForm
  • TWinControl with all events
  • TTrayIcon





See this page Custom Drawn Interface/Android


TCanvas will be fully non-native in this widgetset.

Windowed visual controls

All Windowed visual controls (TButton, TPageControl, etc) will be based in the Lazarus Custom Drawn Controls

Conditional defines accepted by LCL-CustomDrawn

  • VerboseCDPaintProfiler - Adds profiling information to indicate how fast the paint event is processed
  • VerboseCDWinAPI - Extended verbose information for LCLIntf calls
  • VerboseCDForms - Extended verbose information for TWSCustomForm methods and about the non-native form from customdrawnproc (when utilized)
  • VerboseCDEvents - Extended verbose information for native events (for example mouse click, key input, etc). This excludes the paint event
  • VerboseCDPaintEvent - Debug info for the paint event
  • VerboseCDApplication - Verbose info for App routines from the Widgetset object
  • VerboseCDMessages - Verbose info for messages from the operating system (Paint, keyboard, mouse)