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{{Developing Python Modules with Pascal}}
== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Revision as of 22:09, 2 January 2009


Python is a popular scripting language that is often used to add functionality to other applications such as OpenOffice and Quantum GIS. Your computer may already have a version of Python installed. If not, you can download Python from the official Website: http://www.python.org/.

You can extend Python by developing compiled libraries (called modules) that add functions to Python. This topic discusses how to create a library with Pascal (Delphi or Free Pascal).

Minimum Python API

Copy and paste this code into a text editor and save it as file PyAPI.pas:

unit PyAPI;


  Minimum set of Python function declarations for module libraries.
  Author: Phil (MacPgmr at fastermac.net).
  To add other Python function declarations, see the Python header
   files (.h) included with every Python distribution.


 {$MODE Delphi}


  PythonLib = 'python23.dll';
  PythonLib = 'python25.dll';

  PythonLib = 'python23.so';
  PythonLib = 'python25.so';

  PythonLib = '';  //Link against Python.framework (-k-framework -kPython).
                   // To link Python 2.3, add -k-F/System/Library/Frameworks

  PyMethodDef = packed record
    name  : PChar;    //Python function name
    meth  : Pointer;  //Address of function that implements it
    flags : Integer;  //METH_xxx flags; describe function's arguments
    doc   : PChar;    //Description of funtion
  PyObject = Pointer;

  PYTHON_API_VERSION = 1012;  //Also used with Python 2.4

function Py_InitModule(    name    : PChar;
                       var methods : PyMethodDef;
                           doc     : PChar = nil;
                           self    : PyObject = nil;
                           apiver  : LongInt = PYTHON_API_VERSION) : PyObject; cdecl; external PythonLib name 'Py_InitModule4';

function PyArg_ParseTuple(args   : PyObject; 
                          format : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; varargs; external PythonLib;
 //Note varargs allows us to simulate C variable number of arguments (...).

function PyInt_FromLong(along : LongInt) : PyObject; cdecl; external PythonLib;



If you have a different version of Python, define USE_PYTHON23 to link against version 2.3 or just change the library name (PythonLib). If you need other Python API functions, just add them to PyAPI.pas following the example of PyInt_FromLong.

A simple module example

Here is a simple library that uses this Python API unit. Copy and paste this code into a text editor and save it as file PyMinMod.dpr:

library PyMinMod;


  Minimal Python module (library) that includes a single function.
  Author: Phil (MacPgmr at fastermac.net).
  For a good explanation of modules from a C perspective, see:

  To compile this module:
    - With Delphi: Open this .dpr file and compile.
    - With Lazarus: Open .lpi file and compile.
  To deploy module:
    - With Delphi: Rename compiled .dll to .pyd.
    - With Lazarus on Windows: Rename compiled .so to .pyd.
    - With Lazarus on OS X and Linux: .so extension is okay.



function SumTwoIntegers(Self : PyObject;
                        Args : PyObject) : PyObject; cdecl;
  Arg1 : Integer;
  Arg2 : Integer;
  PyArg_ParseTuple(Args, 'ii', @Arg1, @Arg2);  //Get the two input arguments
  Result := PyInt_FromLong(Arg1 + Arg2);  //Add them together and return sum

  Methods : packed array [0..1] of PyMethodDef;

procedure initPyMinMod; cdecl;
  Methods[0].name := 'SumTwoIntegers';
  Methods[0].meth := @SumTwoIntegers;
  Methods[0].flags := METH_VARARGS;
  Methods[0].doc := 'Tests argument passing to and from module function';

  Methods[1].name := nil;
  Methods[1].meth := nil;
  Methods[1].flags := 0;
  Methods[1].doc := nil;

  Py_InitModule('PyMinMod', Methods[0]);



You can add more functions to the module by following the example in initPyMinMod.

With Delphi, just open PyMinMod.dpr and compile; with Lazarus, you'll probably want to create a project file. You can do that yourself or just copy and paste this project file into a text editor and save it as file PyMinMod.lpi:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <PathDelim Value="/"/>
    <Version Value="6"/>
      <MainUnit Value="0"/>
      <IconPath Value="./"/>
      <TargetFileExt Value=".exe"/>
      <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
      <ActiveEditorIndexAtStart Value="0"/>
      <Version Value="2"/>
      <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
      <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
      <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
        <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
        <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/runwait.sh $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
    <Units Count="1">
        <Filename Value="PyMinMod.dpr"/>
        <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
        <UnitName Value="PyMinMod"/>
        <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
        <TopLine Value="1"/>
        <EditorIndex Value="0"/>
        <UsageCount Value="20"/>
        <Loaded Value="True"/>
        <SyntaxHighlighter Value="Delphi"/>
    <JumpHistory Count="0" HistoryIndex="-1"/>
    <Version Value="8"/>
      <Filename Value="PyMinMod.so"/>
        <SyntaxMode Value="Delphi"/>
        <CStyleOperator Value="False"/>
        <AllowLabel Value="False"/>
        <CPPInline Value="False"/>
        <IOChecks Value="True"/>
        <RangeChecks Value="True"/>
        <OverflowChecks Value="True"/>
        <StackChecks Value="True"/>
        <PassLinkerOptions Value="True"/>
        <LinkerOptions Value="-framework Python"/>
          <GraphicApplication Value="True"/>
        <ExecutableType Value="Library"/>
      <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
    <Exceptions Count="2">
        <Name Value="ECodetoolError"/>
        <Name Value="EFOpenError"/>

Once you've compiled the module, rename it if necessary per the comments in PyMinMod.dpr. Then test the module by creating a simple test.py file that contains these two lines:

import PyMinMod
print "Value returned by SumTwoIntegers: " + str(PyMinMod.SumTwoIntegers(1, 2))

Note that Python is case sensitive so if your compiled module is in lower-case, change the "PyMinMod" references accordingly.

Now open a terminal window and run the script like this:

python test.py

The script should output the following line:

Value returned by SumTwoIntegers: 3

What we've done here is create a simple Python module that implements a Python function for adding two integers. Once you've imported the module into your Python script, you can use the function in the same way that you use built-in Python functions.