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Emmet engine for Delphi and Free Pascal

Emmet is mostly used by web-developers to simplify and speed up editing. Emmet can take an abbreviation and expand it into a structured code block. Standard Emmet is written in JavaScript and available in many text editors or web development tools. Emmet for Delphi and Free Pascal is written from scratch in Delphi and is used in RJ TextEd and CudaText.

Cheat sheets:


First you need to create an Emmet object.

FEmmet := TEmmet.Create(snippetsPath, loremPath);
  • snippetsPath: The file path to Snippets.ini e.g. "c:\foo\Snipptes.ini"
  • loremPath: The file path to Lorem.txt e.g. "c:\foo\Lorem.txt"

To expand an abbreviation, use

sExpanded := FEmmet.ExpandAbbreviation(sAbbr, sSyntax, sSelText, sSection, bMultiCursorTabs);


  • sAbbr: Abbreviation e.g. "ul>li*5"
  • sSyntax: Code language in lowercase e.g. "html". Available values are: html, css, xsl, svg, xml, jsx, less, sass, scss.
  • sSelText: Text is used to wrap with abbreviation
  • sSection: Gets the section used in snippets.ini e.g. "html"
  • bMultiCursorTabs: Gets True if cursor positions in expanded string should be handled as multi cursor positions

Result: sExpanded is the resulting expanded code. It may contain cursor | positions or selected tab ${1:charset} positions.

Wrap with abbreviation

To use this feature, use parameter sSelText. E.g. if you call ExpandAbbreviation() with:

  • sAbbrev: ul>li*
  • sSelText:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

You get the result

  <li>Line 1</li>
  <li>Line 2</li>
  <li>Line 3</li>
  <li>Line 4</li>


GitHub: https://github.com/Alexey-T/Emmet-Pascal


  • Rickard Johansson - Emmet.pas
  • Alexey Torgashin - Misc files and demos