Extending the IDE/de

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Erweitern der IDE


Die IDE unterstützt verschiedene Erweiterungen:

Komponenten werden in der Palette installiert. Z.B. TButton erzeugt Buttons.
Komponenteneditoren werden benutzt wenn sie auf eine Komponente im Designer doppelklicken oder um einige extra Items im Popupmenü des Designers hinzuzufügen, wenn man rechts auf eine Komponente klickt.
Stellen die Editierfähigkeiten im Objektinspektor zur Verfügung.
Alle anderen Typen von Editoren.

Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten, Plugins in Lazarus zu integrieren:

  1. Erstellen sie ein Package, installieren sie es und registrieren sie das Plugin mit der Prozedur 'Register' in einer Unit.
  2. Erweitere den Lazarus Code und sende Dein diff an die Lazarus Mailing Liste.

Komponenten schreiben

You can create new components via the package editor. For example: Create or open a package, click on add, click on New Component, fill in the items: Ancestor Type = TButton, New class name = TMyButton, palette page = Misc, Unit file name = mybutton.pas (this file will be created), unit name MyButton and click ok.

Einer neuen Komponente ein Icon für die Komponentenpalette verpassen

For example give TMyButton an icon. Create an image file of the format .bmp, .xpm or .png with the same name as the component class. For example tmybutton.png and save it in the package source directory. The image can be created by any graphic program (e.g. gimp) and should be no bigger than 24x24 pixel. Then convert the image to a .lrs file with the lazres tool, which can be found in the lazarus/tools directory:

 ~/lazarus/tools/lazres mybutton.lrs mybutton.png

This creates an pascal include file, which is used in the initialization section of mybutton.pas:

   {$I mybutton.lrs}

Install the package.

Komponenten-Editoren schreiben

ToDo Hinweis: siehe componenteditors.pas für Beispiele

Eigenschafts-Editoren schreiben

ToDo Hinweis: siehe propedits.pp für Beispiele

Register event handlers

There are several events in the IDE, for which plugins can add their own handlers.


In propedits.pp there is a "GlobalDesignHook" object, which maintains several events for designing. Each event calls a list of handlers. The default handlers are added by the IDE. You can add your own handlers with the AddHandlerXXX and RemoveHandlerXXX methods. They will be called before the default handlers.


 Adding your handler (this is normally done in the constructor of your object):
Removing your handler: GlobalDesignHook.RemoveHandlerComponentAdded(@YourOnComponentAdded);
You can remove all handlers at once. For example, it is a good idea to add this line in the destructor of object: GlobalDesignHook.RemoveAllHandlersForObject(Self);

The handlers of GlobalDesignHook:

 // lookup root
   Called when the "LookupRoot" changed.
   The "LookupRoot" is the owner object of the currently selected components.
   Normally this is a TForm.
// methods CreateMethod GetMethodName GetMethods MethodExists RenameMethod ShowMethod Called MethodFromAncestor ChainCall
// components GetComponent GetComponentName GetComponentNames GetRootClassName ComponentRenamed Called when a component was renamed ComponentAdded Called when a new component was added to the LookupRoot ComponentDeleting Called before a component is freed. DeleteComponent Called by the IDE to delete a component. GetSelectedComponents Get the current selection of components.
// persistent objects GetObject GetObjectName GetObjectNames
// modifing Modified Revert RefreshPropertyValues


Diese Ereignisse sind definiert in der Unit LazIDEIntf.


Aktuelles Projekt

The current main project can be obtained by LazarusIDE.ActiveProject. (unit LazIDEIntf)

Alle Units des aktuellen Projekts

To iterate through all pascal units of the current main project of the IDE you can use for example:

<Delphi> uses LCLProc, FileUtil, LazIDEIntf, ProjectIntf;

procedure ListProjectUnits; var

 LazProject: TLazProject;
 i: Integer;
 LazFile: TLazProjectFile;


 if LazProject<>nil then
   for i:=0 to LazProject.FileCount-1 do
     if LazFile.IsPartOfProject
     and FilenameIsPascalUnit(LazFile.Filename)

end; </Delphi>

The .lpr, .lpi and .lps file of a project

<Delphi> uses LCLProc, FileUtil, ProjectIntf, LazIDEIntf; var

 LazProject: TLazProject;


 // every project has a .lpi file:
 DebugLn(['Project lpi file: ',LazProject.ProjectInfoFile]);
 // if the project session information is stored in a separate .lps file:
 if LazProject.SessionStorage<>pssNone then
   DebugLn(['Project lps file: ',LazProject.ProjectSessionFile]);
 // If the project has a .lpr file it is the main source file:
 if (LazProject.MainFile<>nil)
 and (CompareFileExt(LazProject.MainFile.Filename,'lpr')=0) then
   DebugLn(['Project has lpr file: ',LazProject.MainFile.Filename]);

end; </Delphi>

Adding a resource directive to a file

This adds a {$R example.res} to a pascal unit:

<Delphi> procedure AddResourceDirectiveToPascalSource(const Filename: string); var

 ExpandedFilename: String;
 CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;


 // make sure the filename is trimmed and contains a full path
 // save changes in source editor to codetools
 // load the file
 // add the resource directive
 if not CodeToolBoss.AddResourceDirective(CodeBuf,'example.res') then

end; </Delphi>

The codetools provides also functions like FindResourceDirective and RemoveDirective.

 Adding your handler (this is normally done in the constructor of your object):
Removing your handler: GlobalDesignHook.RemoveHandlerComponentAdded(@YourOnComponentAdded);
You can remove all handlers at once. For example, it is a good idea to add this line in the destructor of object: GlobalDesignHook.RemoveAllHandlersForObject(Self);

Die Handlers des GlobalDesignHook:

 // lookup root
   Called when the "LookupRoot" changed.
   The "LookupRoot" is the owner object of the currently selected components.
   Normally this is a TForm.
// Methoden CreateMethod GetMethodName GetMethods MethodExists RenameMethod ShowMethod Called MethodFromAncestor ChainCall
// Komponenten GetComponent GetComponentName GetComponentNames GetRootClassName ComponentRenamed Called when a component was renamed ComponentAdded Called when a new component was added to the LookupRoot ComponentDeleting Called before a component is freed. DeleteComponent Called by the IDE to delete a component. GetSelectedComponents Get the current selection of components.
// persistente Objekte GetObject GetObjectName GetObjectNames
// modifing Modified Revert RefreshPropertyValues

Hilfe für die Quellen hinzufügen

Erzeugen sie zuerst eine THelpDatabase: <delphi>

                  'Package1 - A new package',
 HelpDB.TOCNode:=THelpNode.Create(HelpDB,FPDocNode);// einmal als Inhaltsverzeichnis
                                 '*.pp;*.pas',false);// und einmal als normale Seite


Originale Mitwirkende und Änderungen

Diese Seite wurde von der epikwiki Version konvertiert.

This document was authored by Mattias Gaertner Initial import and formatted for Lazarus-CCR - VlxAdmin 9/26/2003