Getting Lazarus/sk

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Getting SVN

You may download a SVN Client for Windows in A SVN command line client is available from the official SVN website for many platforms including Linux and Windows.

Using SVN

Using the command line

To get Lazarus for the first time:

Open a terminal/command prompt, change to the directory you wish the Lazarus folder to be created in and type:

 svn co lazarus

To update Lazarus sources:

Open a terminal/command prompt, change to the lazarus directory and type:

 svn update

Alternative URLs

Sometimes the URL of repository given above does not work, because between the svn server there is a http-proxy server. That server usually claims to be a 'transparent' proxy, but still doesn't pass your svn commands correctly to the server.

The server also listens on port 8080. Maybe the proxy doesn't interfere with http trafic on that port, so you can try:

svn co lazarus 

The Lazarus svn repostory is mirrored on sourceforge with a delay of 15 minutes using fpsvnsync. The sourceforge repository uses the https protocol. Proxy servers usually don't interfere with that protocol. You can check out form sourceforge using the following command

svn co lazarus

Using TortoiseSVN for Windows

TortoiseSVN integrates itself with Windows Explorer. After installation, all commands are available from inside Windows Explorer through right-clicking on a directory or file.

To get Lazarus for the first time:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Create a directory where you want to put the files from the SVN server
  • Right click on the newly created directory
  • Select SVN Checkout... on the popup menu

TortoiseSVN Main Menu.png

  • In the next dialog you enter the URL for Lazarus server source:
  • Watch how TortoiseSVN imports the file tree from the server. This can take some time to complete.

To update Lazarus sources:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Right click on the source directory
  • Select SVN Update on the popup menu

TortoiseSVN Main Menu Update.png

Tip: There seems to be a resource hog bug somewhere in TortoiseSVN (1.24). After you've finished with TortoiseSVN and closed Windows Explorer, it may help to kill process TSVNCache.exe from Task Manager. --Prognatus 18:28, 26 Sep 2005 (CEST)


Lightning: Here is a windows batch script that takes care of checking out and updating Lazarus from SVN to a subdirectory and even basic error fixing, because i have no way of knowing where Lazarus is installed it cannot compile or copy the files to your working Lazarus instalation. Please save the script as getlaz.bat or some other name, however there is no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk, put it in a test directory first and make sure there is no subdirectory already called lazarus.

@echo off
REM Script for checkout and update Lazarus from SVN

REM Check if lazarus directory exists to update or checkout first
if exist lazarus (
echo Updating Lazarus, please wait ...
cd lazarus
svn update
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto CleanupLaz
cd ..
goto Exit

echo Checking out Lazarus for the first time, this might take a while ...
svn checkout lazarus
goto Exit

echo Something went wrong, trying to fix any problems if possible  ...
svn cleanup
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
cd ..
echo Cleanup Failed ! Please check or delete/move/rename the lazarus subdirectory ...
goto Exit

cd ..
echo Cleanup complete please run the script again.

Matthijs: In Linux I use a script (it is not very sophisticated, but does the trick) to download the latest SVN-version for Lazarus. Before I copy it here I'll explain my system. In my home-directory I have a special cvsroot-directory. In this directory I have a script for downloading Lazarus and other interesting projects. Lazarus is installed in /usr/share/lazarus. Before building a new version from SVN I make a backup, just in case the current svn is unstable. This is done by moving the /usr/share/lazarus directory to /usr/share/lazarus.bu To adapt the script to your system you only need to alter the constants defined at the start of the script. But without further ado, here is the script. But (big but) it is given without any guarantee. :) If things break you are on your own.


# before you can use this script you have to checkout all files
# so first do a
# svn checkout lazarus

#Define some directories

#Remove old backup if it exists
date +"%T %tStart"
if [ -d $LAZBACKUP ]
  date +"%T %tRemoving old backup"
  rm $LAZBACKUP -fr
  date +"%T %tNo backup to remove"

date +"%T %tCreating copy of lazarus dir"

#Getting stuff from svn
date +"%T %tUpdate lazarus"
svn update lazarus > ~/cvs_update.log

#Copying cvs-files to our laz dir.
date +"%T %tcopying files"
cp -Rf $LAZCVSDIR $BASEDIR --reply=yes

#Make and building of lazarus
date +"%T %tmake lazarus" 
make > /dev/null
date +"%T %tmake the packages"
make idepkg > /dev/null
date +"%T %tFinished"

Installing the compiler

Jouke: If you are starting from scratch with the above, you won't have the FPC compiler installed. In other words the compiler is not included in the Lazarus SVN. It is possible to use a SVN version of FPC also, but generally it is better to use the latest stable release (at this moment v2.0.4). In my opinion it is preferable to try to rebuild the directory structure of a standard Lazarus install. Here is how I installed it (on WinXP):

  • Download the binary for your system from this page:
  • Also download the source code from the same page.
  • Install the binaries by running a 'full install' and accepting all defaults.
  • Unpack the source files to the same directory as the binaries (c:\fpc\2.0.4\).
  • In your base Lazarus directory, create two new directories: 'pp' and 'fpcsrc'.
  • From the fpc directory c:\fpc\2.0.4\, select the directories 'bin, 'msg' and 'units' and copy them completely into the 'pp' directory you just created.
  • From the fpc source directory c:\fpc\2.0.4\fpc\, select the directories 'fcl', 'rtl' and 'packages'. Copy these three directories to the directory 'fpcsrc'.
  • While leaving out all directories which were already there and also leaving out the underlying directories, the Lazarus tree should now look like this:
  • If you want, you can now delete the fpc sources and uninstall the fpc binaries.
  • Make sure the new path to the ppc386 executable is in your environment.
  • From the C:\lazarus\tools\install\win32 directory copy the file 'samplefpc.cfg' to the C:\lazarus\pp\bin\i386-win32 directory and rename it to fpc.cfg (first delete/rename the old fpc version).
  • Edit this file and replace all occurencies of '$1' by 'C:\lazarus\pp'.

That's it. You should now be able to make Lazarus and start using it!

Original contributors and changes

This page has been converted from the epikwiki version.