IDE Window: Find in files

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This dialog allows to setup search and replace patterns for searching in multiple files.

Setup the options and click the Find button at the bottom to start the search. A window will open showing the progress. It contains a button to abort the search, if it takes too long. When all files are searched the Search Results window will open.

  • Text to find
  • Replace - check this to enable the replace text field.


  • Case sensitive - distinguish lower and uppercase (for example 'a' and 'A')
  • Whole words only - found text must start and end at a word boundary (position between word-chars and non-word-chars)
  • Regular expression - treat texts as IDE regular expressions
  • Multiline pattern - for reg-expressions, activates option "dot means also newlines"


  • search all files in project - search in all files, that belong to the current project
  • search all open files - search in all files opened in the source editor
  • search in directories - search in folder(s) specified in option below
  • search in the current file

Directory options

  • Directory - folder paths, where the search starts. Allowed several paths separated by ";", trailing slashes ignored. Use the "..." button to the right to open a dialog to choose a directory.
  • File mask - define a mask for the files, that are searched. Only text files will be searched. Examples for masks are: "*.pas" or "*.pas;*.pp;*.inc". The combobox contain the last searched file masks.
  • Include sub directories - allows to search recursively in all sub directories.