LAMW install linux fpcupdeluxe

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Install LAMW and Android Development Environment on Linux using fpcupdeluxe

See also
Forum Post:
For Windows How-To see here:
Known Issues
As of 2023-May-22, this error is still happening:,21919.msg441567.html#msg441567
Manjaro / Arch Linux: As of 2023-May-22 installing on Manjaro works,
and can be used for building a project but there is an issue
with a workaround:
 * Lazarus Menu "Run" | "[LAMW] Build Android Apk and Run" fails
   - Instead use "Run" | "Build" and if the build is successful open a terminal
     in the project folder and run ./ to build the APKs
Needed simple instructions to get an up-to-date Android build environment setup on Linux.
Thanks to other developers for sharing their hard work, utilities, and helpful information.
Everything is self-contained under the "$BASE\android" folder
($BASE defaults to the user's home folder)
$BASE/android/sdk  (android sdk and build tools)
$BASE/android/sdk/ndk-bundle  (android ndk)
$BASE/android/fpcupdeluxe_app  (FPCUPdeluxe installer)
$BASE/android/projects  (default LAMW projects folder)
$BASE/android/fpc-lazarus  (FPC, Lazarus built w/ LAMW)
$BASE/android/fpc-lazarus/ccr/lamw  (LAMW files)
$BASE/android/fpc-lazarus/ccr/lamw-gradle  (gradle build tool)
$BASE/android/fpc-lazarus/ccr/lamw/demos (LAMW demo projects)
Versions Tested
xubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64 (minimal install)
Android Command-Line Tools for Linux build 9477386
OpenJDK 11.0.19
Android SDK/API Level 31 (Android 12)
Android NDK revision 22
Gradle 6.8.3 (installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe)
FPCUPdeluxe ver 2.2.0r
FPC stable v3.2.2
Lazarus stable v2.2.6
32-bit CPU Target: ARMv7a + VFPv3 (hardware floating point)
64-bit CPU Target: Aarch64 (this always uses hardware floating point)

Main steps begin here

Open a terminal and run the commands below.  I recommend running them one
at a time in order to verify the results before moving on to the next step.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Setup Android Development Environment on Linux (FPCUPdeluxe / LAMW)
# Tested on
#   xubuntu-20.04.6-desktop-amd64
#   xubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64 (minimal install)
#   xubuntu-23.04-minimal-amd64
#   manjaro-xfce-22.1.2-minimal-230518-linux61
# Targets: 32-bit ARMv7a and 64-bit Aarch64
# 2023-May-22 ver 2.0

BASE="$HOME" #change this if you want to install to a different location

# Install libraries and tools (Ubuntu based distros only)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y libx11-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libxtst-dev libatk1.0-dev libghc-x11-dev freeglut3-dev
sudo apt install -y git make build-essential gdb zip unzip unrar wget
sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk android-tools-adb

# Install libraries and tools (Arch Linux based distros only)
# uncomment these if using an Arch Linux based distro
#sudo pacman -Syu
#sudo pacman -S --needed libx11 gtk2 gdk-pixbuf2 cairo pango libxtst atk freeglut
#sudo pacman -S --needed git make gdb zip unzip unrar wget
#sudo pacman -S --needed android-tools jdk11-openjdk

# download and extract Android SDK Command Line Tools for Linux
# from
mkdir -p "$BASE/android/sdk/cmdline-tools"
cd "$BASE/android/sdk/cmdline-tools"
wget ""
unzip ""
rm ""
mv cmdline-tools tools

# Install SDK packages and NDK
cd "$BASE/android/sdk/cmdline-tools/tools/bin"
yes | ./sdkmanager --licenses
# (Note: to view a list of available packages use ./sdkmanager --list)
./sdkmanager "platforms;android-31" "build-tools;31.0.0" "tools" "ndk;22.1.7171670" "extras;android;m2repository"

# Download FPCUPdeluxe from
# (tested with version 2.2.0r)
mkdir "$BASE/android/fpcupdeluxe_app"
cd "$BASE/android/fpcupdeluxe_app"
wget ""
chmod +x fpcupdeluxe-x86_64-linux
echo "[General]" > fpcupdeluxe.ini
echo "InstallDirectory=$BASE/android/fpc-lazarus" >> fpcupdeluxe.ini

# Using the FPCUPdeluxe GUI
# (The install path is already set to: /home/[your_user]/android/fpc-lazarus)
# 1) At the bottom of the main Window, click the "LAMW" button
# As of 2023-May-22, this installs stable FPC (3.2.2), stable Lazarus (v2.2.6), cross
# compilers for arm/android and aarch64/android, gradle v6.8.3, and latest LAMW from git.
# 2) (Optional) On module tab click the "OPM" button to install Online Package Manager.
# 3) Close FPCUPdeluxe

# Change name for the desktop shortcut
mv "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)/fpcup-Lazarus_fpc-lazarus.desktop" "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)/Lazarus-LAMW.desktop"
sed -i "/^Name=/c\Name=Lazarus-LAMW" "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)/Lazarus-LAMW.desktop"

# Create a directory for android projects
mkdir -p "$BASE/android/projects"

# Edit LAMW settings via the ini file
sed -i "/PathToWorkspace/c\PathToWorkspace=$BASE/android/projects" $LAMWini
echo "PathToAndroidSDK=$BASE/android/sdk" >> $LAMWini
echo "PathToAndroidNDK=$BASE/android/sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670" >> $LAMWini
echo "NDK=6" >> $LAMWini

# After launching Lazarus-LAMW, you can confirm paths and settings in
# the Tools | [LAMW] Android Module Wizard | Path Settings menu
For new LAMW projects
for 32-bit:  ARMv7a + VFPv3 for Architecture/Instructions
for 64-bit:  Aarch64 for Architecture/Instructions
Min. Device API: 19  (Google recommended minimum SDK version)
See here:
Bug work-around: After creating a new project, save all, close lazarus, and re-open lazarus (it reloads the last open project)
(this allows placement of controls on form without throwing an error - SEE HERE)
For demo LAMW projects
(Project | Open Project) Open the controls.lpi file in the demo project jni folder
Bug work-around: Save the project, close lazarus, and re-run lazarus (by default it opens the last project).
If it asks for a Target API change enter 31 for the target.
for 32-bit:  Change LAMW project options | Min SDK: 19 and Build tab | Chipset: ARMv7a+VFPv3
for 64-bit:  Change LAMW project options | Min SDK: 19 and Build tab | Chipset: Aarch64
Perform a Run | Clean up and Build
Optional script to create terminal launcher for command line work
#Create shell script and desktop shortcut
$BASE = "$HOME" #change this if you installed to a different location above

# Note: the following lines must be copy/pasted as one line, starting at "cat" and ending at "EOF"
cat <<EOF > $BASE/android/set_dev_environment
# Setup environment for fpc / lazarus / android command line work


export PATH=\${FPC_PATH}:\${LAZ_PATH}:\${PATH}

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="${BASE}/android/sdk"
export GRADLE_HOME="$(awk -F '=' '/PathToGradle/{print $NF}' $LAMWini)"
export PATH=\${PATH}:\${GRADLE_HOME}/bin

cd "$BASE/android/projects"
exec /bin/bash
chmod +x $BASE/android/set_dev_environment

# Note: the following lines must be copy/pasted as one line, starting at "cat" and ending at "EOF"
cat <<EOF > "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)/Android-Command-Line.desktop"
[Desktop Entry]
chmod +x "$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)/Android-Command-Line.desktop"
2023-May-22 ver 2.0
  Added LAMW bug work-arounds for two cases:
    1) Directly after creating a new project, save the project, close Lazarus, and re-open.
    2) Directly after opening a demo project, save the project, close Lazarus, and re-open.
  Tested on more distro versions
    xubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64 (minimal install)
    xubuntu-23.04-minimal-amd64 (NOTE: I will not usually test on non-LTS versions)
    manjaro-xfce-22.1.2-minimal-230518-linux61 (based on arch linux)
  Manjaro does not have special issues with changing the LAMW project chipset - remove previous comment
  Don't explicitly install freeglut3 (it gets pulled in if needed by freeglut3-dev)
  Remove subversion from install packages (fpc and lazarus both use git now)
  Remove apache-ant from pacman (arch linux) install (fpcupdeluxe installs a private copy)
  Testing with updated software components:
    fpcupdeluxe 2.2.0r
    OpenJDK ver 11.0.19
    Lazarus stable v2.2.6
2023-Feb-06 ver 1.9
 Add support for Arch Linux based distros
 Test on Manjaro 22.0
 Add known issues based Manjaro testing
2023-Feb-06 ver 1.8
 Use $BASE for installation directory (defaults to $HOME)
 Android Command-Line Tools for Linux build 9477386
 OpenJDK 11.0.17
 Gradle 6.8.3 (installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe)
 FPCUPdeluxe ver 2.2.0n
 Lazarus stable v2.2.4