Lazarus Database Tutorial/zh CN

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Lazarus支持几种数据库的‘开箱即用’,当然,开发者必须为每种安装适当的包。你能够访问数据库,通过写代码,或者向一个表单(form)里面拖拉组件。数据感知(data-aware)组件能描绘字段,并且连接到数据库组件(例如:TPSQLDatabase,TSQLiteDataSet)通过设置‘数据集’(DataSet)属性。数据感知组件位于(辣子的界面)“Data Controls”标签(数据控制)。数据源和数据库控制位于“Data Access”标签(数据操作)。

Lazarus 和 MySQL




(Get MySQL working for FPC in text mode)

(译注:略,请参见英文页面) See Sample Console Listing.





Project -> New Project -> Application



从标准组件标签放置三个编辑框(Edit Boxes)到表单的左上侧,然后马上给上面每个box一个标签(Label)。改变名字(name)和标题(caption)为‘Host’(还有HostLLabel,HostEdit),‘UserName’(还有UserLabel,UserEdit),‘Password’(在Passwdlabel和PasswdEdit,似乎是具体组件的属性值)。或者你还可以从额外的标签(Additional tab)中使用LabelledEdit组件。

选择Passwd Edit按钮,并且找到 PasswordChar 属性:改变它为 * 符号或者类似的字符,这样,当你键入密码时,字符就不会显示在你的屏幕上,而是反映一系列的星号(x)。确认每一个编辑框的Text属性是空的。

现在,放置另一个 Edit 盒子,并且label at 在你表单的右上角。改变标签为‘输入SQL命令吧’(Enter SQL Command),然后命名它为CommandEdit。


设置左侧的按钮为‘Connect to Database连接数据库’(ConnnectButton)和‘Exit退出’(ExitButton),右侧的按钮为‘Send Query递交查询’(QueryButton)。

放置一个大的 备注框(Memo Box)标记命名为‘Results结果’(ResultMemo),在右下脚,填充所有空白位置。找到 ScrollBars(滚动条)属性,并且选择 ssAutoBoth (双向自动)以保证滚动条自动出现,当文本充满空间时。使 WordWrap(分词)属性为真。 (译注:说了这么多,不如先来一张图)

放置一个Status Bar(状态条,从 Common Controls tab通用控制标签)到表单底部,命它的 SimpleText 属性为‘TryMySQL’(这个名字前面出现过)。

到这里可以看到一张表单的截图:Mysql Example Screenshot



左侧三个编辑框需要输入主机、用户名和密码。当这些被满意得输入后,点击连接按钮。该按钮的OnCLick 事件程序(event handler)是基于上文中 FPC文本模式中的一部分。(译注:略掉了,还要吗?)

The responses from the database cannot now be written using the Pascal write or writeln statements: rather, the replies have to be converted into strings and displayed in the Memo box. Whereas the Pascal write and writeln statements are capable of performing a lot of type conversion 'on the fly', the use of a memo box for text output necessitates the explicit conversion of data types to the correct form of string, so Pchar variables have to be converted to strings using StrPas, and integers have to be converted with IntToStr. 来自数据库的响应现在还不能写,用Pascal写,或者写成(writeln)报表(statements):因为(rather),结果必须被转换为字串并显示在Memo框内。但是Pascal写和writeln语句是……大量类型转换‘,用memo况来显示文本需要详细地转换数据类型,正确的表单字串,所以,Pchar变量必须转换为字串,用 StrPas,整数用IntToStr转换。


procedure ShowString (S : string);
(* display a string in a Memo box *)
       trymysqlForm1.ResultsMemo.Lines.Add (S)


procedure TtrymysqlForm1.ConnectButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
(* Connect to MySQL using user data from Text entry boxes on Main Form *)
var strg: string;
 dummy1 :=  trymysqlForm1.HostEdit.text+#0;
 host := @dummy1[1];
 dummy2 := trymysqlForm1.UserEdit.text+#0;
 user := @dummy2[1] ;
 dummy3 := trymysqlForm1.PasswdEdit.text+#0;
 passwd := @dummy3[1] ;
 alloc := mysql_init(PMYSQL(@qmysql));
 sock :=  mysql_real_connect(alloc, host, user, passwd, database, 0, nil, 0);
 if sock=Nil then
     strg :='Couldnt connect to MySQL.'; showstring (strg);
     Strg :='Error was: '+ StrPas(mysql_error(@qmysql)); showstring (strg);
     trymysqlForm1.statusBar1.simpletext := 'Connected to MySQL';
     strg := 'Now choosing database : ' + database; showstring (strg);
{$ifdef Unix}
     strg :='Mysql_port      : '+ IntToStr(mysql_port); showstring (strg);
     strg :='Mysql_unix_port : ' + StrPas(mysql_unix_port); showstring (strg);
     Strg :='Host info       : ' + StrPas(mysql_get_host_info(sock));
     showstring (strg);
     Strg :='Server info     : ' + StrPas(mysql_stat(sock)); showstring (strg);
     Strg :='Client info     : ' + Strpas(mysql_get_client_info);  showstring (strg);
     trymysqlForm1.statusbar1.simpletext := 'Selecting Database ' + DataBase +'...';
 if mysql_select_db(sock,DataBase) < 0 then
   strg :='Couldnt select database '+ Database; ShowString (strg);
   Strg := mysql_error(sock); ShowString (strg);


The SendQuery event handler is again based on the FPC text-mode version, except that once again explicit type-conversion has to be done before strings are displayed in the box.

A difference from the text-mode FPC program is that if an error condition is detected, the program does not halt and MySQL is not closed; instead, control is returned to the main form and an opportunity is given to correct the entry before the command is re-submitted. The application finally exits (with closure of MySQL) when the Exit Button is clicked.


procedure TtrymysqlForm1.QueryButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
 dumquery, strg: string;
     dumquery := TrymysqlForm1.CommandEdit.text;
     dumquery := dumquery+#0;
     query := @dumquery[1];
     trymysqlForm1.statusbar1.simpletext := 'Executing query : '+ dumQuery +'...';
     strg := 'Executing query : ' + dumQuery; showstring (strg);
     if (mysql_query(sock,Query) < 0) then
       Strg :='Query failed '+ StrPas(mysql_error(sock)); showstring (strg);
       recbuf := mysql_store_result(sock);
       if RecBuf=Nil then
         Strg :='Query returned nil result.'; showstring (strg);
         strg :='Number of records returned  : ' + IntToStr(mysql_num_rows (recbuf));
         Showstring (strg);
         Strg :='Number of fields per record : ' + IntToStr(mysql_num_fields(recbuf));
         showstring (strg);
         rowbuf := mysql_fetch_row(recbuf);
         while (rowbuf <>nil) do
              Strg :='(Id: '+ rowbuf[0]+', Name: ' + rowbuf[1]+ ', Email : ' +
               rowbuf[2] +')';
              showstring (strg);
              rowbuf := mysql_fetch_row(recbuf);


  • 下载 MYSQL 示例源代码

一份完整的程序清单可以从这里获得: Sample Source Code

Lazarus 和 PostgreSQL

This is a very short tutorial to get Lazarus 0.9.12 or later to connect to a PostgreSQL database, local or remote, using TPQConnection.


Lazarus and SQLite

by Luiz Américo

Visit the sqlite4fpc homepage to find the API reference and more tutorials.


TSqliteDataset and TSqlite3Dataset are TDataset descendants that access, respectively, 2.8.x and 3.x.x sqlite databases. Below is a list of the principal advantages and disadvantages:


  • Flexible: programmers can choose to use or not to use the SQL language, allowing them to work with simple table layouts or any complex layout that SQL/sqlite allows
  • Automatic database update: no need to update the database manually with SQL statements, a single method take cares of it
  • Fast: it caches the data in memory, making browsing in the dataset fast
  • No server installation/configuration: just ship together with sqlite dynamic library


  • Requires external file (sqlite library)


  • For sqlite2 databases:
    • fpc 2.0.0
    • Lazarus 0.9.10
    • sqlite runtime library 2.8.15 or above (get from
  • For sqlite3 databases:
    • fpc 2.0.2
    • Lazarus 0.9.11 (svn revision 8443 or above)
    • sqlite runtime library 3.2.1 or above (get from

Before initiating a lazarus projects, ensure that:

  • the sqlite library is on the system PATH or in the executable directory
  • under Linux, put cmem as the first unit in uses clause of the main program

How To Use (Basic Usage)

Install the package found at /components/sqlite directory (see instructions here)

At design time set the following properties:

  • FileName: path of the sqlite file [required]
  • TableName: name of the table used in the sql statement [required]
  • Sql: a SQL select statement [optional]

Creating a Table (Dataset)

Double click in the component icon or use the 'Create Table' item of the popup menu that appears when clicking the right mouse button. A simple self-explaining table editor will be show.

 Here is all field types supported by TSqliteDataset and TSqlite3Dataset: 

Retrieving the data

After creating the table or with a previously created Table, open the dataset with Open method. If the SQL property was not set then all records from all fields will be retrieved, the same if you set the SQL to:

 SQL:='Select * from TABLENAME'; 

Applying changes to the underlying datafile

To use the ApplyUpdates function, the dataset must contain at least one field that fills the requirements for a Primary Key (values must be UNIQUE and not NULL)

It's possible to do that in two ways:

  • Set PrimaryKey property to the name of a Primary Key field
  • Add an AutoInc field (This is easier since the TSqliteDataSet automatically handles it as a Primary Key)

If one of the two conditions is set then just call


PS1: If both conditions are set, the field corresponding to PrimaryKey is used to apply the updates.

PS2: Setting PrimaryKey to a field that is not a Primary Key will lead to loss of data if ApplyUpdates is called, so ensure that the chosen field contains not Null and Unique values before using it.


  • Although it has been tested with 10000 records and worked fine, TSqliteDataset keeps all the data in memory, so remember to retrieve only the necessary data (principally with Memo Fields).
  • The same datafile (Filename property) can host several tables/datasets
  • Several datasets (different combinations of fields) can be created using the same table simultaneously
  • It's possible to filter the data using WHERE statements in the sql, closing and reopening the dataset (or calling RefetchData method). But in this case, the order and number of fields must remain the same
  • It's also possible to use complex SQL statements using aliases, joins, views in multiple tables (remember that they must reside in the same datafile), but in this case ApplyUpdates won't work. If someone wants to use complex queries and to apply the updates to the datafile, mail me and I will give some hints how to do that
  • Setting filename to a sqlite2.x datafile not created by TSqliteDataset and opening it is allowed but some fields won't have the correct field type detected. These will be treated as string fields.

Generic examples can be found at fpc/fcl/db/sqlite CVS directory

Luiz Américo pascalive(at)bol(dot)com(dot)br

Lazarus and MSSQL

It is working with Zeoslib (latest cvs), see the links on bottom of page.

Lazarus and Interbase / Firebird

See Install Packages. On this page is a first small example en explanation about how to connect to an IB or FB server.

Also work with the latest Zeoslib (from cvs).

FBLib Firebird Library

[1] is an open Source Library No Data Aware for direct access to Firebird Relational Database from Borland Delphi / Kylix, Freepascal and Lazarus.

Current Features include:

  • Direct Access to Firebird 1.0.x 1.5.x Classic or SuperServer
  • Multiplatform [Win32,Gnu/Linux,FreeBSD)
  • Automatic select client library 'fbclient' or 'gds32'
  • Query with params
  • Support SQL Dialect 1/3
  • LGPL License agreement
  • Extract Metadata
  • Simple Script Parser
  • Only 100-150 KB added into final EXE
  • Support BLOB Fields
  • Export Data to HTML SQL Script
  • Service manager (backup,restore,gfix...)
  • Events Alerter

You can download documentation on FBLib's website.

Lazarus 和 dBase

Tony Maro: You might also want to visit the beginnings of the TDbf Tutorial page (译注:略,建议另开新页)

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This page has been converted from the epikwiki version.