Logging exceptions

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Stacktrace is sometimes called Backtrace or Call stack and have meaning of list of stack frames placed on stack containing return address and local variables. Stacktrace is useful to trace back path of execution of nesting procedures.

Compiler have to be directed to get debug information by switches.

  • -g - generate debug informations
  • -gl - generate line numbers for debug informations

Unit SysUtils

Contains some routines useful for debugging exceptions.

<delphi>{ Exception handling routines } function ExceptObject: TObject; function ExceptAddr: Pointer; function ExceptFrameCount: Longint; function ExceptFrames: PPointer;</delphi>

Unit System

Contains some stack related routines:

<delphi>function SysBackTraceStr(Addr:Pointer): ShortString; // Default address to string converter assigned to BackTraceStrFunc procedure Dump_Stack(var f : text;bp:pointer); // Dump stack to text file procedure DumpExceptionBackTrace(var f:text); // Dump backtrace to text file</delphi>

Procedural variable BackTraceStrFunc responsible to translate memory address to string debug information. Default behavior is implemented by SysBackTraceStr.


If STAB debugging information is selected (compiler switch -gl), unit lineinfo is automatically included to program and BackTraceStrFunc function is remapped to StabBackTraceStr.


If DWARF debugging information is selected (compiler switch -gw), unit lnfodwrf is automatically included to program and BackTraceStrFunc function is remapped to DwarfBacktraceStr.

Unit LCLProc

<delphi>// Debugging procedure RaiseGDBException(const Msg: string); procedure RaiseAndCatchException; procedure DumpExceptionBackTrace; procedure DumpStack; function GetStackTrace(UseCache: boolean): string; procedure GetStackTracePointers(var AStack: TStackTracePointers); function StackTraceAsString(const AStack: TStackTracePointers;

                           UseCache: boolean): string;

function GetLineInfo(Addr: Pointer; UseCache: boolean): string;</delphi>

FPC help:

Handling exceptions

Manual call

Manual executions of exception handler can be inserted to many places in code.

<delphi> try

 // Some operation which raise exception
 raise Exception.Create('Test error');


 on E: Exception do CustomExceptionHandler(E);



This event can be used to override default application wide exceptions handling. Custom logging mechanism could provide show custom dialog, log to file, console, sending report to mail, logging to HTTP server, e.g.

<delphi>procedure TMainForm.CustomExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); const

 NewLine = #13#10;


 I: Integer;
 Frames: PPointer;
 Report: string;


 Report := 'Program exception! ' + NewLine +
   'Stacktrace:' + NewLine + NewLine;
 if E <> nil then begin
   Report := Report + 'Exception class: ' + E.ClassName + NewLine +
   'Message: ' + E.Message + NewLine;
 Report := Report + BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr);
 Frames := ExceptFrames;
 for I := 0 to ExceptFrameCount - 1 do
   Report := Report + NewLine + BackTraceStrFunc(Frames);
 Halt; // End of program execution


procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin

 Application.OnException := @CustomExceptionHandler;


procedure TMainForm.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin

 raise Exception.Create('Test');


Using map file

Use compiler switch -Xm to generate map file.

Exceptions in DLL

Getting stacktrace

See also

External links

  • esprinter - tool to get stacktrace from running FreePascal program specified by process id and thread id (for Win32)