Difference between revisions of "RegEx packages"

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Line 22: Line 22:
* Support negative lookahead: foo(?!bar).
* Support negative lookahead: foo(?!bar).
* Support positive lookbehind: (?<=foo)bar.
* Support positive lookbehind: (?<=foo)bar.
* Support atomic groups: (?>foo|bar).
* Support Unicode categories: \pL \p{L} \p{Lu}, also with \P.
* Support Unicode categories: \pL \p{L} \p{Lu}, also with \P.
* Support control escape sequences: \cA ... \cZ.
* Support control escape sequences: \cA ... \cZ.

Revision as of 06:13, 25 August 2020


The RegExpr package includes a number of regular expressions implementations

Read the Wikipedia page about regular expressions to get introduced to the subject: POSIX Basic Regular Expressions

TRegExpr by Sorokin

This is the most complete implementation, available in packages/regexpr/src/regexpr.pas. This package implements a subset of Perl's regular expressions and the syntax provided by the package is documented here.

Official repository: GitHub. The development is going there, FPC package is following this repo with some delay. Version from GitHub works OK in FPC.

Last changes

In 2019 year, after about 15 years of missed patches from anybody, work on TRegExpr was continued by Alexey Torgashin. Changes are:

  • Optimizations. One major optimization made the test_benchmark project (in official GitHub repo) faster by 5-10 times in 1-2 tests.
  • Support for meta-classes \W \D \S inside char-classes.
  • Added meta-classes \h \H \v \V (also inside char-classes).
  • Support named groups: (?P<name>regex), and back-references to named groups: (?P=name).
  • Support non-capturing groups: (?:regex).
  • Support positive lookahead: foo(?=bar).
  • Support negative lookahead: foo(?!bar).
  • Support positive lookbehind: (?<=foo)bar.
  • Support atomic groups: (?>foo|bar).
  • Support Unicode categories: \pL \p{L} \p{Lu}, also with \P.
  • Support control escape sequences: \cA ... \cZ.
  • Added define FastUnicodeData, which uses additional arrays to speed-up Unicode functions in Unicode mode. Added unit regexpr_unicodedata.
  • Added backward search possibility (ABackward parameter).
  • Added possibility to test regex at single offset without advancing to next positions (ATryOnce parameter).
  • Support NULL chars, both in regex and in the input string.

Change case on replaces

You can change case of found fragments, use modifiers in replace-with field (case change works after position of modifier):

  • \l - First char to lower
  • \L - All chars to lower
  • \u - First char to upper
  • \U - All chars to upper

E.g. if found a word, use replace-with field "\L$0" to change word to lowercase (here $0 is group 0, found text).

In addition \n will be replaced with the line-break character(s) (LF or CR LF, this depends on internal constant).


Using TRegExpr to check if an expression is present in a string is very easy, just create an instance of TRegExpr, then place your regular expression in the property TRegExpr.Expression and use the method Exec to verify if there are any matches for this regular expression. Exec will return true if the expression matches the string passed to it.

  RegexObj: TRegExpr;
  RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create;
  RegexObj.Expression := '.*login.*';
  if RegexObj.Exec('Please try to login here') then WriteLn('The login was found!');

Subexpression match:

program Project1;


  re: TRegExpr;
  re := TRegExpr.Create('hello (.*?)!');
  if re.Exec('hello world! hello pascal!') then
    while re.ExecNext do



FLRE - Fast Light Regular Expressions

FLRE (Fast Light Regular Expressions) is a fast, safe and efficient regular expression library, which is implemented in Object Pascal (Delphi and Free Pascal) but which is even usable from other languages like C/C++ and so on. It can handle Unicode and UTF-8 strings.

It implements the many of the most common Perl and POSIX features, except irregular expression features like forward references and nested back references and so on, which aren't supported at FLRE, only real "back" references are supported, hence also the word "Light" at the FLRE name. It also finds the leftmost-first match, the same match that Perl and PCRE would, and can return submatch information. But it also features a flag for a yet experimental POSIX-style leftmost-longest match behaviour mode.

FLRE is licensed under the LGPL v2.1 with static-linking-exception.

GitHub repository


Implementing PHP parse_url function (based on php.js parse_url implementation)

uses Classes, SysUtils, flre;


    RUrlParser = record
    Fcomponents                 : array[1..13] of string;

    function    getComponent( aIndex : integer ) : string;
    procedure   setComponent( aIndex : integer; const aValue : string );

    function    parse( const aUrl : UTF8String ) : boolean;

    property scheme : string index 1 read getComponent write setComponent; // e.g. http
    property authority : string index 2 read getComponent;
    property userInfo : string index 3 read getComponent;
    property user : string index 4 read getComponent;
    property pass : string index 5 read getComponent;
    property host : string index 6 read getComponent;
    property port : string index 7 read getComponent;
    property path : string index 9 read getComponent;
    property directory : string index 10 read getComponent;
    property fileName : string index 11 read getComponent;
    property query : string  index 12 read getComponent; // after the question mark ?
    property fragment : string  index 13 read getComponent; // after the hashmark #



function RUrlParser.getComponent( aIndex : integer ) : string;
    Result := Fcomponents[ aIndex ];

procedure RUrlParser.setComponent( aIndex : integer; const aValue : string );
    Fcomponents[ aIndex ] := aValue;

function RUrlParser.parse( const aUrl : UTF8String ) : boolean; overload;
    i : integer;
    re : TFLRE;
    parts : TFLREMultiStrings;
    re := TFLRE.Create( '(?:([^:\\/\?#]+):)?'
        + '(?:\/\/()(?:(?:()(?:([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?'
        + '()'
        + '(?:(()(?:(?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)()(?:[^?#]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)'
        , [ rfUTF8 ]

    parts := nil;
    Result := re.UTF8ExtractAll( aUrl, parts );
    if ( Result ) then
        for i := 1 to Length( parts[0] ) - 1 do
            setComponent( i, string( parts[0][i] ) );

    // Free regexp memory
    for i := 0 to Length( parts ) - 1 do
        SetLength( parts[i], 0 );
    parts := nil;


Regexpr by Joost

Regexpr by Joost (units oldregexpr.pp and regex.pp) is a very basic regex (Regular Expression) unit, it handles most regular expressions as GNU regexpr. The use of regex is to search patterns inside a string.

The current unit is far from complete, and still misses very simple syntax support of POSIX or more complex syntax such as Perl regex, Java Regex, Ruby Regex etc...

The unit contains 4 functions for now:

  • GenerateRegExprEngine – This function compiles the regex pattern.
  • RegExprPos – Finds the pattern inside a given string.
  • DestroyRegExprEngine – Free the compilation of the pattern
  • RegExprEscapeStr – Escape reserve syntax of regular expression language so it will be understood as string instead of regex syntax.

There is also one test:

  • The testreg1 test program demonstrates the supported regular expressions.

Regexpr by Florian

This is the oldest implementation. It is present in packages/regexpr/src/old and is not currently compiled by the makefiles, so it is not available precompiled by default in released FPC/Lazarus versions.

See Also

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