TAChart Chart

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The Chart is the component from where you control much of the behaviour of your diagrams.


  1. IsPointInViewPort <F>
  2. EraseBackground

  3. Procedure GetChildren
  4. Procedure Paint
  5. Procedure SetChildOrder
  6. Procedure DrawLineHoriz
  7. Procedure DrawLineVert
  8. Procedure DrawOnCanvas


  1. Properties
  1. Events

 public // Helpers for series drawing
   procedure DrawLineHoriz(ADrawer: IChartDrawer; AY: Integer);
   procedure DrawLineVert(ADrawer: IChartDrawer; AX: Integer);
   procedure DrawOnCanvas(Rect: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas); deprecated;
   function IsPointInViewPort(const AP: TDoublePoint): Boolean;
   property Drawer: IChartDrawer read FConnectorData.FDrawer;
 public // Coordinate conversion
   function GraphToImage(const AGraphPoint: TDoublePoint): TPoint;
   function ImageToGraph(const APoint: TPoint): TDoublePoint; overload;
   function ImageToGraph(const AX, AY: Integer): TDoublePoint; overload;
   function XGraphToImage(AX: Double): Integer; inline;
   function XImageToGraph(AX: Integer): Double; inline;
   function YGraphToImage(AY: Double): Integer; inline;
   function YImageToGraph(AY: Integer): Double; inline;
   property ActiveToolIndex: Integer read FActiveToolIndex;
   property Broadcaster: TBroadcaster read FBroadcaster;
   property ChartHeight: Integer read GetChartHeight;
   property ChartWidth: Integer read GetChartWidth;
   property ClipRect: TRect read FClipRect;
   property CurrentExtent: TDoubleRect read FCurrentExtent;
   property ExtentBroadcaster: TBroadcaster read FExtentBroadcaster;
   property IsZoomed: Boolean read FIsZoomed;
   property LogicalExtent: TDoubleRect read FLogicalExtent write SetLogicalExtent;
   property OnChartPaint: TChartPaintEvent
     read FOnChartPaint write SetOnChartPaint; experimental;
   property PrevLogicalExtent: TDoubleRect read FPrevLogicalExtent;
   property RenderingParams: TChartRenderingParams
     read GetRenderingParams write SetRenderingParams;
   property ReticulePos: TPoint read FReticulePos write SetReticulePos;
   property SeriesCount: Integer read GetSeriesCount;
   property XGraphMax: Double read FCurrentExtent.b.X;
   property XGraphMin: Double read FCurrentExtent.a.X;
   property YGraphMax: Double read FCurrentExtent.b.Y;
   property YGraphMin: Double read FCurrentExtent.a.Y;
   property AutoFocus: Boolean read FAutoFocus write FAutoFocus default false;
   property AllowZoom: Boolean read FAllowZoom write FAllowZoom default true;
   property AntialiasingMode: TChartAntialiasingMode
     read FAntialiasingMode write SetAntialiasingMode default amDontCare;
   property AxisList: TChartAxisList read FAxisList write SetAxisList;
   property AxisVisible: Boolean read FAxisVisible write SetAxisVisible default true;
   property BackColor: TColor read FBackColor write SetBackColor default clBtnFace;
   property BottomAxis: TChartAxis index calBottom read GetAxisByAlign write SetAxisByAlign stored false;
   property Depth: TChartDistance read FDepth write SetDepth default 0;
   property ExpandPercentage: Integer
     read FExpandPercentage write SetExpandPercentage default 0;
   property Extent: TChartExtent read FExtent write SetExtent;
   property ExtentSizeLimit: TChartExtent read FExtentSizeLimit write SetExtentSizeLimit;
   property Foot: TChartTitle read FFoot write SetFoot;
   property Frame: TChartPen read FFrame write SetFrame;
   property GUIConnector: TChartGUIConnector
     read FGUIConnector write SetGUIConnector;
   property LeftAxis: TChartAxis index calLeft read GetAxisByAlign write SetAxisByAlign stored false;
   property Legend: TChartLegend read FLegend write SetLegend;
   property Margins: TChartMargins read FMargins write SetMargins;
   property MarginsExternal: TChartMargins
     read FMarginsExternal write SetMarginsExternal;
   property Proportional: Boolean
     read FProportional write SetProportional default false;
   property ReticuleMode: TReticuleMode
     read FReticuleMode write SetReticuleMode default rmNone;
   property Series: TChartSeriesList read FSeries;
   property Title: TChartTitle read FTitle write SetTitle;
   property Toolset: TBasicChartToolset read FToolset write SetToolset;
   property OnAfterDraw: TDrawEvent read FOnAfterDraw write SetOnAfterDraw;
   property OnAfterDrawBackground: TChartAfterDrawEvent
     read FOnAfterDrawBackground write SetOnAfterDrawBackground;
   property OnAfterDrawBackWall: TChartAfterDrawEvent
     read FOnAfterDrawBackWall write SetOnAfterDrawBackWall;
   property OnAfterPaint: TChartEvent read FOnAfterPaint write FOnAfterPaint;
   property OnBeforeDrawBackground: TChartBeforeDrawEvent
     read FOnBeforeDrawBackground write SetOnBeforeDrawBackground;
   property OnBeforeDrawBackWall: TChartBeforeDrawEvent
     read FOnBeforeDrawBackWall write SetOnBeforeDrawBackWall;
   property OnDrawReticule: TDrawReticuleEvent
     read FOnDrawReticule write SetOnDrawReticule;
   property OnExtentChanged: TChartEvent
     read FOnExtentChanged write FOnExtentChanged;
   property OnExtentChanging: TChartEvent
     read FOnExtentChanging write FOnExtentChanging;
   property Align;
   property Anchors;
   property BorderSpacing;
   property Color default clBtnFace;
   property DoubleBuffered;
   property DragCursor;
   property DragMode;
   property Enabled;
   property ParentColor;
   property ParentShowHint;
   property PopupMenu;
   property ShowHint;
   property Visible;
   property OnClick;
   property OnDblClick;
   property OnDragDrop;
   property OnDragOver;
   property OnEndDrag;
   property OnMouseDown;
   property OnMouseMove;
   property OnMouseUp;
   property OnStartDrag;