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TsWorksheetChartSource is a charting component which is available in the source code of the FPSpreadsheet library. It is a chart data source component designed to work with the TChart component from the TAChartLazarusPkg package, which usually comes pre-installed with Lazarus.


A simple example is present in the fpspreadsheet svn, located at fpspreadsheet/examples/fpchart/fpchart.lpi

Please see the image bellow to see how the components are connected at design time. The TChart component can be edited by double-clicking. Then use the menus of the editor to add a new line serie and connect this line serie to our WorksheetChartSource by setting it's Source property.

Fpschart design.png

To load the data from the grid and into the chart a button was created with the following code:

<delphi> procedure TFPSChartForm.btnCreateGraphicClick(Sender: TObject); begin


end; </delphi>

And finally we can see how this works nicely in a running application in the picture bellow:

Fpschart run.png