User talk:Paulatreides

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Revision as of 20:27, 26 June 2007 by Swen (talk | contribs)
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Bonjour, je parle français et assez peut en anglais :-)

Que se passe-t'il si un utilisateur modifie une page en anglais sur lazarus ? les pages françaises et anglaises vont elle diverger ?

I think so. Translating is not a one time job, but you need to keep an eye on the recent changes to merge changes into translated pages. Vincent 21:07, 11 June 2007 (CEST)

En cas de d'ajout de documentation , est ce que c'est ajout sera présent sur la page française et proposé à la traduction ?

Je vais essayer avant les vacances de traduire un maximum de page. Le problème c'est que je suis qu'un programmeur assez moyen donc :

 2 objectifs : s'améliorer, essayer de ne pas dire trop de con.... :-)

Aussi, je serais heureux que l'on relise(un francophone) après moi. Merci.

To developpers, thank you for great job !

To the translators, thank you for your great job !

le composant dzchar

Il y a peut être un composant de type char, qu'il pourrait éventuellement être intéressant de convertir en paquet Lazarus. C'est le composant dzchart : Sa licence est MPL 1.1

About dzChart

This is a free (MPL 1.1) component package (actually two, a designtime and a runtime package) for Borland Delphi and Kylix containing some charts. They can not compete with commercial products but they do what I needed.

This is not 100% original work, I used Paul Warren's Homegrown Charts as a basis, but I extended them significantly. Paul has allowed me to release the result with a different name under the Mozilla Public Licence.


The package contains three components

   * TdzXYChart
   * TdzPieChart (not finished)
   * TdzPolynomialDataseries 

Qu'en pensez-vous ? Vous êtes peut-être déjà au courant de l'existence du parquet mais vous l'avez ignoré ?!

Question supplémentaire : y a t'il des différence entre sourceforge et berlios dans leur objectifs ?

new pages

Hello, if you are creating new pages please be sure, that you don't change the links to pages with an other language. Please let me know if you need help regarding the wiki. --Swen 22:29, 18 June 2007 (CEST)

I hope Swen, that i have not make mistakes about that... and if i have make some, i hope i have correct them after... otherwise, i apologize. Paulatreides 17:59, 19 Juin 2007

Salut Paul,

Pour parler, j'ai vu que tu tes inscrit sur le Lazforum je t'ai répondu et tu peut me contacter la bas...


Salut Paul,

Je voulait te dire merci pour le travail que tu effectues sur le WIKI. Si tu as besoin n'oublie pas LazForum ou je pourrais répondre à tes question...


IDE Window... pages

Hello, the IDE Window... pages in this wiki are currently used as part of the online help (if you press F1 in Lazarus). They maybe become the framework of the 'offline' help (in Lazarus 1.0). Therefore I suggest not to do much changes in relation to the english pages (this could cause double work for you). --Swen 16:13, 26 June 2007 (CEST)

I will never try to change english page of IDE window ! i promise
1. what do you think of this french page ?
should i continue my translations for some pages that are quasi finished, and on which there won't be not big development in the future ?
2. have you some advices for me ?

3. Is there a way when i arrive to the wiki(via F1 button under lazarus or even with the browser) to arrive directly to the french interface(the langage should be given by my Opération system default langage). The menu on the right side of the wiki is in english is there a way to translate that ?
Thank you for your help :-) :-) Sorry for my english

1.) The page is ok. But currently I wouldn't add screenshots or other things. Of course you can continue to translate the pages. An advantage of a wiki is, that the pages can be changed (updated). But sometimes this can also be a disadvantage.
2.) You have to observe the english pages. If there is an update you should 'copy' the changes to the corresponding french page. Otherwise (if you do this not immediately) you will lose the overview. Most of the lazarus developers and contributors will (only) update the english pages. So it's your task to observe them.
3.) It's possible to change the links (from english to french page). But therefor it would be necessary to change Lazarus itself. You could do this, but after every update of Lazarus (e.g. via SVN) you would get the previous status (link to the english page). If you want to change the menu on the right side you have to check your personal settings in the wiki. There you can change the language. --Swen 17:25, 26 June 2007 (CEST)

hello again,
you said,
3.) It's possible to change the links (from english to french page). But therefor it would be necessary to change Lazarus
itself. You could do this, but after every update of Lazarus (e.g. via SVN) you would get the previous status (link to
the english page). If you want to change the menu on the right side you have to check your personal settings in the wiki.
There you can change the language. --Swen 17:25, 26 June 2007 (CEST)
I was thinking about going to wiki in french for french user of lazarus(those who have french menu by default), same for english users, etc.. so, i think that your considération about every update of Lazarus isn't good.
The current situation will not be the final solution. Lazarus 1.0 will get an english help file (e.g. like chm or hlp), a french help file an so on. The wiki allows all users to see the current content and allows to update (and translate) the content. The wiki pages will be collected and combined into a usual help file. If you translate now all the pages into the french language, it will be easier later to create the french help file. Your work is not for nothing but you will need some patience. --Swen 20:27, 26 June 2007 (CEST)