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This page is created because it's annoying to constantly jump around the official WebAssembly documentation.

The page requires careful review as official specs are updated


Instruction Byte Code Execution Notes
unreachable $00
1. Trap
nop $01
1. Do nothing
block $02 blocktype
1. Let n be the arity |t?| of the result type t?.
2. Let L be the label whose arity is n and whose continuation is the end of the block.
3. Enter the block instr∗ with label L.
block must always be closed with end
loop $03
if $04
else $05 can only be used with if. Only single else is allowed per if
(reserved) $06..$0A
end $0B end can only close block or loop clocks
br labelidx $0C labelidx
1. Assert: due to validation, the stack contains at least l+1 labels.
2. Let L be the l-th label appearing on the stack, starting from the top and counting from zero.
3. Let n be the arity of L.
4. Assert: due to validation, there are at least n values on the top of the stack.
5. Pop the values valn from the stack.
6. Repeat l+1 times:
a. While the top of the stack is a value, do:
i. Pop the value from the stack.
b. Assert: due to validation, the top of the stack now is a label.
c. Pop the label from the stack.
7. Push the values valn to the stack.
8. Jump to the continuation of L.
Branching - Unconditional

Branching is possible only within a block. The block itself defines labels where the branching can go to.

br_if labelidx $0D labelidx
1. Assert: due to validation, a value of value type i32 is on the top of the stack.
2. Pop the value i32.const c from the stack.
3. If c is non-zero, then:
a. Execute the instruction (br l).
4. Else:
b. Do nothing.
Branching - Conditional

Branching is possible only within a block. The block itself defines labels where the branching can go to.

br_table vec(labelidxI) labelidx $0E
return $0F
call funcidx $10
call_indirect typeuse $11
(reserved) $12..$19
drop $1A [t]→[]
select $1B [t t i32]→[t]
(reserved) $1C..$1F
local.get x $20
local.set x $21
local.tee x $22
global.get x $23
global.set x $24
(reserved) $25
(reserved) $26
(reserved) $27
i32.load memarg $28
i64.load memarg $29
f32.load memarg $2A
f64.load memarg $2B
i32.load8_s memarg $2C
i32.load8_u memarg $2D
i32.load16_s memarg $2E
i32.load16_u memarg $2F
i64.load8_s memarg $30
i64.load8_u memarg $31
i64.load16_s memarg $32
i64.load16_u memarg $33
i64.load32_s memarg $34
i64.load32_u memarg $35
i32.store memarg $36
i64.store memarg $37
f32.store memarg $38
f64.store memarg $39
i32.store8 memarg $3A
i32.store16 memarg $3B
i64.store8 memarg $3C
i64.store16 memarg $3D
i64.store32 memarg $3E
memory.size $3F
memory.grow $40
i32.const i32 $41
i64.const i64 $42
f32.const f32 $43
f64.const f64 $44
i32.eqz $45
i32.eq $46
i32.ne $47
i32.lt_s $48
i32.lt_u $49
i32.gt_s $4A
i32.gt_u $4B
i32.le_s $4C
i32.le_u $4D
i32.ge_s $4E
i32.ge_u $4F
i64.eqz $50
i64.eq $51
i64.ne $52
i64.lt_s $53
i64.lt_u $54
i64.gt_s $55
i64.gt_u $56
i64.le_s $57
i64.le_u $58
i64.ge_s $59
i64.ge_u $5A
f32.eq $5B
f32.ne $5C
f32.lt $5D
f32.gt $5E
f32.le $5F
f32.ge $60
f64.eq $61
f64.ne $62
f64.lt $63
f64.gt $64
f64.le $65
f64.ge $66
i32.clz $67
i32.ctz $68
i32.popcnt $69
i32.add $6A
i32.sub $6B
i32.mul $6C
i32.div_s $6D
i32.div_u $6E
i32.rem_s $6F
i32.rem_u $70
i32.and $71
i32.or $72
i32.xor $73
i32.shl $74
i32.shr_s $75
i32.shr_u $76
i32.rotl $77
i32.rotr $78
i64.clz $79
i64.ctz $7A
i64.popcnt $7B
i64.add $7C
i64.sub $7D
i64.mul $7E
i64.div_s $7F
i64.div_u $80
i64.rem_s $81
i64.rem_u $82
i64.and $83
i64.or $84
i64.xor $85
i64.shl $86
i64.shr_s $87
i64.shr_u $88
i64.rotl $89
i64.rotr $8A
f32.abs $8B
f32.neg $8C
f32.ceil $8D
f32.floor $8E
f32.trunc $8F
f32.nearest $90
f32.sqrt $91
f32.add $92
f32.sub $93
f32.mul $94
f32.div $95
f32.min $96
f32.max $97
f32.copysign $98
f64.abs $99
f64.neg $9A
f64.ceil $9B
f64.floor $9C
f64.trunc $9D
f64.nearest $9E
f64.sqrt $9F
f64.add $A0
f64.sub $A1
f64.mul $A2
f64.div $A3
f64.min $A4
f64.max $A5
f64.copysign $A6
i32.wrap_i64 $A7
i32.trunc_f32_s $A8
i32.trunc_f32_u $A9
i32.trunc_f64_s $AA
i32.trunc_f64_u $AB
i64.extend_i32_s $AC
i64.extend_i32_u $AD
i64.trunc_f32_s $AE
i64.trunc_f32_u $AF
i64.trunc_f64_s $B0
i64.trunc_f64_u $B1
f32.convert_i32_s $B2
f32.convert_i32_u $B3
f32.convert_i64_s $B4
f32.convert_i64_u $B5
f32.demote_f64 $B6
f64.convert_i32_s $B7
f64.convert_i32_u $B8
f64.convert_i64_s $B9
f64.convert_i64_u $BA
f64.promote_f32 $BB
i32.reinterpret_f32 $BC
i64.reinterpret_f64 $BD
f32.reinterpret_i32 $BE
f64.reinterpret_i64 $BF

See Also