WinCE port

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The WinCE port is under development. Currently only WinCE on ARM and i386 (WinCE emulator) is supported.


  • The 2.1.x compiler has compiler support for arm-wince and i386-wince.
  • Currently compiler does not support floating point emulation for arm-wince.
  • System unit is complete.
  • Windows unit is almost complete.
  • SysUtils, Dos units are in progress.


At a certain point this breaks when the native compiler is compiled. This doesn't hurt, because you usually don't need the native compiler.

You should end with the units compiled to fpc/rtl/units/arm-wince and a ppccrossarm.exe in fpc/compiler. Copy them to locations fitting your fpc installation.


WinCE port notes

  • chdir always produces an error (WinCE does not support setting of current directory).
  • All file/dir paths must be absolute (started with \).
  • WinCE is unicode OS. All string parameters to API calls must be PWideChar.
  • WinCE does not have support for console applications by default. But you can install console support by yourself. Please note that FPC creates GUI applications for WinCE target by default. To create console application you should use -WC compiler switch or put {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} directive to source code.
    To enable console in WinCE install one of the following programs:
    • PocketCMD by SymbolicTools. It is recommended solution. Get it here
    • PPC Command Shell from Microsoft Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys. Get it here
      PPC Command Shell have less features than PocketCMD. Also it have some issues. One of them - a new console window is opened even if an application is started from a console command prompt.



Write any questions regarding WinCE port to Yury Sidorov