macOS extensions

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The package is intended to provide additional macOS Cocoa specific features.

Note: It's expected that those features will not work on any other system or as well as for deprecated Carbon API on macOS. However, it's expected that a project using the package would still succeffully compile and run on any other target.



After installation a new "macOS" tab is added to the components palette. All additional components are available in this tab:

macosext mainbar.PNG


The component is introduced to control MacOS NSWindow specific attributes and features, not available via LCL API.


macosformprop apppropeditor.PNG

NSAppearance class was introduced in macOS 10.9 for the first time. It's per window appearance options. The fact that it's per window configuration makes it different from Themes - that's system wide configuration.

Appearance property of TmacOSFormProp component is used to adjust the appearance.

Apple suggests that there are 3 appearance styles currently available in the system:

* NSAppearanceNameAqua
* NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark
* NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight

The value of the property can be changed in design time as well as run-time. As soon as the value is changed, it's expected that the appearance of the form, is changed.

Note: if the form that's hosts TmacOSFormProp is embedded into another form, then the behavior is not defined. However, it's expected the parent form appearance would change.

Using TmacOSFormProp is not desired on any component other than form. I.e. it's possible to use it on a frame, but in that case, the appearance of the hosting would be changed.

In case multiple TmacOSFormProp are used, the later action would be used as preference. Multiple TmacOSFormProp are not desired for use, and might forbidden in future versions.

The implementation is checking for the presence of NSAppearance class dynamically. Thus, if the code is launched on an earlier version of macOS, it would still be able to run, even though will not do anything.

See Also