untyped files

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Untyped text file

An untyped text file is suitable for processing files of any size. With untyped files, the content of a file is read line by line. Conversely, the file is written line by line. The data records of an untyped file can be of different lengths.

Create file

   datFile : TextFile;  // or: datFile: text
   strName : String;
   sinContent : Single;
   Assign(datFile, 'example.txt');  // Assigns the name of the file to the variable datFile and opens the file
   ReWrite(datFile);                // The old file is overwritten
   strName := 'qwert';
   sinContent := 1800.23;
   WriteLn(datFile, strName, sinContent);  // Writes the first record to the new file

In the OBJPFC or DELPHI compiler mode, the AssignFile procedure is available in addition to Assign to avoid confusion with TPersistent.Assign.

Open file

   datFile : TextFile;
   strName : String;
   sinContent : Single;
   Assign(datFile, 'example.txt');        // Assigns the name of the file to the datFile variable
   Reset(datFile);                        // Sets the file pointer to the beginning of the file
   ReadLn(datFile, strName, sinContent);  // Reads the first line from the file
   ReadLn(datFile, strName, sinContent);  // Reads the second line from the file

Close file

   datFile : TextFile;
   strName : String;
   sinContent : Single;
   Close(datFile);  // closes the file

Similar to AssignFile / Assign, the CloseFile procedure is available in OBJPFC or DELPHI compiler mode.

Append a record to an existing file

For text files (untyped files), a data record can be added to the end of the file using the Append command.

   datFile : TextFile;
   strName : String;
   sinContent : Single;
   Assign(datFile, 'example.txt');   // Assigns the name of the file to the datFile variable
   Append(datFile);                  // Opens the file for write access and adds records to the end of the file
   strName := 'sdf' ;
   sinContent : = 2001.21 ;
   WriteLn(datFile, strName, sinContent);  // Writes another record to the new file
   Close(datFile);                         // Closes the file

Read file completely

   datFile : TextFile;
   strName : String;
   sinContent : Single;
   Assign(datFile, 'example.txt');

   while not eof(datFile)                  // As long as data can still be read
     do begin
       read(datFile, strName, sinContent); // Read file content


See also