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fpmake standardizes the building by defining some limits. For example:
fpmake standardizes the building by defining some limits. For example:
*The unit output directory can not be changed. It is always units/''CPU''-''OS'' (e.g. units/i386-win32). You can only change the install directory.
*The unit output directory can not be changed. It is always units/''CPU''-''OS'' (e.g. units/i386-win32). You can only change the install directory.
== Configuration ==
In general the fpmake system scans the places typically used for fpc installations. In the case that fpmake doesn't find the FPC directory, you'll get an error like:
Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl"
In such case, set the FPCDIR environment variable to the base dir of the FPC installation, e.g.:
export FPCDIR=~/src/lib/fpc/2.3.1
This can also be useful if you have to disambiguate over multiple FPC installations.

== Basics ==
== Basics ==

Revision as of 13:09, 27 April 2009


This page summarizes all available knowledge on FPMake. FPMake is a pascal based build system developed for and distributed with FPC. It is possible to use FPMake with non FPC development related projects as a replacement for Make or other build systems (like cons, scons, etc).

See also fppkg.

fpmake standardizes the building by defining some limits. For example:

  • The unit output directory can not be changed. It is always units/CPU-OS (e.g. units/i386-win32). You can only change the install directory.


In general the fpmake system scans the places typically used for fpc installations. In the case that fpmake doesn't find the FPC directory, you'll get an error like:

Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl"

In such case, set the FPCDIR environment variable to the base dir of the FPC installation, e.g.:

export FPCDIR=~/src/lib/fpc/2.3.1

This can also be useful if you have to disambiguate over multiple FPC installations.


The upcoming 2.2 will contain the basics for a package system. Look at any directory in the fpc source dirs. You'll find a file fpmake.pp or fpmake.inc there.

The idea is that you do a

 fppkg <packagename>

This will look in a database for the package, extract it, and then compile fpmake.pp and run it. The fpmake contains all configurations to make and zip the package.

You could download a package manually, compile fpmake.pp and run

 ./fpmake build


 ./fpmake install

which would install the file.

The fpmake.pp file is very simple. Just look at the examples, they are scattered all over the place.

The idea is that the release after 2.2 will use this system.

Commandline arguments

 ./fpmake --help
 Usage: fpmake command [options]
 Where command is one of the following:
  compile      Compile all units in the package(s).
  build        Build all units in the package(s).
  install      Install all units in the package(s).
  clean        Clean (remove) all units in the package(s).
  archive      Create archive (zip) with all units in the package(s).
  manifest     Create a manifest suitable for import in repository.
 Where options is one or more of the following:
  -h --help             This message.
  -l --list-commands    list commands instead of actually executing them.
  -n --nofpccfg         Compiler will not use fpc.cfg
  -v --verbose          Be verbose when working.
  -C --cpu=Value            Compile for indicated CPU.
  -O --os=Value             Compile for indicated OS
  -t --target=Value         Compile for indicated target
  -P --prefix=Value         Use indicated prefix directory for all commands.
  -B --baseinstalldir=Value Use indicated directory as base install dir.
  -UL --localunitdir=Value   Use indicated directory as local (user) unit dir.
  -UG --globalunitdir=Value  Use indicated directory as global unit dir.
  -r --compiler=Value       Use indicated binary as compiler
  -f --config=Value         Use indicated config file when compiling.

Simple example fpmake.pp


 program fpmake;
 uses fpmkunit;
   P: TPackage;
   T: TTarget;
   With Installer do
     P := AddPackage('my-nice-program');
     P.OSes := [win32,openbsd,netbsd,freebsd,darwin,linux];
     T := P.Targets.AddUnit('myunit');
     T.ResourceStrings := True;
     T := P.Targets.AddUnit('myprogram');


Compile with

 fpc fpmake.pp


 fppkg build

which will build (if needed) fpmake and run fpmake in the current directory.

More complex example fpmake.pp


 program fpmake;
 uses fpmkunit;
 type TWidgetSet = (wsGDI, wsX, wsCarbon);
 var WidgetSet : TWidgetSet;
     P : TPackage;
 procedure DetermineWidgetSet;
   I : Integer;
   if Defaults.OS in AllWindowsOSes then
     WidgetSet := wsGDI else
   if Defaults.OS = MacOS then
     WidgetSet := wsCarbon else
   if Defaults.OS in AllUnixOSes then
     Widgetset := wsX;
   // Check paramstr() to see if the widgetset was overriden on the commandline;
   For I := 1 to ParamCount do
     If ParamStr(i) = '--widgetset=X' then
       WidgetSet := wsX;
   With Installer do
     // ...
     Case WidgetSet of
       wsGDI : P.UnitPath.Add('corelib/gdi');
       wsX   : P.UnitPath.Add('corelib/x11');
       // etc.
     //  ...


Changing Working Directory

If working with units in a subfolder relative to ./fpmake, then "Directory" can be changed. <pascal>

   With Installer do
     T:= Targets.AddUnit('unitinfolder');


Adding directories

You can add directories with the unit path:


 Case Defaults.OS of
   Win32, Win64: 


Often, it's more comfortable to use set constants like AllWindowsOSes, AllUnixOSes instead of specific OS names.

Appending Compiler Options

Additional custom compiler options (i.e. compiler command line parameters) can be appended by using TTarget.Options, TPackage.Options, or Defaults.Options.


 var T : TTarget;
 T.Options:= '-dSOMEDEFINE';
 T.Options:= T.Options + ' -xyzAnythingYouNeed';


Note: There is a bug in the units shipped with fpc 2.2.4. You can only pass one parameter with the Options property.

Or <pascal>

 var P : TPackage;


Or <pascal>




The fpmake executable takes several commands that determine its behavior.


The most basic usage of fpmake is:



 ./fpmake compile

This will compile your project when required.


To force a build of your project regardless, whether it is nescesary or not, a build command should be issued.

 ./fpmake build

When executing a build or compile command the units are placed in the directory:


The executable of a library is placed in the directory:


If either of these directories does not exist, they are created.

The CPU and OS can be changed by using the following options:

 ./fpmake --CPU=PPC --OS=Darwin

where the CPU switch takes one from:

  • Arm
  • I386
  • PPC
  • X86_64
  • M68K
  • PPC64

and OS takes one from:

  • Amiga
  • Atari
  • Darwin
  • FreeBSD
  • Go32v2
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • MorphOS
  • NetBSD
  • Netware
  • NetwLibc
  • OpenBSD
  • OS2
  • PalmOS
  • Solaris
  • Win32
  • Win64
  • WinCE
  • Emx


 ./fpmake clean

Will clean units (i.e. ones that have been added with AddUnit).


 ./fpmake install

Will install the project to the default location given in fpmake.pp. You can alter the install location with the following command:

 fpmake --baseinstalldir='c:\program files\my package';

There are two installer classes implemented:


Does not set the base output directory, this needs to be set in either the code:


 with Installer(TBasicInstaller) do
   Defaults.BaseInstallDir := 'c:\fpmake_test\';
   {$i fpmake.inc}


Or with the commandline option -B or --baseinstalldir. Either way the use of TBasicInstaller needs to be initiated with the Installer(TBasicInstaller) function.


Sets the output directory in code. This is done in several consecutive steps.

  1. Value of FPCDIR environment variable
  2. Hardcoded value

Just like TBasicInstaller it is possible to use commandline options to control the base install directory.


 ./fpmake archive

will create a zip.

The default filename of the archive is:




when no version is defined.

It is possible to modify the archive filename by setting the FileName property:


 with Installer do
   FileName := 'myfile.zip';



To create a manifest file suitable for import into a repository FPC will use the manifest command.

An example manifest file is shown below.


 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <package name="my-package">
  <version major="0" minor="7" micro="6" build="1"/>
  <author>my name</author>
  <description>this is the package description</description>
    <package packagename="rtl"/>


This manifest file was created using the following code:


 with Installer do
   P := AddPackage('my-package');
   P.Author := 'my name';
   P.License := 'GPL';
   {$ifdef VER2_2_2} P.ExternalURL {$else} P.HomepageURL {$endif}
     := 'http://www.freepascal.org/';
   P.Email := 'myname@freepascal.org';
   P.Description := 'this is the package description';
   P.Version := '0.7.6-1';
   // ...;


List sources

Note: this seems not available in FPC 2.2.2 and 2.2.4rc1. Please remove this section (if this was old abandoned idea) or update to say "planned" if it's a future plan.

 ./fpmake listsources

Will create an xml file called sources.xml which lists all sources in the package. Each item has a type node that reveals the function of the file.




The sources.xml file can be read by fppkg which uses it to create a package by itself.


The plan is to also add

 ./fpmake innosetup

Which will generate a file that can be included in an inno setup file.