Cocoa Internals/Extensions

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Extensions are used to add additional lcl-friendly methods to all Cocoa classes. The default implementation of each method should:

  • either indicate that a class is not a LCL-specific class (it's Cocoa native) thus should be handled with care
  • provide a basic functionality for LCL types (for example setting a control bounds using TRect type. Where cocoa is using float-point NSRect)



The extensions adds additional methods to NSObject class of cocoa. (This is TObject counterpart, where (almost) all classes in Cocoa inherit from).

A lot of the methods below are control specific methods, thus it might be a good idea to elevate the extension from NSObject to NSView or NSControl. However, this might impact other control-like objects (i.w. NSWindow?)

LCLObjectExtensions methods are:

Method Description Default behavior
LCLObjectExtension LCLViewExtensions
lclIsEnabled Returns true/false if control is enabled false
lclSetEnable Enables or disables the control does nothing
lclisVisible Returns true/false if control is visible false not hidden()
lclSetVisible shows or hides a control does nothing setHidden() (where is the method in the documentation? deprecated?)
lclisHandle Returns true if the instance of the class can be considered a LCL handle false
lclClientFrame Returns client rectangle (content of the control) in the control's coordinate system does nothing
lclFrame Returns controls position rectangle in the parent's coordinate system does nothing frame()
lclContentView Returns NSView that represents the (drawn) contents. In many NSViews or combination of NSViews the content might be different. For example for NSButton (TButton), the content view is NSButton itself. For NSBox (TGroupBox), the content view is contentView. For a NSTextView sunken in NSScrollView (TMemo) the contentView would be documentView of NSScrollView.

The problem is that all WidgetAPI calls are made through a control Handle. Handle doesn't always map to a NSView directly (TMemo, TGroupbox) where additional NSViews are in placed. lclContentView is intent to return the view, where the draw methods are called. The method is used by lclInvalidate and lclInvaldateRect.

It should be overridden in every composite component to return the actual drawn contents.

nil returns self


  • All lcl extension methods should start with "lcl" to distinguish them Cocoa native methods.

See Also