Cocoa Internals/Extensions

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Extensions are used to add additional lcl-friendly methods to all Cocoa classes. The default implementation of each method should:

  • either indicate that a class is not a LCL-specific class (it's Cocoa native) thus should be handled with care
  • provide a basic functionality for LCL types (for example setting a control bounds using TRect type. Where cocoa is using float-point NSRect)



The extensions adds additional methods to NSObject class of cocoa. (This is TObject counterpart, where (almost) all classes in Cocoa inherit from).

A lot of the methods below are control specific methods, thus it might be a good idea to elevate the extension from NSObject to NSView or NSControl. However, this might impact other control-like objects (i.w. NSWindow?)

LCLObjectExtensions methods are:

Method Description Default behavior
LCLObjectExtension LCLViewExtensions
lclIsEnabled Returns true/false if control is enabled false
lclSetEnable Enables or disables the control does nothing
lclisVisible Returns true/false if control is visible false not hidden
lclSetVisible shows or hides a control does nothing setHidden() (where is the method in the documentation? deprecated?)


  • All lcl extension methods should start with "lcl" to distinguish them Cocoa native methods.

See Also