Cross compiling for Win32 under Linux/it

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Suggerimenti per la Cross-Compilazione - creazione di binari per Win32 in ambiente Linux

Dalla versione 0.9.10 esiste un rpm 'fpc-crosswin32', che installa i binutils necessari (p.e. cross assembler, cross linker), i file .ppu di fpc cross-compilati per win32 e modifica il file /etc/fpc.cfg.

Tuttavia non include i file cross-compilati .ppu dell'LCL. É necessario che questi siano compilati dall'utente dopo l'installazione dell'fpc-crosswin32.

Lazarus ed il Compilatore Free Pascal

La Cross-compilazione - cosa bisogna sapere

Questo è una breve introduzione per i novizi.

La sezione seguente descrive come impostare il sistema per la cross-compilazione, in modo tale che lavori sotto linux e crei eseguibili per win32 (o freebsd o dawin, o ...). Perché usare la cross-compilazione: il FreePascal è un compilatore con l'obiettivo di convertire un programma sorgente in uno binario (in linguaggio macchina). Questi file binari contengono numerose informazioni, ad esempio la descrizione di come il sistema operativo deve avviare l'eseguibile. Nella maggior parte dei casi i file binari sono specifici per una determinata piattaforma e possono essere utilizzati solo sulla piattaforma per la quale sono stati scritti.

Di per sé il FreePascal non richiede un setup complesso. Esso è in grado di creare binari per molte piattaforme. Ed in pratica può già farlo. Tuttavia il compilatore è solo una parte. Bisogna anche tener conto dell'assembler ed del linker. E purtroppo questi strumenti non sono in grado di creare direttamente codice multipiattaforma. Ecco è necessario far riferimento a linker 'ld' e assembler 'as' specifici per ciascuna piattaforma di destinazione. Fortunatamente, per risolvere tali problemi, è possibile ricorrere alle binutils. Dopo aver creato gli strumenti "cross", tutte le unit pascal di fpc saranno cross-compilate. Ad esempio, ci sarà un file system.ppu per ciascuna piattaforma di destinazione. Quindi sarà necessario settare il file di config dell'fpc, così che la compilazione multipiattaforma avvenga tanto facilmente da dimenticarsi tutti i noiosi dettagli. La stessa cosà dovrà essere fatta per l'LCL - la lazarus component library. Infine sarà possibile compilare programmi per win32 su Linux. Successivamente i programmi realizzati si potranno testare con wine, con una macchina virtuale o copiandoli direttamente su una macchina reale windows.

Why *nix to windows and not the other way around.

The main reason for this is that generating unix binaries on a foreign platform (another unix or even Linux distro included) is more complicated. Static linking is already complicated, let alone shared.

You would need the used libraries from the target platform's (gtk, glib,libc etc), and a lot of additional configuring for ld. (library paths, dynlinker path etc)

This has been partially done (for the static case), but it is hard since it needs manual postediting of linker files and linker commandline, and a deep understanding about what makes Unix binaries tick.

Download the FPC Sources

The binaries are not enough, you need the complete fpc sources. See You can use SVN or a daily snapshot. For the following examples the fpc sources were downloaded to ~/sources/fpc.

Download the gnu binutils.

For example binutils-2.18.tar.gz downloaded to ~/download/binutils-2.18.tar.gz.

Cross build binutils

In the fpcbuild repository there is a script to build the binutils for all cross platforms: install/cross/buildcrossbinutils

Download install of fpcbuild:

 []$ cd ~
 []$ svn co install

Create a copy of the script:

 []$ cd ~/install/cross/
 []$ cp buildcrossbinutils

Edit the variables at the start of the new script.

The BASE variable points to a building and installation directory. So, it should be an empty directory. For example:


Now the downloaded binutils file. If for instance you downloaded ~/download/binutils-2.18.tar.gz then set


The script will automatically combine this to ~/download/binutils-2.18.tar.gz. The rest variables define what target platforms you have. The default is to build quite a lot, so compilation will take some time (hours on slow machines). For cross compile to windows, you need only


and to comment all other:

 #BSD="freebsd netbsd openbsd"
 #TARGETS_WIN="cygwin mingw32 msdosdjgpp"
 #TARGETS_I386="${BSD} linux solaris darwin"
 #TARGETS_POWERPC="${BSD} linux darwin"
 #TARGETS_SPARC="${BSD} linux solaris"

Then run the script:

 []$ sh

The script creates a subdirectory 'logs' full of log files. If something goes wrong, start looking there.

Note that for several platforms (Linux,FreeBSD, win32) these are available in compiled form already. See

Cross build FPC

In the fpcbuild repository there is a script to build the fpc snapshot for all cross platforms: install/cross/buildcrosssnapshot Create a copy of the script:

 []$ cd ~/install/cross/
 []$ cp buildcrosssnapshot

Edit the variables at the start of the new script.

Normally you will change at least CROSSTOOLSROOT, FPCCVS, DESTDIR, TARGETS_OS and TARGETS_CPU. For example:


Then run the script:

 []$ sh

After this you got cross compiled units in ~/cross_fpc/

Configure your fpc.cfg

Open as root your /etc/fpc.cfg or create copy /etc/fpc.cfg to ~/fpc.cfg and edit this file. Search in the config for the unit search paths

Note: On older versions of FPC $version and $target are used instead of $fpcversion and $fpctarget


Replace them with special paths for other platforms. For example for normal linux and cross compiled win32:

#IFDEF win32
#ELSE linux

ToDo: Test and troubleshooting

Cross compiling the LCL and lazarus components

At Command line:

cd lazarus; make clean all OS_TARGET=win32
cd lazarus/lcl; make clean all 

This will first cross compile everything for win32 (including the IDE, which is unecessary, but so I have to write less doc).

Or in the IDE: Set LCL, Synedit, Codetools, Package Registration and IDE Interface to Clean+Build, set LCL interface to win32/win64 and set 'Target OS' to win32. Then 'build lazarus'. These four parts have splitted output directories, so your linux .ppu/.o files are *not* overwritten and you don't need to recompile them.

Cross compiling a project

Set in Project->Compiler Options->Code the Target OS to 'win32' and in Paths the 'LCL Widget Type' to win32. That's all. The next time you build, you will create a win32 executable. The IDE will rescan for win32 units, so that 'Find declaration' and code completion features will now work with the win32 rtl instead of the linux rtl. When you open another project or reopen this project the IDE will automatically switch.

Hints for Cross compiling and Lazarus

If you create an application/package for multiple targets, you will often do the following: Fix a bug, compile and test it under linux, then compile and test it under win32, .. . Because normally you overwrite your .ppu files, you have to recompile everything, everytime you switch. This is not necessary. The Lazarus IDE supports macros.

Example 1: Cross compiling a project for linux and win32.

Set Project -> Compiler Options -> Paths -> Unit Output directory to $(TargetOS). This macro will be replaced by the value in Code -> TargetOS in lowercase (i.e. "linux" for Linux and "win32" for Win32). The output directory is relative to your project directory (the directory where your .lpi is). Create a linux and win32 directory in your project directory. When you click on the "Show Options" button at the bottom of the compiler options, you will see a -FElinux/ or -FEwin32/. This option tells the compiler where to write the output (e.g. .ppu/.o files).

Example 2: Cross compiling a project for various platforms and widget sets.

Set the Unit output directory to $(TargetCPU)/$(TargetOS)/$(LCLWidgetType) and create the sub directories for all targets. This path construction is also used by the LCL.

The same can be done for packages.

Cross compiling and Lazarus Packages

Lazarus packages are not limited to libraries. They can be used to compile nearly everything. And the IDE automatically recompiles them if needed. Packages can inherit compiler options. For example: A project that uses a package inherits the output directory of the package. In other words: the output directory of the package is added to unit search path of the project. See in the IDE: Project -> Compiler options -> Inherited. Inheritance normally works only one way. But there are exceptions: The target platform (OS and CPU) of the project overrides the target for all used packages. That means, if you set the Target OS of the project to "win32" and compile the project, the IDE will check if the used packages need to be recompiled for this Target OS.

For example:

Package A has as output directory: lib/$(TargetOS) Project uses A.

  1. The project is built for linux. The IDE compiles A for linux in <PackageDirOfA>/lib/linux/, then it compiles the project for linux.
  2. The project is built for win32. The IDE compiles A for win32 in <PackageDirOfA>/lib/win32/, then it compiles the project for win32.
  3. The project is built again for linux. The IDE checks A for linux and does not recompile it. Then it compiles the project for linux.

So, using the macros saves a lot of time.

For Unix (general)

Option -XLA is used to rename library dependencies specified in pascal units. Format is -XLAold=new, to modify ld link option -l<old> to -l<new>.

Option -XR<sysroot> (recent trunk) that can be used to specify the target system root. It's used for:

  • adding a prefix to the default added library paths; in the past you used to specify -Xd and these paths manually. E.g. for i386-linux instead of passing /lib, /usr/lib, and /usr/X11R6/lib to ld, it will pass <sysroot>/lib, <sysroot>/usr/lib, and <sysroot>/usr/X11R6/lib to ld.
  • detecting the C library (linux specific): glibc or uclibc. E.g. for uclibc detection '<sysroot>/lib/' is tried.

Per Linux sotto Win32

É possibile reperire su tale argomento (meno importante del precedente) alcune informazioni nelle buildfaq

FreeBSD to sparc

I managed to crosscompile from x86 to Sparc Solaris 9. However the result doesn't work very well, but here is my cmdline:

in compiler/ execute:

 gmake cycle CPU_TARGET=sparc OS_TARGET=solaris CROSSBINUTILPREFIX=solaris-sparc- CROSSOPT='-Xd -Fl~/src/sollib'

~/src/sollib is a directory that contains:

  • a set of .o's from /usr/local/gcc-3.3-32bit/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris/3.3
  • libgcc.a from /usr/local/gcc-3.3-32bit/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris/3.3
  • a set of lib*.so from /usr/lib:

Problem is illustrated by the following binary.

 Free Pascal Compiler version 2.1.1 [2006/03/17] for sparc
 Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
 Target OS: Solaris for SPARC
 Compiling system.pp
 system.pp(15,1) Fatal: Syntax error, "BEGIN" expected but "identifier UNIT" found

I suspect wrong .o's are taken.

Per Mac OS X

Si veda forum post.

Contributi Originali

Questa pagina è una traduzione dall'inglese di Cross compiling for Win32 under Linux.