Installing Lazarus on Haiku

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Installing from sources

Work in progress...

Building Qt under Haiku

Instructions are available there :

Building Qt is not required. You can just download lastest binaries at and uncompress them to /boot/.

In order to compile the Qt4 binding below, you should get the development package.

Building Qt4 binding for FreePascal under Haiku

Download the source from The current binding is "V2.1 (Qt 4.5.X, compatible with Qt 4.6.X)". Choose the entry "Library source" under Linux X11.

Haiku is not supported by default. Here are the little things to change before compiling it under Haiku.

In, change the supported version according to the version of Qt you have downloaded (It also works with Qt 4.8.0).

Then, add ":!Haiku" at line 50 inside :

unix:!embedded:!mac:!haiku:PLATFORM = BINUX

Finally, run :

make install

You should have in /boot/common/lib/. The last step is to add a link to this library in the /boot/develop/abi/c86/gcc4/lib.

More informations about this binding are available here : Qt4 binding

Building Lazarus under Haiku

Required tools

fpc 2.4.0 for Haiku is not suitable to build Lazarus. Some bugs were fixed while porting Lazarus to Haiku.

The 2.4 fix branch or trunk should compile Lazarus.

Current official version (2.4.2) is able to compile Lazarus. Binaries for Haiku are available at :

Getting sources

As usual :

svn co lazarus

Compiling Lazarus

Once you have a good enough compiler and the source tree, just run at the root of the source tree

Make sure gcc 4 is the default compiler under Haiku using :

setgcc gcc4

then :