Issues 2.6.4

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Issues with 2.6.4 release candidates

This page is supposed to contain all issues discovered while testing release candidates and their status. Make sure to include information about the platform where the problem appears (if applicable). Once the issue gets resolved, you should strike it over and add number of SVN revision fixing it. If the revision number refers to a SVN repository different from "fpc" (i.e. "fpcbuild" or "fpcdocs"), include information about the SVN repository too.


  1. cpu-os: IE209101221 while compiling XYZ.pas - r123456
  2. docs: missing description of XYZ
  3. readme.txt: wrong version number - r654321 (fpcbuild)

Issues with 2.6.4-rc1

  • make clean and make distclean don't clean anything in the package directories handled by fpmake (fastcgi and fcl-web) when FPC is a cross-compiler
  • document the issues on User_Changes_2.6.4 that triggered the changes performed in Lazarus r40410 (already documented on User_Changes_Trunk), r43275, r43371
  • cross-building broken r26134

Merge requests

  • (marcov) r26008 has some potentially critical fix to iconvenc.
  • (marcov) r26171 adds minimal ycck support to fcl-image (only adds code for a specific case)
  • (marcov) r26189 adds FPC_USE_LIBC termios support. Doesn't change anything when syscalls are used. (to give debian/kfreebsd a shot at fpc 2.6.4)
  • (marcov) r26188,r262190 Mysql header support.

Post RC1 merges