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Android robot.svg

Ten artykuł odnosi się tylko do systemu Android.

Zobacz także: Przewodnik programowania wieloplatformowego

Light bulb  Uwaga: Ta strona pochodzi z poprzedniego samouczka HOW_TO_INSTALL_by_Dieselnutjob.pdf (dla Windows, obecnie plik wydaje się być niedostępny). Teraz jest to Wiki, możesz ją zaktualizować, jeśli jesteś pewien, że coś działa i/lub jest pomocne.

LAMW jest zestawem kreatorów Lazarusa, które uruchomisz z menu Buduj i Narzędzia.

LAMW pomaga ustawić parametry, uporządkować biblioteki i uruchomić narzędzia wymagane do tworzenia plików APK, używanych do instalowania aplikacji na Androida.

Ta instalacja zawiera kilka pakietów zawierających komponenty przydatne do tworzenia programów na Androida za pomocą Lazarusa przy użyciu JNI.

Jak zainstalować w systemie Linux

Zobacz LAMW na Linuksie

Jak zainstalować w systemie Windows

Działa w 64-bitowych systemach Windows 8 i 10 Home Edition.

Pliki do pobrania

Utwórz foldery C:\lamw i C:\lamw\projects

Pobierz te pliki do folderu C:\lamw :

lamw download.png

Ważne informacje:

Podane tutaj wersje obecnie działają, chociaż niektóre z nich są stare, a nawet ukryte przez ich twórcę/wydawcę.

Ale najnowsze stabilne wersje nie zawsze są kompatybilne z tym narzędziem (jak np. NDK).

Jeśli okaże się, że nowsza stabilna wersja działa dobrze, zaktualizuj Wiki.

Być może masz już zainstalowane zestawy na swoim komputerze. Może to prowadzić do problemów, jeśli spróbujesz je ponownie wykorzystać. Bezpieczniej jest pobierać nowe pliki w c:\lamw. Należy pamiętać, aby używać odpowiednich wersji i nie używać skrótów zainstalowanych wcześniej z innymi wersjami.

Get sources

You must get LAMW sources using one of the 3 methods listed below. They contain the wizards and the 3 packages.

Checkout with a git client

We use here Git Gui, but you can use other easier tools like Tortoise GIT.

  1. create a folder C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard
  2. click right on this folder
  3. click "GIT Gui here"
  4. click "Clone existing repository" and enter in the source location.
  5. select the folder C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard

lamw git checkout.png

Checkout with a svn client

With Tortoise SVN to C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard

lamw svn checkout 1.png

lamw svn checkout 2.png

Extract zip

An alternate method is to download this zip file in c:\lamw and to extract into the (default) folder C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard

You will have to do this often, because there are often LAMW updates, and you will not have any source manager functionalities to check quickly updates or to be involved into the project.


Extract in c:\lamw\android-sdk-windows

Extract in c:\lamw\android-ndk-r10e-windows-x86

Extract in c:\lamw\apache-ant-1.9.6

Extract laz4android1.5-50093-FPC3.1.1.7z to C:\lamw\Laz4Android

Execute jdk-8u65-windows-i586.exe . It will install the JDK to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_65\

lamw java sdk install.png

Light bulb  Uwaga: Depending on the tool you use to extract zip or 7z, be sure to have not the first folder twice. Something like c:\lamw\android-ndk-r10e-windows-x86\android-ndk-r10e-windows-x86 will lead to errors in the subsequent steps...

Update Java development kits

run C:\lamw\android-sdk-windows\SDK Manager.exe

  1. deselect Android N (API 23 N Preview)
  2. deselect Android 6.0 (API 23)
  3. select Android SDK Platform-tools
  4. select Android SDK Build-tools
  5. select Extras/Android Support Library [if found...]
  6. select Extras/Google USB Driver
  7. click Install 4 packages [3 packages if Android Support Library not found]
  8. Accept license and click Install
  9. wait for downloads to finish
  10. Exit SDK Manager

lamw sdk manager 1.png

Run C:\lamw\android-sdk-windows\SDK Manager.exe again

  1. deselect Android N (API 23 N Preview)
  2. deselect Android 6.0 (API 23)
  3. expand Android 4.2.2 (API 17)
  4. select SDK Platfrom
  5. select ARM EABI v7a System Image
  6. click Install 2 packages
  7. Accept license and click Install
  8. wait for downloads to finish
  9. Exit SDK manager

lamw sdk manager 2.png

Build and prepare Laz4Android

Laz4Android is simply an instance of Lazarus.

From Windows, run cmd, then :

cd \lamw\Laz4Android build.bat

lamw cmd laz4android 1.png

lamw cmd laz4android 2.png

When finished, exit cmd mode

Create a shortcut on your desktop for C:\lamw\laz4android\startlazarus.exe

Execute it

Start IDE

Package -> Open package file (.lpk)

select C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard\trunk\tfpandroidbridge_pack.lpk


Use>> Install

Do you want to rebuid Lazarus now? Yes

Laz4Android will restart

Package -> Open package file (.lpk)

select C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard\trunk\lazandroidwizardpack.lpk


Use>> Install

Do you want to rebuid Lazarus now? Yes

Laz4Android will restart

Package -> Open package file (.lpk)

select C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard\trunk\ide_tools\amw_ide_tools.lpk


Use>> Install

Do you want to rebuid Lazarus now? Yes

Laz4Android will restart

Path settings

In Laz4Android:

Tools -> [LAMW] Android Module Wizard -> Path settings

Path to Java JDK: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_65
Path to Ant bin: C:\lamw\apache-ant-1.9.6\bin
Path to Android SDK: c:\lamw\android-sdk_r24.4.1-windows
Path to Android Gradle: C:\lamw\gradle
Path to Android NDK: C:\lamw\android-ndk-r10e
NDK version: 10e
Path to Simonsay's templates: C:\lamw\lazandroidmodulewizard\trunk\java

lamw path settings.png


File -> Restart

Create your first project

In Laz4Android :

Project -> Close project [if necessary]

Project Wizard -> New project

Select JNI Android Module [Lamw GUI]

Click OK

lamw create new project.png

Path to Workspace [Projects Folder]: C:\lamw\projects
New Project Name: LamwGUIProject1
Default Package Name: org.lamw
Include "android-support-v4.jar": no
NDKPlatfom: 17
MinSdkAPI: 17
TargetSdkApi: 17
Instruction: ARMv7a
ARM Fpu: Soft
Android Theme: DeviceDefault

lamw configure project.png

Save unit1.pas

Click Save

Now, if you hover the mouse over any unit in uses clause, IDE will show an error message.

File -> Restart

After restart, if you hover the mouse over any unit in uses clause, IDE does not show error message anymore

Drag from Android Bridge a jButton onto form

Events OnClick, double click and add :

procedure TAndroidModule1.jButton1Click( Sender: TObject );
  ShowMessage('Hello World');

File -> Save All

Run -> Build

Target: C:\lamw\projects\LamwGUIProject1\libs\armeabi\ Success

Light bulb  Uwaga: This Build step is not required, because it will be executed by the next one. However it can help to diagnose an issue.
Light bulb  Uwaga: Before next step, check your Android device is connected to the PC with an USB cable.

Run -> [Lamw] Build APK and run

Building APK...: Success

if ADB is working with your phone, the APK will then be copied, installed and run automatically !

Otherwise, copy C:\lamw\projects\LamwGUIProject1\bin\LamwGUIProject1-debug.apk to some folder of the Android device, and install this file using the device file manager.

Other demos

In C:\lamw\trunk\demos\Eclipse, you will find a lot of projects to help you with the available functionalities.

You have to :

  1. Open the project file <project_name>/jni/controls.lpi
  2. Goto project options and change NDK paths according your installation
  3. Project, Options, LAMW Project configuration and check the Target SDK API which must be the same as installed above.
  4. Run, Build the project. As the "Hello World" above, it should copy, install and run the application on the Android device.
  5. Try it !

If you get the message "Application has stopped", it can be useful to goto Tools, [LAMW] Android Module Wizard, Upgrade Code templates

Select the directory containing examples and a project and click "OK".

Then build again, and it should work !

See also