LAMW install windows fpcupdeluxe

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Install LAMW and Android Development Environment on Windows using fpcupdeluxe

See also
For Linux How-To see here:,40750.0.html
Needed simple instructions to get an up-to-date Android build environment setup on Windows.
(installs and runs as a user, no admin privileges are needed)

Thanks to other developers for sharing their hard work, utilities, and helpful information.
Please provide feedback if you find any issues, or if there are ways to simplify even more.
Everything is self-contained under the "$BASE\android" folder
($BASE defaults to the user's home folder)
$BASE\android\sdk  (android sdk and build tools)
$BASE\android\sdk\ndk-bundle  (android ndk)
$BASE\android\fpcupdeluxe_app  (FPCUPdeluxe installer)
$BASE\android\projects  (default LAMW projects folder)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus  (FPC, Lazarus built w/ LAMW)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus\ccr\lamw  (LAMW files)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus\ccr\lamw-gradle  (gradle build tool)
$BASE\android\fpc-lazarus\ccr\lamw\demos (LAMW demo projects)
Versions Tested
Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64-bit with latest updates installed

Android Command-Line Tools for Linux build 9477386
OpenJDK 11.0.18 LTS (Microsoft's build)
Android SDK/API Level 31 (Android 12)
Android NDK revision 22
Gradle 6.8.3 (installed automatically by FPCUPdeluxe)

FPCUPdeluxe ver 2.2.0n
FPC stable v3.2.2
Lazarus stable v2.2.4

32-bit CPU Target: ARMv7a + VFPv3 (hardware floating point)
64-bit CPU Target: Aarch64 (this always uses hardware floating point)

Run these commands in a non-admin powershell console. I recommend running these one at a time so you can verify the results before moving on to the next step.

2023-Feb-05 ver 0.7