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The SynEdit contained in Lazarus is based on on SynEdit 1.3 [[1]], and was adapted and extended quite a lot. For example UTF-8 support and code folding were added.

The package contains a source editor component named TSynEdit, several syntax highlighters and other components used for surce editing.

It is licensed under the same terms as the original SynEdit (MPL or GPL)

SynEdit in the IDE

The SynEdit in lazarus is a built-in package, because the IDE uses it itself. That's why there is no .lpk file. The components can be found on the component palette on the 'SynEdit' page.


An example can be found at lazarus/examples/synedit1.lpi.

How to add support to Copy, Paste, Cut, Undo, Redo, etc

These features can be implemented by using SynEdit commands.

<delphi> uses

 SynEdit, SynEditKeyCmds;

procedure TfrmPrincipal.HandleCodigoKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;

 Shift: TShiftState);


 if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) then
   case Key of
   VK_C: synCodigo.CommandProcessor(TSynEditorCommand(ecCopy), ' ', nil);
   VK_V: synCodigo.CommandProcessor(TSynEditorCommand(ecPaste), ' ', nil);
   VK_X: synCodigo.CommandProcessor(TSynEditorCommand(ecCut), ' ', nil);

end; </delphi>

Further development, discussions

  • RTL (right-to-left): started by Mazen
  • automatic monospace font selection: At the moment SynEdit starts with a font 'courier'. But it would be better, if SynEdit would start with a monospace font (meaning: every character has the same width). At the moment the LCL TFont does not provide such a property. At the moment the user has to choose the right font.
  • automatic UTF-8 font selection: Same as above monospace, but also with an UTF-8 font, so that for example umlaute are shown correctly. At the moment the user has to choose the right font.
  • Dead keys. Most keyboards support typing two or more keys to create one special character (like accented or umlaut characters).
  • Redesign of the SynEdit component. The primary goal is more reliable display and navigation in the text. A more modular approach also allows for better integration of extensions, and for specialized controls, for use outside of Lazarus.