TStringList-TStrings Tutorial

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The TStringList(Or TStrings) is much like a fancy dynamic array or Set of Strings(Not Possible). It will come in handy alot when programming and I'm going to teach you basic TStringList Usage!

<Delphi>program StrList;


 Str: TStringList;


 Str := TStringList.Create; // This is needed when using this class(or most classes)
 Str.Add('Some String!');


This is a simple program(Console) that will create and add one string to a string list! Now heres some things you should know:

Create - Will create the string list for modifying.

Count - Is a counter for the amount of strings in the List. It is a zero based counter

Add - Will allow you to add one string to the string list. It is a Function that will return the Index of the String. This is Were the counter comes in handy.

Delete - Will delete a string from the string list. Just know that you do not simply input the string, you have to input the index of the string.(Like I said. Its like a fancy Dynamic Array)

IndexOf - Will allow you to return the index of the string in the list. If it is not found it returns -1.

Clear - Will clear the list.


How about a more juicy example, Eh?

<Delphi>program StrList;


 Str: TStringList;
 S: String;
 Counter: Integer;


 Str := TStringList.Create;
 Writeln('String List Test');
   Writeln('Input a string to add');
   if (S = 'EXIT') then Halt;
   if not (S = ) then
     Counter := Str.Add(S);
     Writeln('String: ' + S + ' was Added!');
     Writeln('Index is: ' + IntToStr(Counter); // The counter will always become the index of the last thing added
   end rlse Writeln('Nothing Inputed :D');
 until (S = 'EXIT');


File Handling

When using the TStringList you have 2 main file handling procedures. SaveToFile And LoadFromFile By Using SavetoFile it will save all strings in the list to a file. LoadFromFile will open the file and add the file data to the list string by string.


 Str: TStringList;


 Str := TStringList.Create;


You just opened a file,edited it and saved it right back to were it was!

Keep Learning

You can learn all the different procedures,functions and property's Here: [1]

IF you feel i might have left something out, Modify At Will!

Hope I helped!