Talk:How to use a TrayIcon

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Linux Problems

In conjunction with bugs 0035723 and 35983 here is a table of what works with (Fixes) release 61820 and 61821 -

Distro See Icon LeftClick RightClick Usable
18.04 Mate 820 Yes Menu Panel Menu Yes
18.04 Mate 821 Yes Click Menu Yes
18.04 Gnome3 820 Yes Menu Menu Yes
18.04 Gnome3 821 No , , No
19.04 Gnome3 820 Yes Menu Menu Yes
19.04 Gnome3 821 No , , No
Fedora 30 820 Yes Menu Menu Yes
Fedora 30 821 Yes Click Menu but in random location. No
Debian 9.9 (all) Yes Click Menu Yes
Mint 19.2 Cinnamon 820 Yes Menu Menu Yes
Mint 19.2 Cinnamon 821 Yes Click Menu Yes

Fedora 30 has TopIcons installed, without it no TrayIcon shows in either model. Current SUSE models are the same, both confirm tightly to "No SystemTray Please".

Debian - Thats Plasma and Gnome3, both versions of test app.

Sure need to test some more distros. But note that the current, mainstream, Fedora and Ubuntu mixes are unusable in 61821 and later. The only downside of the 61820 and earlier is that libappindicator3 does not differentiate between left and right click. Given that the push at present is to "simplify" the SystemTray/AppNotifier model, perhaps thats intentional. Gnome's hostility to the older SystemTray model is well know, and, perhaps sadly, likely to prevail. And that means more systems will be unusable using the old SystemTray/Libappindicator (1) model.


Could someone expand on this comment "The image of the icon can be altered using a HICON handle. "? As a newbie I don't really know what a HICON handle is or how to use it.

HICON is a widgetset Icon Handle. The TrayIcon component is quite old, and when I first wrote it there was no real support for the TIcon component is Lazarus, so you could use directly an icon handle instead. Now you should just go for TIcon.
--Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho 08:41, 25 July 2010 (CEST)

I have found it quite hard to generate icons that will load and display using

Should work.
--Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho 08:41, 25 July 2010 (CEST)

I found that the format of the icon in Windows XP is fussy. The icon will only display if it is saved with the parameters "8bpp,1-bit alpha,256-slot palette" in gimp for example.

Ummm ... that's probably something related to the Free Pascal Windows Icon reading capabilities. 24-bits RGB should work too. Doesn't it work? You can create a test project and attach it to a bug report in the bug tracker. It would also be great if you could find out which formats work and which don't and write this in the wiki.
--Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho 08:41, 25 July 2010 (CEST)

The next challenge is to modify an icon in memory and then display it. I'm sure my method isn't exactly correct but maybe it will help others. First I tried to create a tbitmap and load an icon into it but fails. Also any attempt to do a SysTrayIcon.Icon.LoadFromBitMapHandles() seems to result in a blank icon.

In the end I did this which works for a 32x32 icon

//PByte now points to the first byte of the first pixel.
//Set the top left pixel red
Pbyte^:=$00; //green
(PByte+1)^:=$FF;  //red
(PByte+2)^:=$00:  //blue

Now I have an icon in my system tray with a red dot in the top left corner. Each pixel uses 3 bytes so a procedure like this works to manipulate each 32x32 pixel

procedure TForm1.SetIconPixel(PTRIcon:PIcon;xpos,ypos,red,green,blue:byte);
  PByte: ^Byte;
  {xpos and ypos are 0 to 31}
  if PByte<PtrIcon^.RawImage.Data+PtrIcon^.RawImage.DataSize-1 then

I have no idea what the first 100 bytes do.

For a 16x16 icon there is no extra 100 bytes and the colour order is different. Same code for a 16x16 icon

procedure TForm1.SetIconPixel(PTRIcon:PIcon;xpos,ypos,red,green,blue:byte);
  PByte: ^Byte;
  {xpos and ypos are 0 to 15}
  if PByte<PtrIcon^.RawImage.Data+PtrIcon^.RawImage.DataSize-1 then

To use this procedure you have to load an icon file or resource into a ticon send a pointer to the ticon and the xpos, ypos and colour that you want to the procedure copy the icon to the systrayicon show it

like this

//draw a black square in the middle
for x:=6 to 9 do
  for y:=6 to 9 do


Now about setting an icon pixel, there is a much better way of doing this. The RawImage is completely dependent on the pixel format you are using, but you can also use TLazIntfImage, which is format independent and very fast:
 uses Graphics, IntfGraphics;

   TempIntfImg: TLazIntfImage;
   ImgHandle,ImgMaskHandle: HBitmap;
   px, py: Integer;
   TempBitmap: TBitmap;

   // Here you can set the pixels
   for py:=0 to TempIntfImg.Height-1 do
     for px:=0 to TempIntfImg.Width-1 do
       SrcIntfImg.Colors[px,py] := clRed;

   // Now you can copy it to a TBitmap

   // And copy the TBitmap to your Icon

That should do it and very 100% format independent.
--Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho 08:40, 25 July 2010 (CEST)

I can't get TempIntfImg.CreateBitmaps(ImgHandle,ImgMaskHandle,false) to actually run getting FPImageException: Failed to create handles bug 0017031 created dieselnutjob

For reference, I added a working code here: TrayIcon#Example_2_-_Creating_the_icon_with_TLazIntfImage
--Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho 17:38, 26 July 2010 (CEST)

Your code works well. I tried it in Linux and Windows XP. just removed the unnecessary "FPRed: TFPColor;" variable thanks dieselnutjob

I am getting a new problem now. With the example code on Linux the red box is scrambled. for an example see This is laptop running Debian Lenny with KDE desktop. Lazarus is beta Date 2009-10-27 FPC 2.2.4 thanks dieselnutjob