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TrayIcon ist eine crossplattformtaugliche Systemtray-Komponente, welche momentan unter folgenden Widgetsets funktioniert: win32, Gtk1, Gnome, Gtk2. Für die Zukunft ist außerdem Carbon ( Mac OS X ) und Qt 4 vorgesehen.

Zwei Schnittstellen werden momentan angeboten: eine visuelle Koponente und ein non-visuelles Objekt. Zweiteres heißt SystrayIcon und ist delphikompatibel. Die visuelle Komponente ist das TTrayIcon, welches nur mit Lazarus funktioniert.

Als Schnelleinstieg siehe: das Demonstrationsprogram.


Nachfolgend eine Liste mit allen Methoden, Properties und Events, welche die Komponente zur Verfügung stellt. Namen und Funktion sind für die visuelle und die nicht-visuelle Version identisch. Außerdem arbeiten die Funktionen, außer wenn anders angegeben unter allen Plattformen.



procedure Show;

Zeigt das Icon im Systemtray


procedure Hide;

Entfernt das Icon aus dem Systemtray


function GetPosition: TPoint;

Gibt die Position des Trayicons auf dem Bildschirm aus. Diese Funktion dient dazu, Nachrichten nahe des Icons anzuzeigen. Dies ist allerdings momentan nur ein Platzhalter und nicht implementiert. Stattdessen wird immer der Punkt (0, 0) zurückgegeben.



property Hint: string;


property ShowHint: Boolean;


property PopUpMenu: TPopUpMenu;

Gibt ein Popupmenu an, welches bei Rechtsklick auf das Icon erscheint.



property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent;

Erlaubt eine eigene Zeichenroutine für das Canvas des Icons.

Bemerkung: Arbeitet nicht unter Win32!


property OnClick: TNotifyEvent;


property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent;


property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent;


property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent;


property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent;



Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

Andrew Haines


Modifizierte LGPL


Status: Stable

Can be located at any recent Lazarus install at the directory: lazarus/components/trayicon


Demonstration program 1

This program will load a icon from a internal resource on Windows or from an external file on other platforms.

To create and link the icon resource to your Windows software you must:

1. Create a traytest.rc resource script, like this:

101               ICON                    "icon1.ico"

2. Compile the resource script into a .res file with windres. Windres is supplied with Lazarus.

windres -i traytest.rc -o traytest.res

Now you can write the test program. Create a new program with 1 form. Go to your source file and add this on the interface section:

{$ifdef win32}
  {$R traytest.res}

Next add a button to the form. Double click the button and add this code to it:

procedure MyForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  IDI_ICON1         = 101;
{$ifdef win32}
  SystrayIcon.Icon.Handle := LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));
  //7 march 2006 - Loading from icon file (see next line) seems buggy on win32 at this time
  //7 march 2006 - You may experience problems with rendering using .ico files (buggy display), 
  //               if then try using xpm (resolved the problem on fedora core 4 / Gnome)

  SystrayIcon.ShowHint := True;
  SystrayIcon.Hint := 'my tool tip';

  SystrayIcon.PopUpMenu := MyPopUpMenu;



Located under components/trayicon/ on the latest subversion Lazarus.

Help, Bug Reporting and Feature Request

Please, post Bug Reports and Feature Requests on the Lazarus Bugtracker.

Help requests can be posted on the Lazarus mailling list or on the Lazarus Forum.

Change Log

  1. 17/01/2006 - Available as a preview on the Lazarus subversion. Still under heavy construction, however.
  2. 24/01/2006 - Stable under win32, gnome and gtk1, but still waiting for gtk2 support. Lazarus 0.9.12 was release with this version.
  3. 17/02/2006 - Added support for gtk2 on subversion.

Technical Details

A difficulty on the development of this component was the many differences on the system tray implementation on varios OSes and even Window Managers on Linux. To solve this, the component tryes to implement the minimal set of features common to all target platforms. Bellow is a list of the features implemented on each platform:

Windows - Multiple system tray icons per application are supported. The image of the icon can be alterred using a HICON handle. Events to the icon are sent via a special message on the user reserved space of messages (>= WM_USER) to the Window which owns the Icon. No paint events are sent to the Window.

Linux (Gnome, KDE, IceWM, etc) - Multiple system tray icons per application are supported. The image of the icon is acctually a very small Window, and can be painted and receive events just like any other TForm descendent.

Linux (WindowMaker, Openbox, etc) - Does not support system tray icons out-of-the-box. However, There are at least two softwares that provides support for it: Docker and WMSystray

Mac OS X - This system doesn´t really have System Tray icons in the way Linux and Windows have them. This component attempts to use tray-like features of Mac OS X to implement a tray icon. Every application on Mac OS X has a Dock icon. The software can assign a popup menu for this Dock, and this is probably how TrayIcon for Mac OS will work in the future. One compatibility problem is that only one Dock per application can exist.

You can see here is how it will look like:

With this in mind a approach which supports all Platforms was created:

  • Only one Systray Icon is supported per application, and all applications that use the component have it initialized on the startup of the program. This way you will use the SystrayIcon object, and not it´s class. (Required by Mac OS X)
  • Painting is done via a TIcon object. (Required by Windows)

The following extra features are already available or will be, but they won´t work on all platforms.

  • Multiple Systray Icons. Won´t work on Mac OS X.
  • OnPaint event and Canvas property to draw the icon freely. Won´t work on Windows.

External Links