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Hi, my real name is Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho and I'm a engineering student at the University of São Paulo.

I just like to do things well, so well people often say I won´t make it.

I work at the faculty of Education on the University of São Paulo

There I help to develop an online Braille Course based on motion graphics.

Current projects

  • Develop a digital osciloscope with two coleagues of mine. The osciloscope is connected to the computer via a ISA Card. The interface software is written in Lazarus and is a Multi-platform, graphical application that can access the ISA Card on both Windows and Linux. The project should be finished in about 1 month.

Interest Areas

I just love to program on Pascal, usually with the Free Pascal Compiler. I like to do good, easy to read, elegant and powerful source-code and that is why I hate Visual Basic. I reaaaaaly hate VB. The funny think is that I learned how to program on it ... go figure! People are just crazy.