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== Example code ==
== Example code ==
This example application places a status item named "Captioner" on the system-wide menu bar. Clicking on the item reveals a menu with three options, two of which change the caption on the application's title bar while the third quits the application. The toggle button allows you to toggle the status item on/off. While not obvious from the code, by assigning the ToggleButtonClick handler to the OnShow event of the Form in the Object Inspector, the status item appears automagically when the application is launched.
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Revision as of 03:17, 13 December 2021


This article applies to macOS only.

See also: Multiplatform Programming Guide


NSStatusBar is an object that manages a collection of status items that provide interaction with or feedback to the user. A status item can be displayed with text or an icon, can provide a menu or send a target-action message when clicked. Use status items sparingly and only if the alternatives (such as a Dock menu, preference pane, or status window) are not suitable. As there is limited space in which to display status items, status items are not guaranteed to be available at all times. For this reason, Apple recommends that you do not rely on them being available and always provide a user preference for hiding your application’s status items to free up space in the menu bar.

macOS Status Bar.png

Only one status bar, the system status bar, is available in macOS. It resides in the system-wide menu bar as shown above. Status items appear on the right side of the menu bar, just to the left of the menu bar clock and Menu Extras, such as the Displays and Sound menus. The items remain in the menu bar even when your application is not in the foreground.

Creating status items

1. Obtain the system status bar with the systemStatusBar class method; you should not allocate an instance of it yourself. ' 2A. If you are displaying an icon, invoke statusItemWithLength to create a new status item and allocate space for it in the menu bar. Pass the amount of space in pixels you need to display your status item. You can use the constant NSSquareStatusItemLength to make the width the same as the status bar’s thickness.

2B. If you are displaying text, invoke statusItemWithLength to create a new status item and allocate space for it in the menu bar. Pass the amount of space in pixels you need to display your status item. You can use the constant NSVariableStatusItemLength to make the width variable based on the contents of the item.

The system status bar is shared by all applications and therefore cannot retain references to each application’s status item objects. Instead, each application is responsible for retaining its own status items. Each status item then communicates with the status bar as its configuration changes. When deallocated, the status item removes itself from the status bar. Following normal Cocoa memory management rules, you must retain the object returned by statusItemWithLength to keep it around.

Once you have the new status item object, you can assign it a title, a menu, a target-action, a tool tip, and so on.

Example code

This example application places a status item named "Captioner" on the system-wide menu bar. Clicking on the item reveals a menu with three options, two of which change the caption on the application's title bar while the third quits the application. The toggle button allows you to toggle the status item on/off. While not obvious from the code, by assigning the ToggleButtonClick handler to the OnShow event of the Form in the Object Inspector, the status item appears automagically when the application is launched.

unit Unit1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
{$modeswitch objectivec1}


  Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
  CocoaAll, Classes;


  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    ToggleButton: TButton;
    procedure ToggleButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);



  { TMyDelegate }

  TMyAppDelegate = objcclass(NSObject)

        procedure menuItem1;
          message 'menuItem1';
        procedure menuItem2;
          message 'menuItem2';
        procedure menuItem3;
          message 'menuItem3';
  Form1: TForm1;
  myAppDelegate: TMyAppDelegate;
  myStatusBarItem: NSStatusItem;
  sbi_created: Boolean = False;


{$R *.lfm}

{ TForm1 }

// AppDelegate methods
procedure TMyAppDelegate.menuItem1;
  Form1.Caption := 'Hello menu item 1';

procedure TMyAppDelegate.menuItem2;
  Form1.Caption := 'Hello menu item 2';

procedure TMyAppDelegate.menuItem3;

// ToggleButton handler
procedure TForm1.ToggleButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  statusBar: NSStatusBar;
  myMenu: NSMenu;
  myMenuItem1: NSMenuItem;
  myMenuItem2: NSMenuItem;
  myMenuItem3: NSMenuItem;
  aSEL1: SEL;
  aSEL2: SEL;
  aSEL3: SEL;
  // If status bar item exists
  if(sbi_created <> False) then
        // Remove item
        myStatusBarItem := Nil;
        // Allow new one to be created next time
        sbi_created := False;
    sbi_created := True;

  // Obtain system-wide status bar instance
  statusBar := NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar;

  // Setup selectors for menu item actions
  aSel1 := ObjCSelector(TMyAppDelegate.menuItem1);
  aSel2 := ObjCSelector(TMyAppDelegate.menuItem2);
  aSel3 := ObjCSelector(TMyAppDelegate.menuItem3);

  // Create menu
  myMenu := NSMenu.alloc.init.autorelease;
  myMenuItem1 := NSMenuItem.alloc.initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent(NSStr('Menu item 1'),aSEL1, NSStr('A')).autorelease;
  myMenuItem2 := NSMenuItem.alloc.initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent(NSStr('Menu item 2'),aSEL2, NSStr('B')).autorelease;
  myMenuItem3 := NSMenuItem.alloc.initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent(NSStr('Quit'),aSEL3, NSStr('Q')).autorelease;

  // Setup my status bar item
  myStatusBarItem := statusBar.statusItemWithLength(NSVariableStatusItemLength);

  // Important! You must retain the object or it will disappear when the
  // variable goes out of scope

// Form creation
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  // NSApp
  // - The global variable for the shared application instance.
  // NSApplication.sharedApplication
  // - Returns the application instance, creating it if it doesn’t exist yet.
  NSApp := NSApplication.sharedApplication;

  // Setup my application delegate

  myAppDelegate := TMyAppDelegate.alloc.init;


See also

External links