Lazarus IDE Shortcuts/ko

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키 설정

모든 키 설정은 다음과 같은 위치에서 설정 할 수 있습니다. Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Key mapping. See Key Mapping.

각 단축키 설정 방법: tutorial 참조하세요.


기본값설명 Solution
F1 도움말
Ctrl-Shift-F1 에디터 도움말
Ctrl-F2 프로그램 중단
F3 다음 낱말
Shift-F3 이전 낱말
F4 커서부터 시작
Ctrl-F4 닫기
F5 중단 지점 생성
Ctrl-F5 watch 추가 와치_속성
Ctrl-F8 다음 에러 위치
Ctrl-Shift-F8 이전 에러 위치
F7 단계 별 위치(어셈블리어)
Ctrl-F7 수정/결과
F8 한줄씩 확인
F9 실행
Ctrl-F9 실행 파일 만들기
F11 오브젝트 인스펙터
Shift-F11 프로젝트 추가 편집
Ctrl-F11 프로젝트 열기
Ctrl-Shift-F11 프로젝트 설명
F12 폼/프로젝트 전환
Ctrl-F12 생성된 모든 프로젝트 확인
Shift-F12 프로젝트 폼 확인
[Shift]-Up,Down,Right,Left 커서 이동
Alt-Left/Right 다음 단어로 이동
Ctrl-[Shift]-Left/Right 시작문장/끝 문장 이동
Ctrl-Home/End 파일의 시작/끝으로 이동
Ctrl-Up/Down 한 줄 이동
Cmd-Shift-Up/Down 모든 프로젝트 블록
Ctrl-Shift-Up/Down 모든 메소드 블록
Ctrl-? 해당 위치 주석처리
Delete/Backspace 지우기
[Shift]-PageUp/Down 페이지 넘기기
Home/End 문장 시작/끝 이동
Ctrl+[Shift]-Tab 이전/다음 프로젝트 이동
Ctrl-Space Bookmark 표시/문장완성
Shift-Ctrl-Space 쓰여진 코드 표시
Ctrl+A 모두 선택
Ctrl-C 복사하기
Ctrl-Alt-D 코드 숨기기
Ctrl-D JCF Parse Tree
Ctrl-E 커서에 있는 낱말 찾기
Ctrl-F 찾기
Ctrl-Alt-F 검색 결과 확인
Ctrl-G 원하는 라인으로 가기
Ctrl-Shift-G GUID 삽입
Ctrl-[Shift]-H 히스토리 확인
Ctrl-I 선택하여 들여 쓰기
Ctrl-L 세부 검색
Ctrl-M 문장 이동
Ctrl-N 라인 삽입
Ctrl-O 파일 열기
Ctrl-R 검색 후 문장 치환
Ctrl-Shift-R 수정/저장
Ctrl-Alt-R 레지스터
Ctrl-S 저장
Ctrl-Shift-S 모든 프로젝트 저장
Ctrl-Alt-S Call Stack
Ctrl-V 붙여넣기
Ctrl-W 문장찾기
Ctrl-Shift-W Editor Window Manager
Ctrl-Alt-W Watch List
Ctrl-X 잘라내기
Ctrl-Y 한줄 문장 지우기
Ctrl-Z 되돌리기
Alt-1-9 소스 페이지 이동
Ctrl-1-9 북마크 이동
Ctrl-Shift-1-9 북마크 번호 생성


The default key mapping for windows fits quite good under gnome.


The default key mapping for windows fits quite good under KDE. Some keys like F9 are used by KDE.

Mac OS X (Apple style)

Mac OS X has quite different key policies. For example most F keys are used by the OS, there are no menu Alt shortcuts and there are large guidelines (contrary to linux and windows where only a few keys work the same under all programs).

The apple human interface guidelines for key bindings can be seen here: [1]

Xcode is Apple's own development environment. Here are the Xcode shortcuts: [2]

A Mac OS X key map is available for lazarus and can be set via Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Key Mapping / choose scheme / Mac OS X.

Keys Function defined by Apple Conflict with lazarus default Solution
F1 misc help Apple: Cmd-[Shift]-?
Ctrl-Shift-F1 misc help editor Mattias: Cmd-Alt-[Shift]-?
Ctrl-F2 misc stop program Xcode: Shift-Cmd-Enter
F3 misc find next Apple: Cmd-G
Shift-F3 misc find previous Apple: Cmd-Shift-G
F4 misc run to cursor Apple: misc, Mattias: no shortcut for 'run to cursor'
Ctrl-F4 misc close file Apple: Cmd-Shift-W
F5 misc add breakpoint Xcode: Ctrl-P
Ctrl-F5 misc add watch Apple: misc, Mattias: no shortcut for add watch
Ctrl-F8 misc jump next error Xcode: Cmd-+
Ctrl-Shift-F8 misc jump previous error Xcode: Cmd-Shift-+
F7 misc step into Mattias: Cmd-Alt-R
Ctrl-F7 misc evaluate Ctrl-Shift-E
F8 misc step over Mattias: Cmd-Shift-R
F9 misc run Xcode: Cmd-R
Ctrl-F9 misc build Xcode: Cmd-B
F11 misc toggle OI Mattias: Alt-Cmd-I
Shift-F11 misc add unit to project Xcode: Alt-Cmd-A
Ctrl-F11 misc open project Apple: misc, Mattias: no key for 'open project'
Ctrl-Shift-F11 misc project options Mattias: no key for 'project options'
F12 misc toggle unit/form Apple: misc, Mattias: Cmd-Alt-F
Ctrl-F12 misc view units Mattias: Ctrl-Alt-U
Shift-F12 misc view forms Mattias: Ctrl-Shift-U
[Shift]-Up,Down,Right,Left move cursor
Alt-[Shift]-Left/Right jump to next word
Alt-Up/Down jump to start/end of paragraph (laz: Ctrl Q,B) find declaration Mattias: find declaration
Cmd-[Shift]-Left/Right jump to start/end of line (laz:Home/End) jump next word Apple: jump to start/end of line
Cmd-Alt-Left/Right Xcode: switch file
Cmd-Alt-Up/Down Xcode: jump source/header
Cmd-Up/Down jump to start/end of file (laz:Ctrl-Home) scroll one up/down Apple: jump to start/end of file
Ctrl-Up/Down Mattias: scroll one up/down
Cmd-Shift-Up/Down select to start/end of file (laz:Shift-Ctrl-Home) method jump Apple: select to start/end of file
Ctrl-Shift-Up/Down Mattias: method jump
Cmd-[Shift]-? show context help
Delete/Backspace delete char
[Shift]-PageUp/Down jump page up/down
[Shift]-Home/End jump to start/end of file (laz:Ctrl-Home) jump to start/end of line Apple: jump to start/end of file
Cmd-[Shift]-Tab switch application jump prev/next file Apple: switch app
Ctrl-[Shift]-Tab jump to next control
Cmd-*-Space spotlight, apple reserved identifier completion Apple: misc
Ctrl-Space Xcode: set mark Mattias: identifier completion
Shift-Ctrl-Space Mattias: code context
Alt-Ctrl-Space Mattias: word completion
Cmd-Alt-Escape force quit
Cmd-A select all
Cmd-C copy
Cmd-Alt-D show/hide dock
Cmd-Ctrl-D dictionary
Cmd-E find word at cursor incremental find find is smart to auto use word at cursor. incremental find.
Cmd-F find
Cmd-Alt-F Xcode: view details Mattias: Toggle Unit/Form
Cmd-G find next (laz:F3) goto line Apple: find next
Cmd-Shift-G find previous (laz:Shift-F3) insert guid
Ctrl-Shift-G insert guid Mattias: insert guid
Cmd-[Alt]-H hide app jump back Apple: hide app
Ctrl-[Shift]-H Mattias: jump history backward/forward
Ctrl-I indent selection Xcode: indent selection
Cmd-L Xcode: goto line
Cmd-M minimize window
Cmd-Alt-M minimize app
Cmd-N new file
Cmd-Shift-N Tom: Insert line
Cmd-O open file
Cmd-Q quit (laz: none) goto line Apple: quit
Cmd-Shift-Q log out
Cmd-R Xcode: build and run search and replace Xcode: run
Cmd-Shift-R Mattias: step over
Cmd-Alt-R Mattias: step into
Cmd-S save
Cmd-Shift-S Save As (laz: none) save all Apple: Cmd-Shift-S
Cmd-Alt-S Save All
Cmd-V paste
Cmd-W close window (laz: none) word completion Apple: close window
Cmd-Shift-W Xcode: close file
Cmd-Alt-W close all files
Cmd-X cut
Cmd-Y Tom: delete to end of line
Cmd-Z undo
Control The control modifier is used by cocoa in text fields. So it is free for designer and source editor functions
Alt-1-9 create special chars on some layouts
Ctrl-1-9 jump to bookmark
Ctrl-Shift-1-9 set bookmark
Cmd-*-1-9 apple functions like capture screen

macOS (Lazarus style)

The Apple scheme of keys can be hard on Lazarus users which work with it on several platforms, because many of them are very different from the Windows and Linux schemes. To minimize this problem a new Scheme was created which is a copy of the default macOS scheme (with Apple style), but does some changes to have keys similar to those in other platforms.

Below are the keys which differ from the standard macOS with Apple style:

Keys Function in Apple style Function in Lazarus style
Home/End jump to start/end of file jump to start/end of line