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The Video Playback Libraries page contains an annotated list of libraries for Windows, as well as any operating system which is supported by FFmpeg or by VLC. These libraries can be used to embed video playback in your applications.
- System Sound Services For up to 30 second sound clips, alerts etc.
- AVAudioPlayer For longer audio files with volume control, pause, stop, resume, loop control, background music etc.
- macOS NSSound A very simple method for playing system sounds, application bundle sound files, other sound files with volume control, pause, stop, resume, loops etc.
- OpenAL comes pre-installed on macOS (Deprecated at WWDC2019; to be removed in a future macOS release).
Windows API
你可以使用Windows API来播放,例如wav文件:
uses MMSystem;
sndPlaySound('C:\sounds\test.wav', snd_Async or snd_NoDefault);
uses LazUTF8;
sndPlaySound(pchar(UTF8ToSys('C:\sounds\测试.wav')), snd_Async or snd_NoDefault);
uses LazUTF8;
sndPlaySound(pchar(UTF8ToConsole('C:\sounds\测试.wav')), snd_Async or snd_NoDefault);
Has bindings for Delphi, but they do not work with FPC:
Squall sound
Squall sound 与FPC一起工作地很好.它有3D音频和EAX效果,但是仅支持MP3,OGG和WAV格式. Open sourced in 在2009年开放源码,似乎已死亡.仅支持Windows.
ACS (Audio Component Suite)
For more information, read the article about the Audio Component Suite
Audorra Library
This library for Linux and Windows works well with Lazarus:
Closed source. Free for non-commercial.
The BASS library can be downloaded from: and
There is a DJ application, for Windows, Linux and macOS, written with Lazarus and using Bass lib:
FMOD Core comes with an elegant API compatible with C, C++, C#, and Javascript, and runs on all major platforms. It is a closed source solution. It is free for use for non-comercial software, but requires the payment of license fees for commercial software.
FPSound is a new library being developed in the mold of fpspreadsheet and fpvectorial: it has independent modules to read, write and play sound files and also an intermediary representation for editing. See FPSound. Uses OpenAL. Appears dead and non-working.
OMEGA Engine
The OMEGA Engine is a full game engine in single Omega.dll file which is just 50kb. It can successfully play FLAC, OGG, MP3, MP2, AMR and WMA files. It searches and uses installed audio codecs from the system. Windows and Linux only.
The project is dead, but it is very easy to use:
Media_Play('Music.mp3', TRUE);
OpenAL Library

OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API appropriate for use with gaming applications and many other types of audio applications.
The library models a collection of audio sources moving in a 3D space that are heard by a single listener somewhere in that space. The basic OpenAL objects are a Listener, a Source, and a Buffer. There can be a large number of Buffers, which contain audio data. Each buffer can be attached to one or more Sources, which represent points in 3D space which are emitting audio. There is always one Listener object (per audio context), which represents the position where the sources are heard -- rendering is done from the perspective of the Listener.
- See the OpenAL website for documentation, downloads etc.
- A tutorial for Delphi can be found here.
- Free Pascal comes with a unit for accessing OpenAL located in fpc/packages/openal as well as usage examples.
- There is an alternative OpenAL sound manager unit to play wav files by Lulu here. Tested on macOS Mojave 10.14.
Play Sound Package
The Play Sound Package takes a different approach to playing sound cross-platform. For Windows, it uses the native sound system; for Linux it searches the system for programs which will play sound and executes those asynchronously or synchronously via TProcess or TAsyncProcess. Note: only works with Windows and Linux.
Various bindings for PortAudio, a cross-platform, open source library for audio playback and recording, are available.
Forum user FredvS has written a Pascal unit that dynamically loads PortAudio.
Some examples can be found here.
SDL + SDL_mixer
The basic SDL library comes with a very simple sound system. On top of that, SDL mixer adds more sound APIs which build a more flexible solution.
Units for accessing SDL libraries are located in fpc/packages/sdl.
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library aka SFML provides a simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network. With SFML, your application can compile and run out of the box on the most common operating systems: Windows, Linux, macOS and soon Android & iOS.
Pre-compiled SDKs for your favorite OS are available on the download page.
CSFML headers binding for FPC can be found at
uos (United OpenLib of Sound)
uos: United OpenLib of Sound. uos unifies the best open-source audio libraries.
With uos you can:
- Listen to mp3, ogg, wav, flac, m4a, opus, cd audio, ... audio files.
- With 16, 32 or float 32 bit resolution.
- Record all types of input into a file.
- Add DSP effects and filters, however many you want and record it.
- Do web audio-streaming (listen to web-radio and apply filters).
- Listen to multiple inputs and outputs.
- Produce sound with built-in synthesizer.
uos can use the PortAudio, SndFile, Mpg123, Faad, Mp4ff, OpusFile audio libraries and SoundTouch, Bs2b plug-in library.
Included in the package:
- examples.
- binary libraries for Linux 32/64, Windows 32/64, macOS 32/64, FreeBSD 32/64 and ARM Rpi.
It can play mp3, ogg, wav, flac, m4a, opus, cda files.
Recording Sound
Native solutions
- AVAudioRecorder allows you to make audio recordings straight to a file with very little programming overhead.
Cross platform solutions
uos (United OpenLib of Sound)
uos: United OpenLib of Sound. uos unifies the best open-source audio libraries.
With uos you can:
- Record all types of input into a file.
- Add DSP effects and filters, however many you want and record it.
uos can use the PortAudio, SndFile, Mpg123, Faad, Mp4ff, OpusFile audio libraries and SoundTouch, Bs2b plug-in library.
Included in the package:
- examples.
- binary libraries for Linux 32/64, Windows 32/64, macOS 32/64, FreeBSD 32/64 and ARM Rpi.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a technical standard that describes a communications protocol, digital interface, and electrical connectors that connect a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and related audio devices for playing, editing and recording music.
See the MIDI article for more details about the MIDI software aspect.
See Speech Synthesis for native and cross-platform solutions.