Talk:is Directory empty/de

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This part:

  FindFirst(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(strVerzeichnis) + '*', faAnyFile, srDatensatz);

  for intI := 1 to 2 do
    if (srDatensatz.Name = '.') or (srDatensatz.Name = '..') then
      Result := FindNext(srDatensatz) <> 0;

seems to assume that '.' and '..' will always be the first two reported entries by FindFirst/FindNext. This may not be the case (some filesystems do not support .. (at least that's what the fpc sources suggest)).

I would rewrite that like:

  if FindFirst(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(strVerzeichnis) + '*', faAnyFile, srDatensatz) = 0 then
    if not ((srDatensatz.Name = '.') or (srDatensatz.Name = '..')) then Result := True;
  until Result or (FindNext(srDatensatz) <> 0);
