Template:Debugger Backend List
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- GNU Debugger (gdb)
- The first debugger that was supplied with Lazarus. This debugger uses GDB as backend. The IDE performs translations between gdb's none Pascal-ish interface and the interface provided by the IDE. Package: LazDebuggerGdbmi
- GNU Debugger through SSH (gdb)
- Allows to launch GDB over an ssh connection for remote debugging. This has however some serious limitations. Package: LazDebuggerGdbmi
- GNU remote debugger (gdbserver)
- Remote debugger using GdbServer (part of the gdb suite). Package: LazDebuggerGdbmi
- LLDB Debugger (Alpha)
- A basic LLDB based backend. This is a prove of concept implementation. The IDE displays raw LLDB output (no translation, no clean-up...) and there are no plans to add translation of the LLDB output. For using LLDB on Pascal applications the "LLDB Debugger (with fpdebug)" should be used. Package: LazDebuggerLldb
- LLDB Debugger (with fpdebug)
- This debugger uses LLDB as a backend. In order to display Pascal-style results, it uses the "fpdebug" engine to show locals/watches. LLDB is used to control stepping, breakpoint and execution. For reading data LLDB is used to read the raw memory only. Package: LazDebuggerFPLldb
- GNU Debugger (with fpdebug)
- Using GDB for stepping/breakpoints/... and FpDebug for watches. Package: LazDebuggerFPGdbmi
- FpDebug / LazDebuggerFp - integrated DWARF debugger / (Known issues)
- A new debugger completely implemented in Pascal. This debugger implements the DWARF standard (currently 2 and 3 are partly implemented). It has special implementations added to interpret info provided by FPC. It can currently be used on Windows and Linux (very basic support for MacOS). Package: LazDebuggerFP
- FpDebug / LazDebuggerFpRspRemote
- A new remote debugger to communicate with a gdbserver stub using gdb's remote serial protocol over tcp/ip (in future this could be expanded to include serial/UART). This debugger inherits from LazDebuggerFP, hence in principle supports the same functionality. Currently it only supports the AVR target. Not stable yet. Package: LazDebuggerFpRspRemote
- DAB / LazDABDebugger
- The Debug Adapter Protocol (DAB) is a protocol to abstract the communication between a Debugger-frontend like Lazarus, and an underlying debugger like FpdServer. LazDABDebugger is a debugger that connects to (any?) DAB-adapter. This makes is possible to debug other languages or different platforms within Lazarus.
- DAB - FpdServer / LazFPDServerDebugger
- A derivative of LazDABDebugger specifically shaped to work with FpdServer, a debugger based on FpDebug that supports the DAB-protocol.