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UnoLib is set of routines translated to Pascal from Arduino sources dedicated for Arduino Uno (ATMega328p). Although the library is distributed with AVRPascal, it can be used independently by for example FPC IDE or Lazarus with FPC built for use with AVR microcontrollers.
UnoLib releases are available on SourceForge:
Current changes to UnoLib are on GitHub:
The library modules are located in the "lib" directory:
- analog.pas - support for analog pins
- defs.pas - definitions of constants, bit manipulations, port support
- dht.pas - support for DHT11/22 sensors
- digital.pas - support for digital pins
- ds1302rtc.pas - support for ds1302 real time clock
- fix16.pas - support for fixed point numbers
- hardwareserial.pas - support for serial communication
- liquidcrystal.pas - support for LCD
- timer.pas - time-related routines
The "examples" directory contains simple programs using UnoLib modules:
- TestBlink.pas - turns on and off the built-in LED
- TestBlinkWithoutDelay.pas - turns on and off the built-in LED using Millis
- TestDHT11.pas - displays information about the temperature and humidity of the air from the DHT11 sensor on an external LCD display
- TestDigital.pas - turns on and off the built-in LED based on the button state
- TestLCAutoscroll.pas - scrolls text on the LCD display
- TestLCBlink.pas - displays the text "hello, world!" on the LCD display
- TestLCChars.pas - displays non-standard characters on the LCD display
- TestLCCursor.pas - turns the cursor on and off on the LCD display
- TestLCDisplay.pas - displays and turns off the text "hello, world!"
- TestLCSerialDisplay.pas - displays characters taken from the serial port on the LCD display
- TestLCTextDirection.pas - changes the direction of text display on the LCD display
- TestLM35.pas - displays the temperature value from the LM35 sensor on the LCD display
- TestSerial.pas - sends and receives data via the serial port
Some extra code is placed in "extras" directory:
- ccrause_blink_leonardo.pas - blink example for Arduino Leonardo based on code written by @ccrause
- ccrause_delay.pas - delay module based on code written by @ccrause
- cdc.pas - CDC support for Arduino Leonardo
- usb.pas - USB support for Arduino Leonardo
- wdt.pas - watchdog timer routines
Before compiling a given program, please make sure that the library modules listed in the uses section have already been compiled.