Left curly bracket

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The left curly bracket { is defined in ASCII as having the value is 123 (hexadecimal $7B). In Pascal it always appears in conjunction with a corresponding right curly bracket constituting a pair. Such a pair is used to:

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single characters

+ (plus)  •  - (minus)  •  * (asterisk)  •  / (slash)
= (equal)  •  > (greater than)  •  < (less than)
. (period)  •  : (colon)  •  ; (semi colon)
^ (hat)  •  @ (at)
$ (dollar sign)  •  & (ampersand)  •  # (hash)
' (single quote)

character pairs

<> (not equal)  •  <= (less than or equal)  •  := (becomes)  •  >= (greater than or equal)

 •  >< (symmetric difference)  •  // (double slash)