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work in progress

Ancestor for visual components.



  • TObject
  • TPersistent
  • TComponent
  • TMseComponent
  • TActComponent
  • TWidget



msegui anchors.png


The size and the position of the widget is condensed in the property bounds, but you have also the traditional properties like left an width.

msegui bounds.png

// the types
sizety = record
  cx, cy: integer;

pointty = record
  x,y: integer;

rectty = record
case integer of
  0: (x, y, cx, cy: integer);
  1: (pos: pointty; size: sizety);

// the properties
property Widgetrect: rectty read FWidgetrect write SetWidgetrect;
property Pos: pointty read FWidgetrect.pos write SetPos;
property Size: sizety read FWidgetrect.size write SetSize;

property Bounds_x: integer read FWidgetrect.x write SetBounds_x;
property Bounds_y: integer read FWidgetrect.y write SetBounds_y;
property Bounds_cx: integer read FWidgetrect.cx write SetBounds_cx
               {default defaultwidgetwidth} stored true;
property Bounds_cy: integer read FWidgetrect.cy write SetBounds_cy
               {default defaultwidgetheight} stored true;
property Bounds_cxmin: integer read FMinSize.cx
                                   write SetBounds_cxmin default 0;
property Bounds_cymin: integer read FMinSize.cy
                                   write SetBounds_cymin default 0;
property Bounds_cxmax: integer read FMaxSize.cx
                                   write SetBounds_cxmax default 0;
property Bounds_cymax: integer read FMaxSize.cy
                                   write SetBounds_cymax default 0;

property Left: integer read FWidgetrect.x write SetBounds_x;
property Right: integer read GetRight write SetRight;
             //widgetrect.x + widgetrect.cx, sets cx if an_left is set
property Top: integer read FWidgetrect.y write SetBounds_y;
property Bottom: integer read GetBottom write SetBottom;
             //widgetrect.y + widgetrect.cy, sets cy if an_top is set
property Width: integer read FWidgetrect.cx write SetBounds_cx;
property Height: integer read FWidgetrect.cy write SetBounds_cy;

property MinSize: sizety read FMinSize write SetMinSize;
function WidgetMinSize: sizety;
        //calls checkwidgetsize and frame.checkwidgetsize
property MaxSize: sizety read FMaxSize write SetMaxSize;


property Enabled: boolean; default true;

Sets the widget enabled or not. Some Widgets change their look if they are not enabled, others do not.

msegui enabled.png


property Visible: boolean; default true;

Sets the widget visible or hides it.

