Talk:Executing External Programs

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Revision as of 14:37, 12 July 2012 by BigChimp (talk | contribs) (Suggest forum; moved old stuff)
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Not fount examples for started aplications windows managing

I'm seek examples for managen started applications. My test example not work on Win XP :(

   P1 : TProcess;
   P1 := TProcess.Create(nil);
   P1.CommandLine := 'C:\Windows\notepad.exe';
   P1.Options := P1.Options + [poWaitOnExit];
   P1.Desktop := '\\.\DISPLAY2';
 \\ or
 \\P1.Desktop := '2';

How to start or move started application to second display?


Sorry, no idea. Please ask this question on the forum or mailing list... much more chance of knowledgeable people responding. --BigChimp 12:37, 12 July 2012 (UTC)

Old stuff

If nobody objects, I'm going to delete this, because it is not relevant anymore for the current page... --BigChimp 12:37, 12 July 2012 (UTC)

Improved example didn't work for me

I copied the improved example and tried to compile it in lazarus 0.9.7 beta (Date: 22-05-05), using fpc version 2.0.0 [2005/05/16] for i386 - linux, and it gave me this error:

 project1.lpr(44,15) Error: identifier idents no member "Lines"
 project1.lpr(44,35) Error: Illegal expression
 project1.lpr(44,35) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "(" found

The line with error is:


What's wrong ?

I fixed the example. Vincent 04:57, 23 May 2005 (PDT)

It compiles now, but when I run it freezes. Running step by step I found that it freezes at the line:


From a console window, I saw the ppc386 process still running. Then I run 'killall ppc38' and the lazarus program unfroze, and the output.txt file had the right content.

I searched the web a little, and found and alternative way to set WaitOnExit, by changing it this way:

  // AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes];

Now, when I run it raises an error window with the saying:

  Project projet1 raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'

If you don't give the option poUsePipes, there are no streams to read from. Vincent 02:16, 25 May 2005 (PDT)

When I click "OK", this windows opens:

  Execution Paused
  Adress: $08064782
  (Some day an assembler window might popup here:)

I click "OK" again and it shows that the execution stopped at the line:


Running step by step I confirm that it's this line that raised this excecption. What can I do ?

I added an example to read more output from the pipe. Tests on my computer indicated a buffer of 64 KB, so unless the output was more then 64 KB, I did not run into trouble. Maybe the pipe buffer on your computer is smaller, so the deadlock occurs for smaller output too. Vincent 04:56, 25 May 2005 (PDT)

The large output example worked perfectly ! Excelent work! And by the way, excelent support too. Thank you very much !

I tried to catch an exception when someone tries to execute an external program, that doesn`t exists. I wasn't able to get the exception on Linux (gtk). If i compiled the Test-App for Win32 the Exception was catchable. What can i do to grap the Exceptions that should come from TProccess under Linux ? Thanks in advance Tanila

I wanted to execute a dos batch file from Lazarus.

Exec (GetEnv('COMSPEC'), ' /C Kmd.bat');

works where Kmd.bat is the required batch file to run and "DOS" is included under the "uses" section.

Is this the correct way to do it ?

Does anyone know of a better way ?