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Pareil que pour le chemin des ''unités'', mais pour le chemin ''objet'' (fichiers .o).
Pareil que pour le chemin des ''unités'', mais pour le chemin ''objet'' (fichiers .o).
==== Library ====
==== Bibliothèque ====
Same as the ''unit'' path, but for the ''library'' path (linker files).
Pareil que pour le chemin des ''unités'', mais pour le chemin des''librairies'' (fichiers de liaison dynamique).
=== Add options to dependent packages and projects ===
=== Add options to dependent packages and projects ===

Revision as of 20:42, 21 July 2007

Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) русский (ru)



Ajoute les chemins aux paquets/projets dépendants

Tous ces chemins ne sont pas employés par ce paquet lui-même, mais ils sont ajoutés aux chemins appropriés des paquets/projets, qui utilisent ce projet. Ceux-ci s'appellent des chemins hérités . Par exemple : Le paquet A a besoin du paquet B qui a besoin du paquet C. Toutes les options d'utilisation du paquet C sont apposées à celles des paquets B et A.

Par exemple presque tous les paquets héritent leur répertoire de sortie, de sorte que tout paquet qui utilise ce paquet, trouve les fichiers .ppu .

Vous pouvez voir quels chemins sont hérités d'autres paquets/projets dans la boite de dialogue des options du compilateur.


Ces chemins sont séparés par des point-virgules, peuvent contenir des macros, et sont apposés aux chemins des unités de tous les paquets/projets qui utilisent/exigent ce paquet. Le chemin des unités est utilisé par l'IDE et le compilateur pour rechercher les unités pascal (.pas, .pp, .ppu).


Pareil que le chemin des unités, mais pour le chemin include - fichiers à inclure.


Pareil que pour le chemin des unités, mais pour le chemin objet (fichiers .o).


Pareil que pour le chemin des unités, mais pour le chemin deslibrairies (fichiers de liaison dynamique).

Add options to dependent packages and projects


These options are separated by space, can contain macros and are appended to the linker options of all packages/projects, which use/require this package. Line breaks are converted to spaces. Several spaces are treated as one, except if they are enclosed by quotes.


These options are separated by space, can contain macros and are appended to the custom options of all packages/projects, which use/require this package. Line breaks are converted to spaces. Several spaces are treated as one, except if they are enclosed by quotes.



Description / Abstract

Write here in a few words, what this package does.




If you publish/distribute/sell your package, it is a good idea to add the license information.


Here is a suggestion, how to use the version numbers:

  • Major - increase this, if your package changed a lot.
  • Minor - increase this, if your package changes it API slightly. For example new features or a method changed its parameters.
  • Revision - increase this every time you distribute your package.
  • Build number - increase this everytime you rebuild this package. Will eventually be incremented automatically by below option.

Automatically increment version on build

Not implemented yet. Main problem is: It must be incremented before building, because of macros. And it should not be increased if build fails.

Intégration de l'IDE


Package Type

  • Designtime only - The package is used only at designtime, in other words: it is only a plugin for the IDE and is never used by normal applications. A designtime package requires the IDEIntf package, which contains the interface functions to the IDE. If you use a designtime package in a project, the IDE will warn you.
  • Runtime only - The package does not provide any IDE goodies, so the package should not be installed in the IDE. For example, because it uses a special memory manager or library.
  • Designtime and Runtime - The package provides some IDE stuff and some stuff useful for normal applications.


  • Automatically rebuild as needed - Everytime a project or package that uses this package (direct or indirect) is rebuilt, the IDE checks, if any file of this package has changed and recompiles this package.
  • Auto rebuild when rebuilding all - As above, but only if the user explicitly chose to rebuild all.
  • Manual compilation (never automatically) - The package is never rebuilt indirectly. You must open the package editor and click compile to compile this package. Note: Some built in packages like the FCL and the LCL can only be copiled by special ways, like make.