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LCLIntf is a Lazarus unit that provides compatibility with Delphi in a cross-platform way. It also contains some additional functions
'''LCLIntf''' is a Lazarus unit that provides compatibility with Delphi in a cross-platform way. It also contains some additional functions
On building a [[package]], make sure that [[LCL]] is added as requirement to get rid of 'missing LCLIntf' error.
It can replace code in the (Delphi) Windows unit.
It can replace code in the (Delphi) Windows unit.

Revision as of 12:35, 27 June 2014

LCLIntf is a Lazarus unit that provides compatibility with Delphi in a cross-platform way. It also contains some additional functions

On building a package, make sure that LCL is added as requirement to get rid of 'missing LCLIntf' error.

It can replace code in the (Delphi) Windows unit.

function PredefinedClipboardFormat(AFormat: TPredefinedClipboardFormat): TClipboardFormat;
function MsgKeyDataToShiftState(KeyData: PtrInt): TShiftState;
function GetTickCount: DWord; inline;
function GetTickCount64: QWord; inline;
function FindDefaultBrowser(out ABrowser, AParams: String): Boolean;
function OpenURL(AURL: String): Boolean;
function OpenDocument(APath: String): Boolean;        


function Arc(DC: HDC; Left,Top,Right,Bottom,Angle16Deg, Angle16DegLength: Integer): Boolean;
function AngleChord(DC: HDC; x1,y1,x2,y2,angle1,angle2 : Integer): Boolean;
function BeginPaint(Handle : hwnd; var PS : TPaintStruct): hdc;
function BitBlt(DestDC: HDC; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; SrcDC: HDC; XSrc, YSrc: Integer; Rop: DWORD): Boolean; 
function CallNextHookEx(hhk : HHOOK; ncode : Integer; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam) : Integer;
function CallWindowProc(lpPrevWndFunc : TFarProc; Handle : HWND; Msg : UINT; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam): Integer;
//function CharLower --> independent
//function CharLowerBuff --> independent
//function CharUpper --> independent
function ClientToScreen(Handle : HWND; var P : TPoint) : Boolean;
function CombineRgn(Dest, Src1, Src2 : HRGN; fnCombineMode : Longint) : Longint;
function CreateBitmap(Width, Height: Integer; Planes, BitCount: Longint; BitmapBits: Pointer): HBITMAP;
function CreateBrushIndirect(const LogBrush: TLogBrush): HBRUSH;
function CreateCaret(Handle: HWND; Bitmap: hBitmap; width, Height: Integer): Boolean;
function CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC: HDC; Width, Height: Integer): HBITMAP;
function CreateCompatibleDC(DC: HDC): HDC;
function CreateDIBitmap(DC: HDC; var InfoHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader;
                        dwUsage: DWORD; InitBits: PChar; var InitInfo: TBitmapInfo;
                        wUsage: UINT): HBITMAP;
function CreateDIBSection(DC: HDC; const BitmapInfo: tagBitmapInfo; Usage: UINT;
                          var Bits: Pointer; SectionHandle: THandle; Offset: DWORD): HBITMAP;
function CreateEllipticRgn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): HRGN;
//function CreateEllipticRgnIndirect --> independent
//function CreateFont --> independent
function CreateFontIndirect(const LogFont: TLogFont): HFONT;
function CreateFontIndirectEx(const LogFont: TLogFont; const LongFontName: string): HFONT;
function CreateIconIndirect(IconInfo: PIconInfo): HICON;
function CreatePalette(const LogPalette: TLogPalette): HPalette;
function CreatePatternBrush(ABitmap: HBITMAP): HBRUSH;
//function CreatePen --> independent
function CreatePenIndirect(const LogPen: TLogPen): HPEN;
function CreatePolygonRgn(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; FillMode: integer): HRGN;
function CreateRectRgn(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : Integer): HRGN;
//function CreateRectRgnIndirect --> independent
function CreateRoundRectRgn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, nWidthEllipse, nHeightEllipse: Integer): HRGN;  
procedure DeleteCriticalSection(var CritSection: TCriticalSection);
function DeleteDC(hDC: HDC): Boolean;
function DeleteObject(GDIObject: HGDIOBJ): Boolean;
function DestroyCaret(Handle : HWND): Boolean;
function DestroyCursor(Handle: HCURSOR): Boolean;
function DestroyIcon(Handle: HICON): Boolean;
function DPtoLP(DC: HDC; var Points; Count: Integer): BOOL;
function DrawFrameControl(DC: HDC; const Rect : TRect; uType, uState : Cardinal) : Boolean;
function DrawFocusRect(DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect): Boolean;
function DrawEdge(DC: HDC; var Rect: TRect; edge: Cardinal; grfFlags: Cardinal): Boolean;
function DrawText(DC: HDC; Str: PChar; Count: Integer; var Rect: TRect; Flags: Cardinal): Integer; 
function EnableScrollBar(Wnd: HWND; wSBflags, wArrows: Cardinal): Boolean;
function EnableWindow(hWnd: HWND; bEnable: Boolean): Boolean;
function EndPaint(Handle : hwnd; var PS : TPaintStruct): Integer;
procedure EnterCriticalSection(var CritSection: TCriticalSection);
function EnumDisplayMonitors(hdc: HDC; lprcClip: PRect; lpfnEnum: MonitorEnumProc; dwData: LPARAM): LongBool;
function EnumFontFamilies(DC: HDC; Family: Pchar; EnumFontFamProc: FontEnumProc; LParam:Lparam):longint;
function EnumFontFamiliesEx(DC: HDC; lpLogFont:PLogFont; Callback: FontEnumExProc; Lparam:LParam; Flags: dword): longint;  
function Ellipse(DC: HDC; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean;
//function EqualRect --> independent
function EqualRgn(Rgn1: HRGN; Rgn2: HRGN): Boolean;
function ExcludeClipRect(dc: hdc; Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Integer) : Integer;
function ExtCreatePen(dwPenStyle, dwWidth: DWord; const lplb: TLogBrush; dwStyleCount: DWord; lpStyle: PDWord): HPEN;
function ExtTextOut(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Options: Longint; Rect: PRect; Str: PChar; Count: Longint; Dx: PInteger): Boolean;
function ExtSelectClipRGN(dc: hdc; rgn : hrgn; Mode : Longint) : Integer; 
function FillRect(DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; Brush: HBRUSH): Boolean;
function FillRgn(DC: HDC; RegionHnd: HRGN; hbr: HBRUSH): BOOL;
function FloodFill(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer;
                   Color: TGraphicsColor;
                   FillStyle: TGraphicsFillStyle;
                   Brush: HBRUSH): Boolean;
function FrameRect(DC: HDC; const ARect: TRect; hBr: HBRUSH): Integer; 
function GetActiveWindow : HWND;
function GetBitmapBits(Bitmap: HBITMAP; Count: Longint;  Bits: Pointer): Longint;
function GetBkColor(DC: HDC): TColorRef;
function GetCapture : HWND;
function GetCaretPos(var lpPoint: TPoint): Boolean;
function GetClientRect(handle : HWND; var Rect: TRect) : Boolean;
function GetClipBox(DC : hDC; lpRect : PRect) : Longint;
function GetClipRGN(DC : hDC; RGN : hRGN) : Longint;
function GetCurrentObject(DC: HDC; uObjectType: UINT): HGDIOBJ;
function GetCursorPos(var lpPoint: TPoint): Boolean;
function GetCharABCWidths(DC: HDC; p2, p3: UINT; const ABCStructs): Boolean;  //pbd
function GetDC(hWnd: HWND): HDC;
function GetDeviceCaps(DC: HDC; Index: Integer): Integer;
function GetDIBits(DC: HDC; Bitmap: HBitmap; StartScan, NumScans: UINT; Bits: Pointer; var BitInfo: BitmapInfo; Usage: UINT):  Integer;
function GetDoubleClickTime: UINT;
function GetFocus: HWND;
function GetFontLanguageInfo(DC: HDC): DWord;
function GetForegroundWindow: HWND;
function GetIconInfo(AIcon: HICON; AIconInfo: PIconInfo): Boolean;
function GetKeyState(nVirtKey: Integer): Smallint;
function GetMapMode(DC: HDC): Integer;
function GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor: HMONITOR; lpmi: PMonitorInfo): Boolean;
function GetObject(GDIObject: HGDIOBJ; BufSize: Integer; Buf: Pointer): Integer;
function GetPaletteEntries(Palette: HPALETTE; StartIndex, NumEntries: UINT; var PaletteEntries): UINT;
function GetParent(Handle : HWND): HWND;
function GetProp(Handle : hwnd; Str : PChar): Pointer;
function GetRgnBox(RGN : HRGN; lpRect : PRect) : Longint;
function GetROP2(DC: HDC): integer;
function GetScrollInfo(Handle: HWND; SBStyle: Integer; var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): Boolean;
//function GetScrollPos --> independent
//function GetScrollRange --> independent
function GetStockObject(Value: Integer): THandle;
function GetSysColor(nIndex: Integer): DWORD;
function GetSysColorBrush(nIndex: Integer): HBrush;
function GetSystemPaletteEntries(DC: HDC; StartIndex, NumEntries: UINT; var PaletteEntries): UINT;
function GetSystemMetrics(nIndex: Integer): Integer;
function GetTextColor(DC: HDC) : TColorRef;
function GetTextExtentExPoint(DC: HDC; Str: PChar; Count, MaxWidth: Integer; MaxCount, PartialWidths: PInteger; var Size: TSize): boolean;
function GetTextExtentPoint(DC: HDC; Str: PChar; Count: Integer; var Size: TSize): Boolean;
function GetTextExtentPoint32(DC: HDC; Str: PChar; Count: Integer; var Size: TSize): Boolean;
function GetTextMetrics(DC: HDC; var TM: TTextMetric): Boolean; 
function GetViewPortExtEx(DC: HDC; Size: PSize): Integer;
function GetViewPortOrgEx(DC: HDC; P: PPoint): Integer;
function GetWindowExtEx(DC: HDC; Size: PSize): Integer;
function GetWindowLong(Handle : hwnd; int : Integer): PtrInt;
function GetWindowRect(Handle : hwnd; var Rect : TRect): Integer;
function GetWindowSize(Handle : hwnd; var Width, Height: integer): boolean;
function GetWindowOrgEx(dc : hdc; var P: TPoint): Integer;  // because of delphi compatibility
function GetWindowOrgEx(dc : hdc; P : PPoint): Integer;  // an old declaration
function GradientFill(DC: HDC; Vertices: PTriVertex; NumVertices : Longint; Meshes: Pointer; NumMeshes : Longint; Mode : Longint): Boolean; 
function HideCaret(hWnd: HWND): Boolean;
//function IndexToOverlayMask --> independent
//function InflateRect --> independent
procedure InitializeCriticalSection(var CritSection: TCriticalSection);
function IntersectClipRect(dc: hdc; Left, Top, Right,Bottom: Integer): Integer;
//function IntersectRect --> independent
function InvalidateRect(aHandle : HWND; ARect : pRect; bErase : Boolean) : Boolean;
function InvalidateRgn(Handle: HWND; Rgn: HRGN; Erase: Boolean): Boolean;
//function IsCharAlphaNumeric --> independent
function IsDBCSLeadByte(TestChar: Byte): boolean;
//function IsRectEmpty --> independent
function IsIconic(handle: HWND): boolean;
function IsWindow(handle: HWND): boolean;
function IsWindowEnabled(handle: HWND): boolean;
function IsWindowVisible(handle: HWND): boolean;
function IsZoomed(handle: HWND): boolean; 
//function KillTimer --> independent
procedure LeaveCriticalSection(var CritSection: TCriticalSection);
function LineTo(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
function LoadBitmap(hInstance: THandle; lpBitmapName: PChar): HBitmap;
function LoadCursor(hInstance: THandle; lpCursorName: PChar): HCursor;
function LoadIcon(hInstance: THandle; lpIconName: PChar): HIcon;
function LPtoDP(DC: HDC; var Points; Count: Integer): BOOL; 
//function MakeLong --> independent
//function MakeROP4 --> independent
//function MakeWord --> independent
function MaskBlt(DestDC: HDC; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; SrcDC: HDC; XSrc, YSrc: Integer; Mask: HBITMAP; XMask, YMask: Integer;  Rop: DWORD): Boolean;
function MaskBlt(DestDC: HDC; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; SrcDC: HDC; XSrc, YSrc: Integer; Mask: HBITMAP; XMask, YMask: Integer): Boolean;
function MessageBox(hWnd: HWND; lpText, lpCaption: PChar; uType: Cardinal): integer;
function MonitorFromPoint(ptScreenCoords: TPoint; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR;
function MonitorFromRect(lprcScreenCoords: PRect; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR;
function MonitorFromWindow(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR; 
function MoveToEx(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; OldPoint: PPoint): Boolean;
//function OffsetRect --> independent
function OffsetRgn(RGN: HRGN; nXOffset, nYOffset: Integer): Integer;
function PaintRgn(DC: HDC; RGN: HRGN): Boolean;
function PeekMessage(var lpMsg : TMsg; Handle : HWND; wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg : UINT): Boolean;
function Pie(DC: HDC; x1, y1, x2, y2, sx, sy, ex, ey: Integer): Boolean;
function PolyBezier(DC: HDC; Points: PPoint;  NumPts: Integer; Filled, Continuous: boolean): boolean;
function Polygon(DC: HDC; Points: PPoint;  NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean): boolean;
function Polyline(DC: HDC; Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer): boolean;
function PostMessage(Handle: HWND; Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam): Boolean;
function PtInRegion(RGN: HRGN; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
//function PtInRect --> independent 
function RealizePalette(DC: HDC): Cardinal;
function Rectangle(DC: HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Boolean;
function RectInRegion(RGN: HRGN; ARect: TRect): Boolean;
function RectVisible(DC: HDC; const ARect: TRect): Boolean;
function RedrawWindow(Wnd: HWND; lprcUpdate: PRECT; hrgnUpdate: HRGN; flags: UINT): Boolean;
function ReleaseCapture : Boolean;
function ReleaseDC(hWnd: HWND; DC: HDC): Integer;
function RemoveProp(Handle: hwnd; Str: PChar): THandle;
function RestoreDC(DC: HDC; SavedDC: Integer): Boolean;
function RoundRect(DC : hDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; RX,RY : Integer): Boolean; 
function SaveDC(DC: HDC): Integer;
function ScreenToClient(Handle : HWND; var P : TPoint) : Integer;
//function ScrollWindow --> independent deprecated calls ScrollWindowEx
function ScrollWindowEx(hWnd: HWND; dx, dy: Integer; prcScroll, prcClip: PRect; hrgnUpdate: HRGN; prcUpdate: PRect; flags: UINT): Boolean;
function SelectClipRGN(DC : hDC; RGN : HRGN) : Longint;
function SelectObject(DC: HDC; GDIObj: HGDIOBJ): HGDIOBJ;
function SelectPalette(DC: HDC; Palette: HPALETTE; ForceBackground: Boolean): HPALETTE;
function SendMessage(HandleWnd: HWND; Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam): LResult;
function SetActiveWindow(Handle: HWND): HWND;
function SetBkColor(DC: HDC; Color: TColorRef): TColorRef;  //pbd
function SetBkMode(DC: HDC; bkMode : Integer): Integer;
function SetCapture (AHandle: HWND): HWND;
function SetCaretPos(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
function SetCaretPosEx(handle: HWnd; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
function SetCursor(hCursor: HICON): HCURSOR;
function SetCursorPos(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
function SetFocus(hWnd: HWND): HWND;
function SetForegroundWindow(hWnd : HWND): Boolean;
function SetMapMode(DC: HDC; fnMapMode : Integer): Integer;
function SetMenu(AWindowHandle: HWND; AMenuHandle: HMENU): Boolean;
function SetParent(hWndChild: HWND; hWndParent: HWND): HWND;
function SetProp(Handle: hwnd; Str : PChar; Data : Pointer) : Boolean;
//function SetRect --> independent
function SetRectRgn(aRGN: HRGN; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer): Boolean;
//function SetRectEmpty --> independent
function SetROP2(DC: HDC; Mode: Integer): Integer;
function SetScrollInfo(Handle: HWND; SBStyle: Integer; ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo; Redraw : Boolean): Integer;
//function SetScrollPos --> independent
//function SetScrollRange --> independent
function SetStretchBltMode(DC: HDC; StretchMode: Integer): Integer;
function SetSysColors(cElements: Integer; const lpaElements; const lpaRgbValues): Boolean;
function SetTextCharacterExtra(_hdc : hdc; nCharExtra : Integer):Integer;
function SetTextColor(DC: HDC; Color: TColorRef): TColorRef;
//function SetTimer --> independent
function SetWindowLong(Handle: HWND; Idx: Integer; NewLong : PtrInt): PtrInt;
function SetViewPortExtEx(DC: HDC; XExtent, YExtent : Integer; OldSize: PSize): Boolean;
function SetViewPortOrgEx(DC: HDC; NewX, NewY: Integer; OldPoint: PPoint): Boolean;
function SetWindowExtEx(DC: HDC; XExtent, YExtent: Integer; OldSize: PSize): Boolean;
function SetWindowOrgEx(dc : hdc; NewX, NewY: Integer; OldPoint: PPoint): Boolean;
function SetWindowPos(hWnd: HWND; hWndInsertAfter: HWND;
       X, Y, cx, cy: Integer; uFlags: UINT): Boolean;
function SetWindowRgn(hWnd: HWND; hRgn: HRGN; bRedraw: Boolean): longint;
function ShowCaret(hWnd: HWND): Boolean;
function ShowScrollBar(Handle: HWND; wBar: Integer; bShow: Boolean): Boolean;
function ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): Boolean;
function StretchBlt(DestDC: HDC; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; SrcDC: HDC; XSrc, YSrc, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: Integer; Rop:  Cardinal): Boolean ;
function StretchDIBits(DC: HDC; DestX, DestY, DestWidth, DestHeight, SrcX,
  SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: Integer; Bits: Pointer; var BitsInfo: TBitmapInfo;
  Usage: UINT; Rop: DWORD): Integer;
//function SubtractRect --> independent
function SystemParametersInfo(uiAction: DWord; uiParam: DWord; pvParam: Pointer; fWinIni: DWord): LongBool;  
function TextOut(DC: HDC; X,Y : Integer; Str : Pchar; Count: Integer) : Boolean;
function UpdateWindow(Handle: HWND): Boolean;
//function UnionRect --> independent 
function WindowFromPoint(Point : TPoint) : HWND;

Platform independant

function AdjustWindowRectEx(Var Rect: TRect; Style1: Word; MenuExist : Boolean; Style2 : Word) : Boolean;
function CharLower(c: char): char; inline;
function CharLowerBuff(pStr : PChar; Len : Integer): Integer;
function CharUpper(c: char): char; inline;
function CharUpperBuff(pStr : PChar; Len : Integer): Integer;
function CopyRect(var DestRect: TRect; const SrcRect: TRect): Boolean;
function CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(const ARect: TRect): HRGN;
function CreateFont(Height, Width, Escapement, Orientation, Weight: Integer;
  Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, CharSet, OutputPrecision, ClipPrecision,
  Quality, PitchAndFamily: Byte; FaceName: PChar): HFONT;
function CreatePen(Style, Width: Integer; Color: TColorRef): HPEN;
function CreateRectRgnIndirect(const ARect: TRect): HRGN;
function CreateSolidBrush(Color: TColorRef): HBRUSH;
function EqualRect(const lprc1, lprc2: TRect): Boolean;
function GetScrollPos(Handle: HWND; nBar: Integer): Integer;
function GetScrollRange(Handle: HWND; nBar: Integer; var lpMinPos, lpMaxPos: Integer): Boolean;
function GetRValue(RGB : DWORD) : BYTE; inline;
function GetGValue(RGB : DWORD) : BYTE; inline;
function GetBValue(RGB : DWORD) : BYTE; inline;
procedure GetRGBValues(RGB : DWORD; out R, G, B: Byte); inline;
procedure GetRGBIntValues(RGB : DWORD; out R, G, B: integer); inline; 
function IndexToOverlayMask(iOverlay: UINT): UINT; inline;
function InflateRect(var ARect: TRect; dx, dy: Integer): Boolean;
function IntersectRect(var DestRect: TRect; const SrcRect1, SrcRect2: TRect): Boolean;
function IsCharAlphaNumeric(c : Char) : Boolean;
function IsRectEmpty(const ARect: TRect): Boolean; 
function KillTimer(Wnd: HWND; uIDEvent: UINT_PTR): BOOL;
function MakeLong(A,B: Word): DWORD; inline;
function MakeROP4(fore, back: DWORD): DWORD;inline;
function MakeWord(A,B: Byte): Word; inline;
function MakeWParam(l, h: Word): WPARAM; inline;
function MakeLParam(l, h: Word): LPARAM; inline;
function MakeLResult(l, h: Word): LRESULT; inline; 
function OffsetRect(var Rect: TRect; dx,dy: Integer): Boolean; inline; 
function PtInRect(const Rect : TRect; const Point : TPoint) : Boolean; inline;
function PointToSmallPoint(const P : TPoint) : TSmallPoint; inline; 
function RGB(R, G, B : Byte) : TColorRef; inline;
function ScrollWindow(hWnd: HWND; XAmount, YAmount: Integer; Rect, ClipRect: PRect): Boolean; inline;
function SetRect(var ARect : TRect; xLeft,yTop,xRight,yBottom : Integer) : Boolean;
function SetRectEmpty(var ARect: TRect): Boolean;
function SetScrollPos(Handle: HWND; nBar, nPos: Integer; bRedraw: Boolean): Integer;
function SetScrollRange(Handle: HWND; nBar, nMinPos, nMaxPos: Integer; bRedraw: Boolean): Boolean;
function SetTimer(Wnd: HWND; nIDEvent: UINT_PTR; uElapse: UINT;  lpTimerFunc: TTimerProc): UINT_PTR;
function SmallPointToPoint(const P : TSmallPoint) : Tpoint;
function SubtractRect(out lprcDst: TRect; const lprcSrc1, lprcSrc2: TRect): Boolean; 
function UnionRect(var DestRect: TRect; const SrcRect1, SrcRect2: TRect): Boolean; //pbd

Platform specific stuff

function AddEventHandler(AHandle: THandle; AFlags: dword; AEventHandler: TWaitHandleEvent; AData: PtrInt): PEventHandler;
function AddProcessEventHandler(AHandle: THandle; AEventHandler: TChildExitEvent; AData: PtrInt): PProcessEventHandler;
function AddPipeEventHandler(AHandle: THandle; AEventHandler: TPipeEvent; AData: PtrInt): PPipeEventHandler;
function AllocateHWnd(Method: TLCLWndMethod): HWND;
function AskUser(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage: string; DialogType: LongInt; Buttons: TDialogButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): LongInt;
 // ! ClipboardGetFormats: List will be created. You must free it yourself with FreeMem(List) !
procedure CallDefaultWndHandler(Sender: TObject; var Message);
function ClipboardFormatToMimeType(FormatID: TClipboardFormat): string;
function ClipboardGetData(ClipboardType: TClipboardType; FormatID: TClipboardFormat; Stream: TStream): boolean;
function ClipboardGetFormats(ClipboardType: TClipboardType; var Count: integer; var List: PClipboardFormat): boolean;
function ClipboardGetOwnerShip(ClipboardType: TClipboardType; OnRequestProc: TClipboardRequestEvent;  FormatCount: integer; Formats: PClipboardFormat): boolean;
function ClipboardRegisterFormat(const AMimeType: string): TClipboardFormat;
function CreateEmptyRegion: hRGN;
function CreatePixmapIndirect(const Data: Pointer; const TransColor: Longint): HBITMAP;
function CreateRegionCopy(SrcRGN: hRGN): hRGN;
function CreateRubberBand(const ARect: TRect; const ABrush: HBrush = 0): HWND;
function CreateStandardCursor(ACursor: SmallInt): hCursor;
function DCClipRegionValid(DC: HDC): boolean;
procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
procedure DestroyRubberBand(ARubberBand: HWND);
procedure DrawDefaultDockImage(AOldRect, ANewRect: TRect; AOperation: TDockImageOperation);
procedure DrawGrid(DC: HDC; const R: TRect; DX, DY: Integer);
function ExtUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Options: Longint; Rect: PRect; Str: PChar; Count: Longint; Dx: PInteger): Boolean;
function FontCanUTF8(Font: HFont): boolean;  deprecated;
function FontIsMonoSpace(Font: HFont): boolean;
function Frame3d(DC: HDC; var ARect: TRect; const FrameWidth : integer; const Style : TGraphicsBevelCut): Boolean;
function GetAcceleratorString(const AVKey: Byte; const AShiftState: TShiftState): String;
function GetAvailableNativeCanvasTypes(DC: HDC; AAllowFallbackToParent: Boolean = False): TNativeCanvasTypes;
function GetAvailableNativeHandleTypes(Handle: HWND; AAllowFallbackToParent: Boolean = False): TNativeHandleTypes;
function GetCaretRespondToFocus(handle: HWND; var ShowHideOnFocus: boolean): Boolean;
function GetClientBounds(handle : HWND; var ARect: TRect) : Boolean;
function GetCmdLineParamDescForInterface: string;
function GetControlConstraints(Constraints: TObject): boolean;
function GetDCOriginRelativeToWindow(PaintDC: HDC; WindowHandle: HWND; var OriginDiff: TPoint): boolean;
function GetDesignerDC(WindowHandle: HWND): HDC;
function GetDeviceSize(DC: HDC; var p: TPoint): boolean;
function GetLCLOwnerObject(Handle: HWnd): TObject;
function GetNativeCanvas(DC: HDC; AHandleType: TNativeCanvasType; AAllowFallbackToParent: Boolean = False): PtrInt;
function GetNativeHandle(Handle: HWND; AHandleType: TNativeHandleType; AAllowFallbackToParent: Boolean = False): PtrInt;
function GetScrollBarSize(Handle: HWND; SBStyle: Integer): integer;
function GetScrollbarVisible(Handle: HWND; SBStyle: Integer): boolean;
function GetWindowRelativePosition(Handle : hwnd; var Left, Top: integer): boolean; 
function IntfSendsUTF8KeyPress: Boolean;  deprecated;
function InvalidateFrame(aHandle : HWND; ARect : pRect; bErase : Boolean; BorderWidth: integer) : Boolean;
function IsDesignerDC(WindowHandle: HWND; DC: HDC): Boolean;
function IsMobilePlatform: Boolean;
function IsCDIntfControl(AWinControl: TObject): Boolean; 
function MoveWindowOrgEx(dc : hdc; dX,dY : Integer): boolean;
function PromptUser(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : PLongint; ButtonCount, DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint) : Longint;
function PromptUserAtXY(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : PLongint; ButtonCount, DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint; X, Y : Longint) : Longint;
function RadialArc(DC: HDC; left, top, right, bottom, sx, sy, ex, ey : Integer): Boolean;
function RadialChord(DC: HDC; x1, y1, x2, y2, sx, sy, ex, ey : Integer): Boolean;
function RadialPie(DC: HDC; x1, y1, x2, y2, Angle1, Angle2: Integer): Boolean;
function RawImage_CreateBitmaps(const ARawImage: TRawImage; out ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ASkipMask: Boolean = False): Boolean;
function RawImage_DescriptionFromBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP; out ADesc: TRawImageDescription): Boolean;
function RawImage_DescriptionFromDevice(ADC: HDC; out ADesc: TRawImageDescription): Boolean;
function RawImage_FromBitmap(out ARawImage: TRawImage; ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP; ARect: PRect = nil): Boolean;
function RawImage_FromDevice(out ARawImage: TRawImage; ADC: HDC; const ARect: TRect): Boolean;
function RawImage_QueryDescription(AFlags: TRawImageQueryFlags; var ADesc: TRawImageDescription): Boolean;
function RegroupMenuItem(hndMenu: HMENU; GroupIndex: integer): Boolean;
function ReleaseDesignerDC(hWnd: HWND; DC: HDC): Integer;
procedure RemoveEventHandler(var AHandler: PEventHandler);
procedure RemoveProcessEventHandler(var AHandler: PProcessEventHandler);
procedure RemovePipeEventHandler(var AHandler: PPipeEventHandler);
function RequestInput(const InputCaption, InputPrompt : String; MaskInput : Boolean; var Value : String) : Boolean; 
procedure SendCachedLCLMessages;
function SetCaretRespondToFocus(handle: HWND; ShowHideOnFocus: boolean): Boolean;
function SetComboMinDropDownSize(Handle: HWND; MinItemsWidth, MinItemsHeight, MinItemCount: integer): boolean;
procedure SetEventHandlerFlags(AHandler: PEventHandler; NewFlags: dword);
procedure SetRubberBandRect(const ARubberBand: HWND; const ARect: TRect);
function ShowSelectItemDialog(const AItems: TStrings): Boolean;
function StretchMaskBlt(DestDC: HDC; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; SrcDC: HDC; XSrc, YSrc, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: Integer; Mask:  HBITMAP; XMask, YMask: Integer; Rop: DWORD): Boolean ;
function TextUTF8Out(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer;  Str: PChar; Count: Longint): Boolean;
function ExcludeClipRgn(dc: hdc; rgn : hrgn) : Integer;
procedure NotifyUser(const DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint);
procedure NotifyUser(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint);
procedure NotifyUserAtXY(const DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; X, Y : Longint);
procedure NotifyUserAtXY(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; X, Y : Longint); 
function PromptUser(const DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : Array of Longint; DefaultIndex, EscapeResult :  Longint) : Longint;
function PromptUser(const DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : PLongint; ButtonCount, DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint) : Longint;
function PromptUser(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : Array of Longint; DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint) : Longint;
function PromptUserAtXY(const DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : Array of Longint; DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint; X, Y : Longint) : Longint;
function PromptUserAtXY(const DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : PLongint; ButtonCount, DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint; X, Y : Longint) : Longint;
function PromptUserAtXY(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage : String; DialogType : longint; Buttons : Array of Longint; DefaultIndex, EscapeResult : Longint; X, Y : Longint) : Longint;